Alien implants ‘diamond tools would not cut it, that’s unheard of....'
Patients from around the globe are left confused after discovering alien implants in their body, and dye invisible to the naked eye on their skin. Material scientist Steve Colbern told the Voice of Russia that these unidentifiable implants and mystical dyes could be from extraterrestrial beings, as no tests can conclude what or where such strange markings have originated from.
To put it lightly, Steve Colbern and his colleague Dr. Roger Leir’s work day is nothing but average. Their day consists of dealing with patients who claim to have been abducted by UFOs or some alien entity. Even though an individual’s story may be hard to believe, there is no denying the factual evidence that stays under their skins, for years perhaps even decades.
"We use a stud finder. We use a small metal detector to detect for metallic objects in the skin, which works pretty well," Colbern explained to the Voice of Russia. In a situation where implants are lodged into patients, some elect to get them removed, especially if they are worried about potential future health concerns.
Presently, 17 people have had alien objects removed from their body with the help of Colbern and the team he works on. When these foreign objects are finally removed, they are then thoroughly checked for what properties they consist of. "We have reason to believe from reports that many of them measure syntax sensory information from subjects," Colbern explained. In other words, the objects that are implanted into people could be allowing the controllers of this implanted entity to see what they are seeing, and hear what they do.
From past observations, it has been noted that many of these objects have an intricate network carbon nano-tubes inside of the metal and the devices have been known to give off radio signals too. Still, not all objects give off a signal, they may not be operating for the time being and it is still unknown to humans if the owner of these implants is responsible for switching such sophisticated technology on and off, inside the body.
The most recent patient, who was in his 50s, that Colbern dealt with had remembered what happened to him when he was about 10 years old. The man recalls camping out in the forest with his friends when a UFO had taken him up, as he cannot forget them inserting something into his wrist. Decades later, he still had that object in his hand until Colbern and Dr. Leir were able to pull it out of him. "It was extremely hard, even diamond tools would not cut it and that’s unheard of," Colbern told about the properties of the foreign object taken from the patient’s body.
Besides the solidity of the object, it produced no type of inflammation, which never happens. Whenever a foreign object is in the body, it produces some degree of inflammation, however all of the unidentifiable objects found in patients who claim to have been abducted have no indication of inflammation.
If the foreign objects of unknown origin aren’t enough, there are different shades of dye which are left behind on the abducted ones. Colbern has been investigating the dye that is cobalt blue in color and stays on the skin of an abductee for about one month. "It’s a marker dye and can only be seen under ultra violet ray lighting and it’s almost impossible to wash off," the scientist explained.
Though the clues left behind over how objects were placed in a person’s body and why an unknown dye, invisible to the naked eye, gets splashed all over the victim of the incident are remarkable –there are gaps which leave the findings hard to accept at times. Two out of the three classes of people who live to tell the tales of an alien abduction are not credible enough to believe. The material scientists states that the first class of people are just mentally ill and nothing ever happened to them and the other class have been literally driven insane by their experience and cannot keep calm about it. There is only one class of people that are deemed reliable. These victims have had alien contact and are able to keep a level head about it—giving details about their journey.
Past research has shown that many abductees are exposed to a good amount of radiation which has either made them highly resistant or susceptible to chemicals and radiation. "It would be nice for people to take this seriously because it’s one of the biggest stories of the 21st century that we’re not alone in the universe and we’re being visited," Colbern explained and then added "There are so many lines of evidence." Though there are loads more tests to conduct and data to dig into—the information discovered although unknown is astounding. Perhaps one day we will realize as a planet that visitors to the place we call home is more fact than fantasy. - Voice of Russia
Casebook: Alien Implants (Whitley Strieber's Hidden Agendas)
The Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants in Humans (New Millennium Library, V. 6)
The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported
Another Falkville Metal Man?
In reference to The Falkville Metal Man
Hi Lon,
I read this and was shocked because I had never heard of it before and I think I may have seen the same thing when I was a kid. I just wanted to share the story with you.
I was probably 10 or so years old when this happened…which means mid ’70’s. My memory is like it was a series of dreams that I had about this “robot”. Now after reading this story I wonder if it really happened. Mostly my memory is of me being very scared and running away or trying to hide from this thing. I was always at my house (where I grew up) and alone. The most prominent memory is of sitting at the kitchen table when the robot man suddenly is outside the window looking at me. I got up and started trying to find places to hide, but it always seemed to find me.I don’t really have any memory of it actually catching me or doing anything to me, but I know that my instinct was to not let it find me at all. I even have a memory of trying to get into the basement of the house and hiding under the stairs, watching it look for me.
What’s funny is that it all stopped as fast as it started. I had these “dreams” for a while very frequently and then suddenly they just stop and there is no more memory. Even thinking about this and writing it stirs up the fear I felt as a child hiding. What struck me is that the description and even the picture looks exactly as my memory of what I encountered.
Have you ever heard of any other encounters?
Levitation & Lost Time
Canton, OH - 7/1995 - unedited: I was 16 and I am now 29. I came home from a friends house in the summer of 1995. It was like any other night. I went into my room and turned on the television and started to watch tv. It was 10:30 pm est because my digital clock was right beside my tv. I was not sleeping, was not laying down just sitting on my waterbed and the brightest light I have ever seen appeared outside my bedroom window. It was so bright my room was totally whited out from it. All I could hear was this pulsing sound vmm...vmm...vmm...vmm, over and over. The next thing I know I can't move. I was't sleeping or tired or on any medicine. I was fully awake! I was then levitated out of my room through my wall into the whiteness that was outside. Instantly I was taken down a dark hallway, I was on my back being pulled on some type of cart. There was something pulling me but I couldn't see what it was. I was taken into another room and was injected with a clear liquid into my right arm that made me feel very disoriented. The next memory I have is being levitated back through my wall and onto my bed. I jumped up and it was 3:30 am on my clock. I was gone for 5 hours. Everyone was asleep. No-one saw the light. I asked my brothers and my mother and they never saw or heard anything. I remember this so vividly. I told everybody and the only ones who believe me were my older brother and my mother who is now deceased as she died this past May 21st 2008. I know what I saw was real, was not under any drugs or alcohol or under sleep paralysis. I have never seen a light so bright and that sound haunts me to this day. I will never forget it. I never saw what was pulling me down the hallway, just the back of whatever it was as it was a dark hallway. I want to know what I was injected with. I do not fear ridicule as peoples close-mindedness is their own weakness. I am a man of logic and math. I never layed down to go to sleep nor have I ever sleptwalked or had any delusions. I just want to know why me! - MUFON CMS
Cairo snow: Egyptian capital sees snowfall for the first time in 112 YEARS
Abnormal weather across the Middle-East has seen snow in some regions for the first time in decades.
Cairo is traditionally associated with sweltering hot conditions and a sandy desert landscape, but Egyptians waking up in the capital this week were in for a surprise when unusual weather conditions meant that the city had been blanketed in thick snow for the first time in 112 years.
Stunned locals walked out of their homes to be greeted with snow-covered streets and sand dunes, prompting a Twitter frenzy as people took photographs and posted them online. Some, such as a photograph of a camel surrounded by a blanket of white, emphasized the unusual nature of the situation. For many who had never traveled abroad it was the first time they had ever seen snow.
The freak weather hasn't been limited to Egypt either, elsewhere in the region countries such as Syria, Israel and Turkey have also been experiencing heavy snowstorms and freezing temperatures. Read more at Mirror
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