; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, novembre 05, 2013

Daily 2 Cents: Idiots on 'Bigfoot Hunt' -- 'My UFO Hunting Dog' -- Thunderbird Near Chicago?

Three idiots arrested after accidental shooting during ‘Bigfoot hunt’

The Rogers County, Oklahoma Sheriff’s Department arrested three men after one of them was accidentally shot. Authorities are still searching for the gun used in the shooting.

According to Sheriff Scott Walton, the three men were hunting Bigfoot late Saturday night, when one of them was spooked by what he thought might be the legendary beast and fired his weapon, hitting his friend in the back.

“When you start off with an explanation like that, do you believe anything after that?” Sheriff Walton said.

The men immediately contacted 911 and met emergency responders on a nearby interstate. The wounded man is expected to survive.

Sheriff Walton said that while authorities cannot “locate the weapon that was used,” it “probably was an accidental shooting.” It is not yet known if drugs or alcohol played any part in the accident. - RawStory

Lon's 2 Cents: the story states 'three men'...one looks like a woman. Oh well, I guess she can be an idiot as well. Lon

You can read more about these idiots here.


'My UFO Hunting Dog'

Cassville, MO - My dog has a sensitivity to UFOs. I think it is a high pitched sound they emit that only dogs can hear. Tonight between 8:30 PM and 10:30 PM my dog would sit and whine and look skyward whether indoors or outside. Its a cloudy night so we could not see what was going on up in the sky southwest of us a little ways but there was a red glow to the clouds in one spot in the sky. A little after he quit whining we took him for his nightly walk the red glow was gone from the clouds. We have had some troubles with strange UFOs in the area one was destroyed about month ago with the local UFO and two friends he called in when he couldnt get the other strange one to back off, the three of them combined their weapons and destroyed the stranger. I hope that was not being repeated tonight. Since it was cloudy there is no telling what was going on. - MUFON CMS


Art Bell's radio show ends

The popular paranormal radio host's show 'Dark Matter' has disappeared from SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

Art Bell is a name that became synonymous with all things unexplained when he presented the popular Coast to Coast AM radio show for over 15 years. When plans were announced for him to return as host of a new nightly paranormal radio show on SiriusXM back in July, fans jumped at the chance to tune in.

Things haven't all gone according to plan however and now it seems that the show is all but dead in the water after just six weeks on the air. In a statement on his site, Bell outlined the problems that lead to the show's demise including piracy and issues with streaming.

"I have asked SiriusXM to alter their normal method of doing business and allow free streaming for everybody from artbell.com.," he wrote. "If we get the opportunity to do this streaming, we will kick some serious butt...If not, we may not have a viable situation going forward."

Unfortunately it seems that Bell and SiriusXM failed to reach an agreement and the show has now been cancelled. "Sometimes when you are 'all in' you win, sometimes lose. By mutual agreement, Dark Matter will no longer air as of tonight," Bell wrote.

The Coming Global Superstorm

The Source: Journey Through the Unexplained

The Art of Talk


Mummified remains of Italy 'holy woman' spook investigators

The discovery in northern Italy of the mummified remains of a woman who locals believed had supernatural powers has spooked investigators who believe she may have been embalmed, reports said Sunday.

Graziella Giraudo, nicknamed the "holy woman" by those who queued up to have her read their fortunes, was found sitting in a locked room, one hand in her lap and the other raised as if in benediction.

Investigators said it was unclear whether she had been dead months or years, but that her body had been treated by someone intent on preserving it.

"It seems impossible for something like this to happen in a community where everyone knows each other. It's like a horror film," mayor Gian Paolo Beretta told Il Messaggero daily.

Close relatives living near the small villa where she was discovered in Borgo San Dalmazzo in Piedmont could not confirm when they had last seen her.

"The body is very clean, as if someone had looked after it. Who and how is unclear," coroner Mario Abrate told the local Quotidiano Piemontese.

Giraudo, who would now be 68, was discovered when the woman she had lived with died.

She had been separated from her husband, who -- along with their daughter -- told police he had known nothing of her whereabouts, media reports said.

Locals who spoke of Giraudo's talent as a fortune teller -- how "even nuns sought out her advice" -- said they couldn't remember seeing her after 1995.

"We cannot exclude the possibility that she was venerated" after death, local prosecutor Massimiliano Bolla was quoted as saying in La Stampa.

An investigation has been opened "against unknown persons" in a bid to discover who embalmed Giraudo and whether the body in the "villa of horrors", as it has now been dubbed by the media, could have become a cult attraction for local devotees.

"The lady who lived with the mummy came here to buy a lot of fat. It did seem like a strange request," a local butcher told La Stampa. - Yahoo


Thunderbird Near Chicago?

I recently received the following text:

Hi my name is CR and I grew up in Chicago, Illinois around the time of the thunderbird attacks. I just want you all to know around that time early one morning me and my family went fishing at a spot called Willow Road. When my family was unpacking their fishing tackle, I got my tackle out first and ran out through the woods to get to the lake before everybody so I could get a good spot. As I got through the woods and started to see the lake I saw this huge bird flying across the lake. The bird came from my left side of my view and flew right in front of me and I watched it keep flying over the water until it turned with the lake it did not fly into the woods it just kept flying over the lake. I had to between 8 to 10 at the time and I swear the bird was bigger then me. We fished that spot for years and I never saw any type of huge birds. I have traveled and fish a lot of places in America over the years and never have I witnessed anything birds like that one.

Illinois' Haunted Route 66 (Haunted America)

Shadow of the Thunderbird (The Cryptids Trilogy)



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