; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 06, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Ghost Causes 30+ Fires -- Wisconsin UFO / Alien Encounter -- Masking For Bigfoot

Female Child Ghost Causes More Than 30 Fires In House

NAKHON RATCHASIMA – January 3, 2014 [PDN]; journalists reported that there was a rumour about 30 mysterious fires at a house which had an unknown cause but was believed to be the soul of a 2-year-old girl ghost that resided in this house for over 30 years and she wanted to have the new house. Therefore, the journalists went to the house address 125 Moo 7 Ban Butatong, Tambon Na Klang, Amphur Soong Nern, Nakhon Ratchasima province, which was a one storey cement deteriorated house which was located close to the fence of Ban Nong Bon School in the area of more than 1 rai.

In the house, there were many traces of fire in the bedroom, living room, kitchen, 3 wardrobes that made of plywood had traces of being burnt some pillows and clothes in the wardrobes were burnt , utensils on the top of the refrigerator, plastic bags, kitchenware, electric wires, fish sauce bottles, glasses, spring mattress, etc. which totalled approximately 30 points. The house owner and all family’s members had to move their clothes and stuff out of the house and also moved the mattress in order to sleep in a shack under the tree outside the house because they were afraid that they will be set on fire again.

Mr. Withoon Jansoongnern, aged 31, who is the husband of the daughter of the house owner, told the journalists that the house was built 30 years ago and Mrs. Poon Jaesoongnern, aged 57, is the owner. The fire burning incidents occurred for the first time 4 days ago in the evening which is when the wardrobes were set on fire. At first, everyone thought that it was because of the electricity short circuit but after inspected the appliances and electric lines they didn’t find anything defective.

The following day there were many fires especially on December 31, 2013 which was New Year’s Eve and the Buddhist Sabbath .There were fires all day and all night which frightened everybody so they moved their belongings and slept outside the house.

Mr. Somjai Jaesoongnern, aged 30, who is the son of the house owner said that before the incidents occurred he had dreamt continuously for several nights that there was a girl, aged approximately 2 years old who pleaded to stay in this house but at first he didn’t pay attention about this matter and he also didn’t believe about the superstition but after the incident of fire burnings he asked a fortune teller who told him that there is a soul of a girl ghost named “Daeng” has resided in this house for over 30 years but she was not taken care of and she wanted to have the new and beautiful house to stay so she made trouble with this house. Mr. Somjai also said that he intends to invite the monks to perform the ritual of merit for the house and will build a shrine for the girl soul to stay in according to the ancient belief in order for everybody to stay in this house peacefully again.


UFO / Alien Encounter

River Falls, WI - 1971 - unedited: Several college friends had a UFO experience where they said they thought they seen a UFO. Somehow they said it made their car radio cut in and out strangely. I think even some other things happened to them.

Then the next day they told me about this and I said,"Take me out to this area where this all happened." We drove on Highway F outside the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus at night for about a few miles. I have no idea any more how long of a period that was. We remarked at the strange appearance of a almost ghostly image of a extremely skinny armed and legged being that even just about hovered but ran across the road very quickly but with extremely wide stride walking! It had no clothes whatsoever but appeared to have had only skin and possible bones and that is it! We both said simultaneously," WHAT WAS THAT!" We had no clue of what it was but I and the driver of the car in the fron seat, named Kathy Borgan at that time seen it together. Wendy Lindstrom in the back seat did not see it like we did in the front seat. The more I got to thinking about what exactly I had seen that night, I had even considered seeing a actual ghost! Then I thought it kept the distance apart from our car as it crossed the road. I also considered it to be a person made out of a "gas and not even skin and bone." It was that strange to figure out. I will never forget what I saw that night because it kept a 50-60 or even 70' distance from the front of the car as it crossed in front of us as we traveled on the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!Like with it's mind. (?)

Honest to God this is true. It was our 1970-1971 college school year. We were all freshman. I was at the University one more year after that. It could have even been in the tail end of 1970 instead of 1971 because too much time has gone since that happened. I don't remember reporting it to the police but we may have. We were scared. It also had no hair of any type. I can demonstrate how it walked across the road with it's skinny arms swinging and legs back and forth walking. - MUFON CMS

Weird Wisconsin: Your Travel Guide to Wisconsin's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

Oddball Wisconsin: A Guide to 400 Really Strange Places (Oddball series)

Strange Wisconsin


Hologram Phones Within 5 Years

It doesn't just appear in Star Wars when Luke Skywalker intercepts the message for Obi Wan from Princess Leia, but also in Futurama, Total Recall and countless other sci-fis and parodies, and now the 3-D hologram phone may be made available to you too!

The revolutionary communication technique is being masterminded by Polish telecommunications company Leia Display Systems, named after the 1977 classic's female hero. It has taken nearly forty years since we first saw the idea presented to us on the big screen, but now it looks as though science fiction will become science fact, and sooner than you may expect. According to the firm’s chief executive Marcin Panek, the hologram communication device could be available in as little as five years time.

“Our holograms will take video phone calls to the next level,” Panek promised in a statement (via The Mirror). “We are on the frontier of technology that was imagined in movies 40 years ago - it is science fiction becoming science fact. It will be as if loved ones, friends and family are standing right in front of you while you talk with them halfway across the world. At the moment, our holograms are made using machines that are more than six feet high but we are designing smaller versions that can be set up on a coffee table in a living room."

The new piece of technology will work using high tech cameras and water vapor to display the holograms. To make the call, a person sits in front of the camera, which is equipped with two lenses and a microphone, which then sends the image via the internet to the corresponding caller. The hologram generator then projects the image onto a screen made of water vapor. - Contact Music


Masking For Bigfoot

I received the following anecdote from a British reader:

Although I've not really got an interest in Bigfoot, Yeti and the like I do have an interesting tale to share. Way back in the mid-80s when I was in my last years at school our English teacher would often treat us to a tale of terror from a book he had. I can remember a tale about the vampire/beast found in a tomb (one of your recent posts discussed that one). One afternoon in class the teacher read us a tale about big foot. Memories a little vague, but here goes.

A man and women - there might have been children too - were camping in the deep forests of America. The bad weather led to them losing alot of equipment and eventually they found themselves lost. At some point a Bigfoot is sighted. Then more are sighted leading to the campers being held against their will by a small group of Bigfoot who stink of sweat, urine and excrement. To cut a long story short, the leader of the group takes a fascination in the contents of a back pack and pulls out a small metal box. It opens the box and sniffs it with its huge nostrils. The small box turns out to be snuff which doesn't agree with the Bigfoot, it falls to its knees choking allowing the family to flee to eventual freedom.

With this story in mind I was reminded of the movie Troll Hunter, where the film crew are told to smother your armpits and loins with Troll smell to mask their scent. Failing to do this will alert the Trolls and they`ll flee. Perhaps it's a good idea for Bigfoot hunters to employ a similar method? Mask their scent!

As I type this I've flicked through channels on the TV and guess what, Troll Hunter is on TV again....spooky. It premiered over here in the UK a week ago.

Regards, RT

NOTE: I can appreciate the thoughts of the reader...though, I sincerely doubt the majority of Bigfoot hunters / researchers will go to that extreme. Besides, they would first need to find the material in order to mask themselves. Some researchers use primate pheromone chips and the scent of animals living in the general vicinity...in particular deer musk, fox urine and other natural scents. As to its effectiveness, I suppose that's debatable. Lon



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