I received the following narrative from a longtime reader:
This is an experience I had many years ago. It began when I died and went to the other place. As usual I find myself up above the earth except that this time, instead of being about thirty feet above the earth, I find that I'm able to view the Earth as a whole. It was quite a sight.
My focus was moved towards an area of space nearer where I was. It was long, rectangularish, and was made up of many many smaller rectangular boxes all the same color but see-thru. Inside each one was a human being and I was focused on one in particular as I could see that one the best. The human in that one was a tall, Caucasian woman, who had the figure of a model and wore a nicely fitted skirt and shirt. This rectangle was an office with all the office furniture in it. I watched as the woman was standing out beyond the desk's front corner talking with her hands. She kept looking at the same spot as if someone were in front of her. I saw no one there and asked the person next to me if she was mentally ill. He said she was seeing a person in front of her, carrying on life as if the box she was in did not exist. I asked if she was on the earth somehow and I was just seeing her in this box like one would a tv. No, he said, the reality was that she was actually in the box and not on the Earth. She believed she was living on the earth and had no idea she was in this box.
Seeing all those other people in other boxes, I asked the person next to me if any of them were on the earth and was told they were not. Then, I asked if there were any humans on the earth and I was permitted to look for myself to get the answer to that question. I couldn't find any humans whatsoever on the Earth! It was lush with trees, plants, animals, birds, etc. It wasn't a perfect place as I could see that things did die and go back to the earth. I looked at the mass of blue rectangles again and thought that maybe it was better than people were not on the earth as people were always destroying things. I asked the person with me if this was what human beings were actually living like each and every day and was told that they were.
Then my focus moved to seeing these little shapes moving in and out of the blue mass of boxes. They were shaped like the typical ufos and so I asked what their purpose was or if they'd invaded the mass. I was told that these moved in and out of the mass to serve those in the boxes. I wondered how they would serve them and it came to me that this was how humans were given inspiration. Humans didn't notice these others moving around them. They did seem to hear them at least in their minds. That's all I remember about this incident right now. I don't know if there's more to it that I haven't remembered yet. Only time will tell. PR
On Life after Death, revised
What Happens When We Die: A Psychic's Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul's Journey After Death
Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon--Survival of Bodily Death

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