; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 27, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: 'Dream Chaser' Mini-Shuttle -- Reader's Comments: 'Uncovering Aliens' -- Charlie Sheen Hunting Nessie

'Dream Chaser' Mini-Shuttle

The Dream Chaser mini-shuttle is due to undertake its maiden voyage on November 1st, 2016.

The small winged vehicle is set to actively replace NASA's space shuttles by giving America the ability to once again send astronauts in to space without having to rely on Russia's Soyuz spacecraft.

Developed by the Sierra Nevada Corporation in conjunction with NASA, the Dream Chaser is 9m long and looks a lot like a small space shuttle. It will launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Centre atop an Atlus V rocket and can carry up to seven astronauts in to low-Earth orbit before returning to the Earth.

The Dream Chaser's maiden unmanned voyage is set to take place on November 1st 2016 with a manned mission to follow the year after. It is one of three shuttle replacements currently in development which also include Boeing's CST-100 capsule and the SpaceX Dragon. Read more at BBC


Reader's Comments: 'Uncovering Aliens'

Hi Lon. First, I would like to tell you that I think you have a very good website. You never fail to give everyone a clear, concise and interesting format to all the stuff on your site. You also provide us with your own interpretation at times without being judgemental or critical, particularly when subjects are inflammatory. You requested people's input regarding the new TV show, Undercovering Aliens, on Science channel, and I wanted to oblige with my general observations.

I watched the first two episodes and have mixed feelings about the program. On a positive note, the woman investigator (her name escapes me) asked relevant questions, and seemed compassionate toward the people she questioned. She seemed informed and was an interesting and attractive host for the program.

The investigator who did not trust the aliens and claimed to have been abducted, seemed to me to have a more logical response to aliens than the other guy who thought aliens were generally benign and were here for the benefit of mankind. The reason I say that is because this investigator who more or less trusted the aliens had a strange response when he was presented with a simple drawing of a mantis-like alien. He had earlier explained that he felt that aliens had no evil intent but appeared to become unnerved and nearly suffered a panic attack by simply looking at a drawing and had to leave for some fresh air. Why? He said something to the effect that he didn't want to be afraid of them. It seemed to me as if he had seen them before in a less than cordial situation somewhere or in some way, although he never stated that.

One of the sisters who claimed to have seen an alien standing in her bedroom doorway did not come across to me that she actually saw what she said she saw. In other words, she did not seem to have had a legitimate encounter. She explained that she was afraid, but she did not show me any symptoms of fear. Her little baseball bat was a little ludicrous, too. I just did not find her believable. The other sister seemed more truthful to me, but I wonder if she was just a better actor. This was my impression, and I might be wrong. I know if I saw an alien peering into my bedroom, I would scream loudly and either call for help or run from the room. Maybe I am just a bigger coward.

I was amused by the use of the black light that the one investigator used on the bedroom wall. Apparently, he was searching for alien sweat. Since when have we ever had exposure to THAT? And, even if we had, how did we learn about finding it with a black light? Gimme a break! I thought that idea was totally ridiculous.

I appreciated some of the maps and photographs presented on the program. There were some people in the group who raised their hands to indicate that they had either seen ufo's or had experienced alien encounters. That intrigued me, and I was hoping to see more of what these people had to say. I gotta say, I was disappointed when they didn't interview them. I assume there are likely other people who watched who feel the same way.

I will give the show another try, but so far I am not too thrilled. I hope it gets better.

Pat Q.


Charlie Sheen in Scotland...Hunting For the Loch Ness Monster

Hollywood hellraiser Charlie Sheen has hit the Scottish Highlands in a madcap bid to find the Loch Ness Monster.

The 47-year-old actor flew over from the States on his private jet and based his hunt from a fairytale castle on the southern shores of the loch.

The Two and a Half Men star has made the headlines in recent months for his increasingly eccentric outbursts and wild antics but was on his best behaviour during last week’s four-day trip.

The only time Charlie got close to misbehaving was when he climbed a Nessie sculpture on a roundabout, near Inverness.

Gobsmacked onlookers watched in disbelief as he posed for pictures on top of the wooden structure before visiting the city’s Debenhams store for some retail therapy.

Charlie revealed his madcap Nessie mission on Twitter, posing for a snap in what he called his “hunting gear”, a bronze battle helmet, along with actor friend, Brian Peck.

Referring to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - a $2 billion non-profit corporation – the caption said: “Once again MIT grant sanctioned archeologists Pekk & Sheen, rig battle gear for tonight’s sortie on the Loch Ness.” Read more at Mirror

The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence

Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals

The Loch Ness Monster and Other Unexplained Mysteries


Second woman charged after 2 children killed during attempted exorcism

A second Maryland woman has been charged with murder in connection with the Friday stabbing deaths of two children during an exorcism attempt, authorities said.

Two children died of multiple stab wounds and two others are hospitalized with undisclosed injuries, police said.

Monifa Denise Sanford, 21, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted first-degree murder, Montgomery County Police said.

Earlier, authorities announced that the children’s mother, Zakieya L. Avery, 28, also faces the same charges. Police said Saturday that Avery stabbed two of her children to death and wounded two others while attempting an exorcism.

Norell Harris, 1, and his sister, Zyana Harris, 2, suffered fatal stab wounds while their siblings, who are 5 and 8, were hospitalized, authorities said.

“Investigators have learned that the two defendants believed that they were performing an exorcism. The investigation into this motive and other aspects of the crime continue at this point,” police said. - CNN



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