; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, décembre 26, 2013

Daily 2 Cents: Pilot Reports UFO Encounter -- Mystery Dust Coats Texas -- Possible Abduction in Arizona

Pilot reports near-collision with a UFO

Safety watchdogs in the UK are investigating a pilot’s claims that he ducked to avoid a UFO he feared was going to smash into his plane at 34,000ft.

The captain of the packed Airbus A320 was flying above Berkshire when he spotted the silver object heading straight for the cockpit.

According to a safety report as he turned to look ahead, he perceived an object travelling towards them at what appeared to be the same level, slightly above the flight deck windscreen.

“Having very little time to focus, he was under the apprehension that they were on a collision course with no time to react,” the report states

“His immediate reaction was to duck to the right and reach over to alert the first officer; there was no time to talk to alert him.”

The stunned captain blurted out: “Did you see that?”

But his deputy who had not seen the UFO replied: “See what?”

The pilot’s behaviour made him fear there was a fault with their plane.

“The first officer turned and looked at him thinking some was wrong with the aircraft,” the report revealed.

The captain was so spooked by the incident in July that he reported the sighting to safety watchdogs at the UK Airprox Board , which investigates near-misses in British airspace.

He told experts he saw a flying object shaped like a cigar or rugby ball, which was “bright silver, metallic”.

The “near-miss” happened 20 miles west of Heathrow Airport, according to a report published last week.

An official probe said: “The pilot was subjected to a powerful impression of immediate danger caused by his perception of an object closing rapidly on his aircraft.”

But investigators, who did not reveal which airline was involved, failed to find any unidentified aircraft in the area at the time.

They added: “It wasn’t possible to trace the object or determine the likely cause of the sighting.” - SundayWorld

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Zimbabwe: Trio Kills 81-Year-Old Over 'Witchcraft'

An 81-year-old Murehwa man was fatally assaulted by two fellow villagers on Saturday on allegations of practising witchcraft. Acting Mashonaland East Provincial police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Norbert Muzondo confirmed the incident yesterday.He said police had arrested Never Chikurunhe (52) and Shorishi Miranza (22) in connection with the alleged murder.

Asst Insp Muzondo said Chikurunhe and Miranza were assisting with investigations into the death of Peter Goora of Manyange Village under Chief Mangwende.

He said on December 14 at around 11pm, Goora and his wife, Euna, were sleeping at their home when Chikurunhe and Miranza knocked on their door.

They persuaded Goora to join them for a drink at the nearby shops. When Goora opened the door the pair accused him of causing the death of their uncle, only identified as Tonderai, through witchcraft.

They assaulted Goora with logs and he died on the spot. Euna alerted other villagers and the case was reported to Murehwa police, who arrested Chikurunhe and Miranza.

Goora's body was taken to Murehwa Hospital Mortuary for a post-mortem. - AllAfrica


Mystery dust coats cars in Texas

Texas car wash owners got an early Christmas gift. Hundreds of people lined up to get their vehicles washed Sunday after finding them covered in a mysterious coating of red dust.

With three days to go before Christmas, there's a new mystery in the air. Not about Santa and his sleigh, but about Houstonians and their wheels.

"It's very strange to see all this red dirt on the cars and I've seen on many cars in front of me," said Naveed Saqiab.

It's being called mystery dust, and many folks told KTRK-TV they woke up to find it all over their cars.

The mystery dust blanketed so many cars the line at a car wash near rice village was long, extra long say customers.

"Then when I came up to here I didn't know it was gonna be like this. I've been to this car wash before, but it's like a club scene out here. Everyone's out here trying to get their car washed and everything," said Saqiab.

From Sugar Land to Spring, it seemed like everyone was talking about the mystery dust, even on social media.

"I was even on Twitter and they were talking about it on Twitter as well in the social media, so I don't know what it was, really," said Saqiad.

Some say they think they know what it could be.

"It's just like mud from the construction and stuff," said Carla Tello.

Others say they may have even seen it before.

"Only when we have pollen coming from the trees. That's what it looks like actually, but it's just not the right time of year," said John Stone.

Considering the time of year, perhaps one family has the right idea.

"Maybe some green dirt, some green touch on the sand from Santa, maybe that's where it's coming out from," said JC Inestrosa.

A meteorologist with KTRK-TV speculates it could be mud showers from Mexico. According to the national weather service, a dust and sand cloud was observed south of the border a few days ago. - KSDK


Possible Abduction

Nutrioso near Alpine, AZ - 7/5/2007 - unedited: I went to Alpine AZ to stay in a cabin for a few days near Nutrioso. I drove into Springerville to grab some chips, Dinty More cans, soups etc..I placed the cans on the counter (high counter, 40 inches) with other food. the counter is inverted L shape. The lower part of the L was the counter and the vertical would be the sink, stove area. I need to draw the room layout for you to understand the extreme oddness of the position. I watched Open Range, walked into kitchen area where sink is in the nook of the L. I placed plate and glass into the sink and was headed to bed around 9:00 - 9:15 typical bedtime for me. I was thinking about what room to sleep, the guest or masters. Then...

I woke up on my back, face to ceiling and head facing door, the door rug in front of my head halfway pushed up the door. Puzzling, since the rug has non-slip bottom I was about 2 feet away from the door, and my feet were facing other direction, and my back hurt severely. But my head and rest of body felt perfect (having arthritis) was not something I have felt in a long time. Almost euphoric.

I stood up and went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror and them turned around and looked at my back. There was a large round circle in the center of my back. Almost the exact size of Dinty More can, or some other can of food. I walked into the kitchen and examined the entire scene, no cans were moved, fell off but still stacked in a pyramid. Then I noticed the rug was not only half up the door, but it was upside down and this was very odd. I had swept the floor when i entered the cabin, shook the rug out in and placed it right side up, Black rubber bottom and polyester top.

How can i slip and fall, with my head, feet 8 feet away and angled out of the room? Nasty red circle in my back that I cannot reach. I later showed several others the next weekend. That is how long this was there. It did not bruise at all, slowly faded away.

I have never had any black outs, seizures. So I continued with the rest of the days there. When i got home, I began to have issues with memory, for example, names, places, dates. This affected me as I was a Grad Student. Since this incident, I now struggle with concentration issues starting exactly when this happened. - MUFON CMS

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