I recently received the following anecdote from a new reader:
I just stumbled on your website...well, not stumbled, actually, but was led there after watching a video on YouTube about Ted Bundy's ghost which mentioned 'Phantoms & Monsters.' Needless to say, I found your site to be quite interesting. One of the first things I read, out of curiosity, was Toxic Relationship or Vampire Attack by Dani Harper. This kind of peaked my interest because of something that pertains to me...or rather specifically, things that tend to occur around me and to me.
Allow me to explain: I was born prematurely in 1956, three months before I was supposed to be born. I weighed a little over 2 pounds, had a collapsed lung, and dropped to less than 2 pounds shortly after my birth. The doctor told my mother I would not survive, and she replied, "God wouldn't give me a child after twelve years just to take her away from me." He told her that if I survived the night, and start to put on weight, I just might live, but it would be a miracle.
In those days, they did not have neonatal intensive care units like they do today. I was put in a regular nursery with other babies. My father told me many times that babies who were healthy and normal started to die, and I began to thrive. I was so tiny that the wristband they were supposed to put on me, which just barely fit my father's thumb, fell off, so they had to pin it to my clothing.
Even nowadays, I find I can "draw" energy from around me. I used to belong to a coven in West Long Branch, NJ. We would all gather together for rituals during the full moon or on certain holidays, like Yule. On one such occasion, we gathered and then broke the circle to meditate together. The fireplace was lit and the room was very warm, but once we started to meditate, everyone stated how cold the room suddenly got, and began to shiver. I was the only one who was warm...and quite, well, content. Thunderstorms with lightning make me feel quite energized, and on another occasion, while in Manhattan for the Fourth of July, a friend and I decided to sit in Tompkins Square Park...my little girl was with us...and I told my friend to sit across from me...hold out her hands beneath mine, and let her mind go blank. I concentrated, and she said she felt a ball of energy between our hands and suddenly my daughter screamed with glee, and, my friend, gasped; around us must have been a hundred fireflies....just around us.
I've always known I was "different"....yes, I guess I relate to the whole "psychic vampire" thing. D
NOTE: It took me a fair amount of time to learn how to draw and store energy. When you mention that to most people they look at you like you're crazy...but I feel it is a natural ability that has been lost by a civilized society. Of course, there are some who use their energy-drawing ability to cause harm...which is unfortunate. It has been used against me and others I know on occasion. Nonetheless, it is an essential tool for those who heal others, as well as those who combat malevolent entities. Lon
Who are these 'energy or psychic vampires?'
While they may not suck the blood out of you, they do drain your energies leaving you depressed and irritable say Wiccans.
If you've ever been in a crowded train or party and come back home feeling physically sick, angry, cranky, or irritable for no reason, you were probably subjected to an attack from a psychic vampire according to Sangeeta Krishnan, High Priestess, Maya Wicca Tradition.
How to identify a 'psychic vampire'?
Shahrukh Vazir, a tarot reader and East Indian mystic, says, "People associate the word vampire with blood sucking creatures, however the concept of a 'psychic vampire' is slightly different because they do not suck your blood but drain you of your psychic energy. You can come across a psychic vampire anywhere - a screaming baby that makes you irritable, a crowded train, a walk in the hot sun. But if there is a problem, there is a solution to it. There are ways to protect oneself from this loss of energy. To start off, we should be aware that one is loosing psychic energy. Next, it is important to want to retain this energy. This intention is enough to shield oneself."
How spiritual healing can protect you?
Sangeeta adds, "Not everyone is vulnerable to a psychic attack. If you are well grounded, and your 'spiritual immunity' is high, you will be protected from all kinds of psychic attacks. If you identify a place or person that drains your energy (whether or not it is unintentional or malicious), the simplest way to deal with it in the short term is by staying away from the person/place/object. You can also visualize a bright, golden sphere surrounding your body that diverts all negative energy. One very simple way of protection is salt. Salt crystals are powerful protectors of energy and one of the best ways to protect yourself using salt is to put a fistful of pure, uniodized sea salt in your bath water. Crystals like obsidian and tourmaline can be placed at a spot or carried around as they absorb negative energy. Smudging a house (or yourself) with dhoop or smoke of frankincense is another way to energize and strengthen your auric field and prevent psychic attacks."
Mandaar Naik, who is also a mystic, believes in the power of spiritual healing and faith. He says, "Every living body in the universe is surrounded by invisible energy, which we often refer to as an 'aura'. It's channelized with each other, knowingly or unknowingly. All of us draw energy from each other, as well as send it. However, there are some people who are knowingly or unknowingly drawing energies from other people. Such individuals are like 'energy/psychic vampires'. To avoid becoming a victim, one can turn to Reiki, chanting mantras and practicing meditation. You can also use tantras eg. Shiv-Swar shastra are tools to shield one self from such people." - timesofindia
Click for video - Psychic Vampires (How to Recognize and Protect Yourself From an Energy Vampire)
Read Michelle Belanger's online edition of the Psychic Vampire Codex or buy it The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work
Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators & Parasites
The Psychic Vampires Guide: To Subtle Body Language and Psionics
The Psychic Energy Codex: A Manual For Developing Your Subtle Senses