; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, janvier 17, 2014

Are These Hauntings...Or Am I Haunted?

The following email was submitted a while back:

"I have had a number of weird experiences in my life, in different places. I don't know if I just happen to have lived in several "haunted" places or if I'm the one that's haunted. My Mom thinks I have a haunting that follows me around, but I don't have experiences everyplace I've lived. My kids have had a couple sightings too, once with a friend over and they all saw it. I'll include those, but neither of those experiences were in places where I had experiences. Weird."

"My first experience was in 1987, I lived in a basement apartment in Indianapolis, IN. I was in bed and woke up cold, there was a black mass shaped like a man at the end of my bed facing me, he stood there for about 10 seconds then turned and walked around the bed and through the wall that the bed was against. I had another experience in that apartment during the day, I saw a black form the size and shape of a spider kind of glide from the top of my bed, down the side, across the floor and into the closet. I was extremely arachnophobic back then and made my boyfriend tear apart the closet looking for a large spider, even though I knew it hadn't moved like one."

"In 2000 I lived in a trailer park in Lafayette,IN. My kids and their friend saw a ball of light manifest in the living room, then go down the hallway into my bedroom, then it turned left into my bathroom and disappeared by the time the kids followed it there."

"In 2003 I lived in an apartment in Salt Lake City,UT. My kids both apparently saw a girl standing in the kitchen doorway dressed in white and kind of glowing. I never saw anything there but it was a very old house built into the mountain and our apartment was underground in the back but ground level in the front."

"In 2004 I lived in a house in Adelanto, CA. The kids room was upstairs; me and the kids were up there talking, we were standing together at the foot of one of the beds and there's a dresser against the wall at the foot of the bed as well. Suddenly a glass music box sitting on the dresser slides forward off the dresser toward us, hits an open drawer and shatters. There was a sound that went with that, like something hit the dresser before it fell. Nothing else was disturbed. I thought mouse or lizard maybe, but it would have had to be big enough to see to move that music box, it was actually a glass water globe music box, kind of heavy."

"In 2005 I lived in the house around the corner from where I live now in Opelika, AL. Similar to my first experience in 87 I wake up cold, there's a blacker than the dark shape of a man, only this time he's standing a couple feet away from me next to the bed and it appears that he is moving closer to me. I yelled, and it went away. There was no furniture in that area of the room to be mistaken for a person, only a space to walk around the bed, then the wall. I had another experience in that house, this actually happened a few times there. I would be laying down in my bed and feel something sit on the bed next to me, one time there was an indentation in the bed about the size of a cat, but deeper I think than what a cat would make, and I say cat because there was a cat or two in the house at the time, there was no cat there, or even in the room."

"In 2008 I was a truck driver. I was in my truck in a truck stop in WV, somewhere along the 81 freeway I think. I was in the bunk reading, the light was on but I think I had fallen asleep for a minute. I'm fully awake though when I see a man's arm, in full color, Caucasian with a light blue tee shirt sleeve coming through my curtain. At first I thought I saw a head to go with it but the longer I looked, hoping it would go away, I realized the head was not a head but something I had on a cabinet there. The arm slowly retreated through the curtain, the curtain is not moving at all, I didn't want to move because I didn't want to get its attention. I thought if it knew I was awake it would come back instead of leave. I didn't go back to sleep that night til daylight was shining through my windows."

"I don't remember this experience, my mom told me about it, but I my first paranormal experience apparently happened when I was a kid, sometime between 1977 and probably 82. I told her there was a lady in white standing at the end of my bed."

"So, am I nuts? Or haunted? Or have a paranormal fan club? Or just sensitive to the presence of the paranormal? I know nowadays there are a lot of reports of seeing a "man shadow" apparition, but I had never heard about those kinds of sightings before I had mine. I wouldn't even want to be a ghost hunter, the experiences I've had in that area were terrifying. It's only a relief to know that this stuff is fairly common place and I may not be nuts after all." - LB

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