; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, décembre 15, 2013

Sketches: Who Is This?

NOTE: All current information can be found at Todd Sees Investigation (Ongoing)...Lon

For much of 2013, I have been a part of two important investigations that have required the talents of of several people worldwide. The Todd Sees Incident of Northumberland, PA is one of the cases. Since March 2013, there have been several new disclosures in the investigation. I am confident that a final report will be presented by the group in the not-so-distant future.

The 2nd investigation is still ongoing and is centered in southcentral Pennsylvania. At this time, I am required to be vague in the location and description of the case...though, I plan to detail the investigation in a future series on this blog.

Not too long ago, one of our researchers contracted a psychic artist as part of the 2nd investigation. As a result, two series of sketches were developed. One of the sketch series directly correlated to the 2nd case...but the other sketch series is an enigma. Since some of the same people have been involved in both cases, I have a sense that the other sketch series is the same person (the two sketches depicted) and may be related to the Todd Sees affair.

I realize that my request is a longshot, but any information that you can provide may be of use. Thanks...Lon
