During the 36th annual Kennedy Center Honors on Sunday, President Barack Obama joked that he was making history for going where no president had gone before.
While honoring Oscar-winning actress Shirley MacLaine -- who claims she has seen UFOs before, including "a mothership" -- Obama mentioned Area 51, a secret military installation north of Las Vegas that conspiracy theorists believe is home to crashed flying saucers and alien bodies.
"Now, when you first become President, one of the questions that people ask you is, 'what's really going on in Area 51?'" Obama said. "When I wanted to know, I'd call Shirley MacLaine."
"I think I just became the first President to ever publicly mention Area 51," Obama added. "How's that, Shirley?"
Waiting For Disclosure? Relax....Sit Back and Watch a Movie Instead
I will preface my comments by first stating that I truly believe that it is rational to assume that extraterrestrial beings exist and that these beings, in some capacity, may currently inhabit this planet. There has been speculation that our species is a hybrid of human and alien DNA. This may very well be true but it has yet to be to be confirmed scientifically. Then again, our DNA strain may be so ancient that distinct human and alien genes may be impossible to isolate. Nevertheless, this is not what I want to write about, at least not at this time.
Since the 1970’s, I have had a keen interest in UFOs and life beyond our planet. I suppose I can blame Erich Von Daniken, the late Dr. Carl Sagan and Mr. Robinson, a British-born and eccentric high school space science teacher who allowed me use of the school planetarium after classes. For many years, I poured over every book that dealt in these subjects. Sooner or later, like most people, responsibilities tend to give you less time to enjoy the pleasures of life. I continued my involvement in more terrestrial paranormal subjects but occasionally I would come across UFO and/or alien tinged incidents.
Since the 1950’s, Hollywood has been producing movies that deal with UFOs and alien beings. Most of the early films were full of hokey costumed creatures, tinfoil covered spacecraft and ridiculous story lines. On the other hand, we were given the impression that these aliens were either malevolent or were here to make sure the human species did not destroy itself.
Eventually, these B-movies science fiction thrillers evolved into high priced, computer enhanced mega productions that garnered millions of fans (ex. ‘Star Wars', ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, etc.). Technology provided instant gratification with the ability for anyone to pop a tape, then later a DVD, into the player at their convenience. We just sit back, relax and watch in high definition (and sometimes in 3D) wondrous interstellar craft and amazing alien beings interact with our species, either in the present time or long into the future. The plots and stories are a multiplicity of good vs. evil and everything in between.
Yes, I fell into the same trap. My interest in the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon was exacerbated by Hollywood’s magic and the ability to make me wonder if what they portrayed may actually be close to the truth. Whether we are just being entertained or witnessing a primer for what we can expect is the real question. In other words, are we being conditioned ...programmed, brainwashed ...however you want to phrase it ...made ready for the inevitable? Oh, hell...we all love a conspiracy theory!
In the summer of 1996, Twentieth Century Fox released the film Independence Day
‘Independence Day’ was written/directed by Ronald Emmerich and written/produced Don Devlin, the same pair who had previously created the film Stargate
In today’s ufology, it’s my opinion that a majority of witness comments and theories, certainly the most well-known accounts, are usually based on film narratives produced in the 90’s and beyond. There are popular notions that predate this period, namely famous UFO crashes and retrievals, but after some analysis it seems the bulk of the modern UFO lore can be traced to the last two decades, as well as to a handful of individuals.
I’m not implying that the UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon is somehow a myth. As I stated earlier, I believe there are beings of equal or higher intelligence that not only travel to this planet or dimension but may inhabit it as well. On the other hand, these beings and their appearance, mannerisms and mode of transportation are most likely not the same as our popular culture describes them. I’ll admit that I am as guilty as others in using some of these popular descriptions when I post on my blog, though I try to avoid it as much as possible.
We can debate the arguments for disclosure and if the world is ready for that reality, but at the end of the day, those arguments are still based on assumptions that still lack credible evidence. Even if there was some evidence that supported the theories that the government had intimate knowledge of alien beings, disclosing the existence or visitation to our planet of non-human entities would certainly qualify as a ‘world after’ event (ex. ‘world after 9/11’). I think the government knows more about UFOs and alien beings than it publicly acknowledges, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are covering up secret agreements, underground bases, genetic hybridization or any knowledge of where extraterrestrials come from.
Those people who are interested and involved in the study of UFOs and extraterrestrials need to look at the logical evidence that is provided and not compare it to the computer generated flash and stories used for entertainment. As well, an absolute need for disclosure serves only as security for our conscience. Real disclosure will not be on human terms. Disclosure will be on their terms, the extraterrestrials, whether we can accept that or not...Lon
Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [Blu-ray]
Close Encounters of the Third Kind [Blu-ray]
Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldly Beings

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