Scientist Has Proof of Alien Life?
Aliens are living above the clouds, a team of British scientists says.
University of Sheffield researchers launched a balloon 27km into the stratosphere on July 31, using microscopic studs to act as a kind of "fly paper" to harvest samples from the edge of space.
When the balloon landed, it had carried back small biological organisms.
Professor Milton Wainwright said he was "95 per cent convinced" they originated from space.
"There is no known mechanism by which these life forms can achieve that height. As far as we can tell from known physics, they must be incoming," he said.
The team's findings are published in the Journal of Cosmology. - MSN
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Norway's 'Vertical Cemetery'
A "vertical cemetery", in which the dead are buried in a modular high-rise tower, has been commended as "a highly original contribution" at an Oslo conference for Nordic cemeteries and graveyards.
"Existing cemeteries will slowly be removed to provide land to the city's living souls," Martin McSherry, a student at the Royal Danish School of Architecture, wrote explaining his proposal.
"The vertical cemetery, with its open front, will become a significant part of the city and a daily reminder of death's existence. In time, the city's tallest and largest building will become a grave for all its citizens - the city's ever-changing monument."
The tower was one of nineteen submissions in a competition held for young architecture and design students by the Nordic Association for Graveyards and Crematoria, prizes for which were given out at the Nordic Congress of Cemeteries and Crematoria in Oslo this September.
McSherry envisages the the city's different communities each having their own floor, with Jewish, Muslim and Christian cemeteries slotted on top of each other, alongside memorial areas for non-believers, and floors holding the urns of those cremated.
At the side of the building, a crane would be permanently installed to deposit new layers as the old cemeteries are removed or new burial space is required.
The competition was won by McSherry's classmates Katrine Harving Holm and Henriette Schønheyder van Deurs, who proposed replacing individual graves and tombstones with a collective place of memorial. - TheLocal
Growing Dandelion Removed From Girl's Ear
A dandelion seed that had sprouted and had been growing in the ear of a 16-month-old girl was removed Monday by a doctor who said the roots had embedded themselves in the tot's ear canal, Beijing Morning Post reported today.
The parents of the girl, who live in the Tongzhou District in Beijing, went to see an ear, nose and throat specialist at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics.
The parents said something like a seed fell into the left ear of their daughter about four months ago, but they didn’t pay too much attention to it until recently, when the girl started scratching the ear.
It took Gu Qinglong, director of the department, about 10 minutes to remove the plant with the help of several assistants.
The dandelion seed was tenacious and not easy to remove, the doctor said.
Gu reminded parents that they need to pay attention to all parts of a child's body to spot problems before they become serious. - ShanghaiDaily
Medical Mysteries: From the Bizarre to the Deadly . . . The Cases That Have Baffled Doctors
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Vannucci's Bizarre UFO Experience
The Killers' drummer has recounted his own experience with a UFO during a recent magazine interview.
Now a staple part of one of the world's biggest pop-rock bands, it's difficult to imagine that Vannucci once worked as a luggage carrier for an airline. In a recent interview for Q Magazine he revealed that during his stint at the job he experienced something that he was never able to explain.
He had been on a road trip to Nevada as part of the job when he saw something strange in the sky. "I was driving to the middle of Nevada on (Route) 95 North and I saw this red dot in the sky, almost like a laser pointer kind of red but it was bigger and it was doing all these motions like normal flight patterns and then it would zip down and go really quick," he said.
Perplexed by the spectacle, Vannucci pulled over and watched it for a while. "It went behind this mountain range. It was night so the sun was going down and there was this giant flash of light afterwards, like a strobe, and it was gone," he said. - Gigwise
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