; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, janvier 23, 2014

Slap-Happy Entity Gets Spooked

I recently received this email from a reader:

Dear Mr. Strickler, the episode I'm about to report has happened to my father, a very serious and - to some extent - skeptical person, back in the 50's here in Brazil. My dad, in his 30's, was still married to his first wife back then. The case happened in a property that was built by him (he supervised the construction of the house), hence it was not your typical old haunted house. No disturbances of any kind had happened there prior to this.

One day, my father was sitting in the living room when suddenly a loud cracking noise was heard. Upon checking the noise, he noticed that a wooden cabinet, which was used to store china and porcelain utensils (mugs, saucers, cups etc.), had fallen. Apparently the wooden footboards have mysteriously broken loose and the cabinet fell over itself. Not understanding what had just happened, and angry for some of the mugs got broken with the fall, dad then witnessed a small lusterware light fixture fall over the living room table and break. Out of the blue!

When he realized what had just happened, my father shouted in anger something like this: "Damn! There is something strange in this house!" Then suddenly, he took a slap in the face. There was nobody in the room, he was all alone, yet my father's wife heard the slap and ran from the kitchen to see what had happened. Interestingly, my father's face got marked in red as if he had been really slapped by a person. On that same day, dad fixed the light fixture and had it placed to its proper place. The next day, however, the light fixture did mysteriously appear behind a door - as if someone had removed it from the ceiling one more time and silently thrown it there. Weird! After the episode, neither my father nor his wife noticed anything strange in the house again. Two decades later, dad got divorced and soon married to my mother, never to live in that house again. I believe the story because my father is a very serious person and is not prone to fantasies. - MG, São Paulo, Brazil

NOTE: The ability for the entity to cause large items to move and the force of the slap should have been an indication for concern. In some instances, an entity will have the wherewithal to simply 'move off'...for whatever reason. I believe that the father's strong will and reaction may have 'spooked' the spook. Lon

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