New York residents kept awake by eerie howling from new One World Trade Centre
Puzzled New Yorkers are reporting an eerie sound coming from the new One World Trade Centre building.
A strange howling sound from the building is even keeping local Tribeca residents up at night.
“I first heard this very eerie sound during Hurricane Sandy last year,” Kenny Cummings told the Tribeca Citizen.
The building’s 104-storey Freedom Tower is 1776-feet high (541 metres), making it the tallest building in the US. On top of the tower is a spire, which appears to be the source of the disturbing sound as wind races through its lattice-like design.
Mr Cummings, who raced outside to record the scene on a video posted to YouTube, said he has only heard the sound once since.
“At 3.15am Wednesday morning I awoke to the sound,” he said, adding that the noise was “two tones” and went on for hours.
“I couldn’t be sure what it was at first, but after a moment I realised it was the Trade Centre. Outside it was raining but the trees were calm. I can only imagine at that height the weather is different. I’m sure all of downtown hears this. It’s unmistakable and very chilling.”
The creepy, choral-like sound was first reported during Superstorm Sandy, when the building was lashed with strong winds and rain, turning the tower into a musical instrument. -
Click for video - 1 World Trade Center Wailing in the Wind -
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Who Believes in Bigfoot?
In 1958, outside a logging camp near Bluff Creek, California, an employee of a Humboldt County construction company spotted a set of oversized footprints much too large to be human and too humanlike to be ape. The Humboldt Times picked up the story, and the reporter, Andrew Genzoli, noted that the spotter and his construction crew, who had taken plaster casts of the prints (which were said to be 16 inches long), had given the mystery creature responsible for them a nickname: “Big Foot.”
Within a few days, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office announced that they believed the prints to be part of a hoax, and that they had their suspect ready to confess. When the Times tracked the suspect—Ray Wallace, a member of the crew—down, he vehemently denied any involvement or foul play. Coworkers of Wallace’s came forward with eyewitness accounts. Wallace’s brother “Shorty” claimed that the prints couldn’t have been a hoax, because nobody who worked in a logging camp all day could possibly have the energy to go around planting fake Bigfoot tracks afterward.
Forty-four years later, Ray Wallace died. Shortly afterward, his children confessed on his behalf. Wallace had, apparently, used a large pair of carved wooden feet to stomp tracks into the logging camp in 1958, and again in a few instances nearby in the years following. The person responsible for ushering the name “Bigfoot” into the popular lexicon was playing a joke on us all. The modern myth of Bigfoot, the tall, furry hominid with giant feet and an unparalleled knack for camouflage, was inextricably linked to the practice of hoaxing from the very start. Read more at Who Believes in Bigfoot?
Probing Extraterrestrial Abduction
In the United States the first story of abduction by extraterrestrials that received national attention was that of Betty and Barney Hill, a couple from New Hampshire who claimed to have been kidnapped in a UFO in 1961. There is, however, another, earlier, story of abduction. This one dates from 1957 and centers around Antônio Villas Boas, a farmer from rural Brazil.
According to Villas Boas, he was plowing fields with his tractor when he was taken against his will by a group of ETs measuring about 5 feet tall. On their spaceship he was put in a room where he saw some kind of gas come out of the walls, making him sick. Then a very attractive female, naked, with long platinum-blonde hair, fire-red pubic hair and deep-blue cat eyes, came to him and forced him to have intercourse. (I imagine he didn't resist much.)
According to Villas Boas, her intentions were quite clear: to produce a human-alien hybrid that she would raise on her planet. After he got back, Villas Boas noted he had burns on his body. A doctor from a reputable medical center diagnosed them as radiation burns. This doctor, Olavo Fontes, had contacts with the American UFO research group APRO. Villas Boas had no recollection as to how he got the burns.
The story gained worldwide popularity in the late 1950s. Many were led to believe its veracity for politically incorrect reasons, claiming that a "humble" farmer from rural Brazil was not be able to concoct such a tale. In reality, Villas Boas was not really humble or uneducated. His family owned large tracts of land and at least one tractor. He later became a lawyer and practiced until his death in 1992.
The overwhelming majority of scientists categorically deny that narratives of abductions are real in any way. Most cases are, if not plain hoaxes, the product of various kinds of abnormal psychological states.
American researcher and skeptic Peter Rogerson questioned the veracity of Villas Boas' narrative, arguing that an article about alien abduction had appeared in the widely popular magazine O Cruzeiro in November 1957. He noted that Villas Boas' story only started to gain popularity in 1958 and that Villas Boas could have predated his "encounter" to give it more credibility. Also, Rogerson argued that Villas Boas was influenced (as were many other abductees) by the popular, sensationalist narratives of ufologist Georges Adamski.
Most abduction stories have elements in common with that of Villas Boas: kidnapping in an alien spaceship, medical exams that center around the human reproductive system — or explicit sexual contact with extraterrestrials — and mysterious marks left on the body.
Carl Sagan, in his wonderful book Demon Haunted World, brings these elements together, arguing for a connection between what abductees say now and what narratives of mysterious sexual night encounters have been saying for ages.
There are mythologies dating back thousands of years, for example from Sumerian folklore of 2400 BCE, where a demon in either male or female form seduces people in their sleep. Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas wrote of the incubus and succubus demons that come during sleep to have sexual relations with unwilling humans. Similar stories appear in cultures across the world.
Meanwhile, the nearest star to Earth is about 4-light-years away. Our fastest spaceship would take some 100,000 years to get there. If intelligent aliens exist and came here, they would have technologies beyond anything we can dream of: capable of fast interstellar travel, able to come and go without a trace.
One also has to wonder about the alleged repetition of exams focusing on our sexual organs. Given their alleged technological prowess, you'd have to also believe that alien medical tech would be a bit more capable than it has been portrayed in abduction lore.
J. William Schopf, a paleontologist at the University of California, once said that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. In the case of alien abductions, it seems that very ordinary explanations are to be believed in the absence of extraordinary evidence.
This is not to say that scientists wouldn't love to have evidence of extraterrestrial life, especially intelligent life! But the fundamental precept of science is to base claims on evidence backed by verifiable data. Otherwise, why give scientific claims any credibility? - NPR
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