Here are a few unusual experiences and encounters submitted by readers over the years:
Some time in the 1950’s I was visiting with my friend’s family in Toronto, Ont. Canada, where I grew up My friend’s father who was a respected chemist/scientist told me a story that had happened to him recently. He had returned home one evening to find a strange looking dog on his veranda. The dog seemed to want to come in the house with him and he, feeling sorry for the dog in the cold of the late fall, took the dog in, fed it and put an old coat on the floor in the kitchen for a bed. In the morning he let the dog out and it trotted away.
Later that day he received word that his brother, who lived in New York City, had died suddenly. He made arrangements to leave immediately for New York. When he arrived there many hours later, he made his way to his late brother’s home. He rang the doorbell and waited for his sister-in-law to let him in. When she opened the door he saw beside her the dog that had visited him the previous night.
Dr. M was very quiet after telling me this story. I don’t think he shared it with his family and this is the first time I have related it and it happened about 65 years ago. EM
Hi, back in 1980, a friend and I were in high school and spent a lot of time exploring the desert near Tucson, Arizona. One night in October (don't remember the date), I was spending the night at his house. He lived in a old ranch house that had a old barn/shed near a dry river bed where we used to sleep in so we could talk and wander around at night. This night was a little cold for October and it was clear with no moon.
Anyhow, it was around 1 AM and we were about a mile away from his house in the riverbed talking. We had a miner's lamp that was operated by a 12 volt battery and was worn on his head. It cast a half mile beam. Ahead of us was a tall (20 plus feet) Palo Verde tree which was very thickly covered with branches so we couldn't easily see the other side. Suddenly, the tree shook violently and we heard a loud snort like sound. Fearing a pack of Javalinas (wild pigs) or maybe a loose bull we froze. My friend shone his light on the tree about our eye height and we saw nothing. The tree shook again but higher up. He fixed the light on the tree about 15 feet off the ground. What we saw we will never forget, two big blue eyes set about 1 foot apart! Again the tree shook followed by the sound of 2 heavy feet running the other way. Needless to say, we ran the other way!
The next day we returned to search the area. We found large footprints going the other way. The strange thing is there were sightings of strange lights in the area skies for the next couple of weeks. This happened on the west side of town at the base of the Tucson Mountains.
Dear Lon,
I am writing about an incident that happened a while back. I live on an acreage 5 1/2 miles from the town of Hampton, Iowa. Late last summer there was an incident in the town that we heard over the police scanner about 9:30-10:00 p. m. People were calling in to the police department saying they were having trouble sleeping because there was a bright blue light just pouring through their windows.
After several of these calls, one police officer came on the scanner saying that he was a few miles on the edge of town and he could actually see what was a vivid blue ceiling type effect covering the whole town.
Within minutes, there were several calls coming in from the different officers and a few business owners saying that their electronic gadgets, ie: door locks, shop lights, etc. were all going crazy. The police, who have as part of there nightly rounds check all the doors on the main street businesses to make sure they are locked, were reporting that they were having to backtrack and redo their routine.
I couldn't see anything from where I live and after a small amount of time, nothing else was said. I imagined they might have switched channels or scrambled the channel. The next day when I went to town and asked a few people who I know to be fairly open minded like myself, if they had seen/heard anything about the blue light or the electric gadgets freaking out. Nobody seemed to know anything or to have heard anything.
I waited for our weekly paper to come out and checked the neighboring town papers for anything about it, but, nothing showed up. I just wanted to know if anyone else has written about this or if anyone has ever had anything like this happen in their area.
Hello Lon - In 1987, I experienced an event in which I later recalled while under hypnosis. After the regression session, I was able to remember some other details including that I had missed about three hours during the incident.
I was living in Arizona near the Santa Catalina Mountains. One afternoon as I was sitting in a lounge chair on our back porch I suddenly realize that I was being dragged into a craft by two small aliens. The next thing I remembered was waking up on a table inside the small craft. A guide greeted me and gave me something to drink. I believe that it was a stimulant of some kind because I was not sleepy after I drank the substance. In fact, the taste was quite pleasing. I was then taken out of the craft, looked around noticed I was standing on top of a hill. It was dark, but I noticed a light near a cavern. I walked up to this area and it was then that I saw a man, dressed in a red military type jump suit.
My guide seemed to know this man as he greeted him. I also noticed that he wore some type of patch and was carrying an automatic weapon. When we walked into the tunnel, I realized they we going right into the side of a large hill or mountain. There we met with another guard in red and I saw a computerized checkpoint with two cameras on each side. To my left was a large groove where a small transit vehicle carried people further inside. To my right I saw a long hallway where there were many offices. We took the transit car and went for what seemed to be a very long time to another secure area. I was then told to step onto some type of device that looked like a scale and face the computer screen. I saw lights flashing and numbers computing and then a card was issued with holes punched into it. It appeared to be an ID card. My guide did not speak much but did tell me that we had just entered Level One of the facility.
I was eventually transported to a lower level where I witnessed additional armed guards. I was then taken down another hall and there I noticed a horrible putrid smell. I then saw huge tanks with computerized gauges hooked to them and a huge arm-like device that extended from the top of some tubing down into the tanks. In a large laboratory like room I noticed a small gray being with his back turned to me working on something at a computer. I was then told to sit on a table in the middle of the room. About this time a man (human) dressed like a doctor entered the room. He wore a white lab coat with a badge. The temperature in the room seemed awfully cold. By this time I was frustrated and began to cry and to tremble. Then suddenly I felt a stabbing pain. screamed and the human doctor stood next to me and rubbed something over my stomach. The pain immediately subsided. Soon I became drowsy and was returned to the porch. When I awoke I was laying on the porch floor by the door.
For several months after that day I knew something had happened but I was unable to comprehend what it was. That is why I sought medical help. I have not had any other encounters but believe that I will in the future though I was never told this. C
NOTE: Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? Send us an email...I'd be happy to feature your story on the blog. Detailed and concise accounts are appreciated. Thanks...Lon
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Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind
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