; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, novembre 11, 2013

Flashing Lights on the Moon

I received the following information on the evening of November 9th. Does anyone have confirmation of this event?

Hi my name is Mark Alonso, I'm 21 years old and I live in Lakewood, California. So anyway it was about 7:15 and I was hangin out in my room, which is in the back house, and I started getting hungry so I went inside a made a microwave dinner. After my food was done I started walking back to my room, when I got to the backyard I looked at the sky, and immediately as I looked up, I shit you not, I saw a bright red flash of light by the lower left side of the moon. I stopped and starred at the moon for a good five minutes, still holding my food, I thought I was gonna see it again and realize it was a plane, but no. I set my food down and ran to get my brother to watch the moon with me. We never saw the red flash again, but we saw more strange lights. After about thirty minutes from seeing the red light, and from just starring at the moon, we noticed a bright white flash of light coming from the left of the moon, it happened precisely 6 times, flashing on an average of 5 to 6 minutes apart. Then they just stopped all together. It literally just happened and I've been searching online since. I thought I'd let the internet (the world) know. Thanks for your time

Ancient Aliens on the Moon

Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, Enlarged and Revised Edition

The NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, Censored Photos , and The Face on Mars

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