Well...'SasquatchOntario' has released a video in which he claims that he captured a 'singing Sasquatch.' I'll let you determine what this is...Lon
Description: "This may be the first capture of a sasquatch singing a song. Is this a sasquatch song of antiquity?
Also shown are comparison shots of the same location where a sasquatch (Nephatia?) was photographed on April 13th 2013.
Another photo will be done at a future visit with myself standing in place for size comparison.
Continued progression with each visit showing consistent results that sasquatch are benevolent people. One step at a time.
A species showing high intelligence, benevolence, having names and speaking language. Sasquatch are not animals. It's inexcusable to harm even one of them."
Click for video - Sasquatch Sings or cut/paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SXxQ2JSIn4Q#t=18
What Would Sasquatch Do?: Using Primate Behavior to Look at the Bigfoot Mystery
Track of the Bigfoot (The Cryptids Trilogy, Book 2)
Remnant Species: Brief History of Humankind

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