; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, octobre 17, 2013

Daily 2 Cents: 'Mountian Devil' Movie Premier -- Iranian Executed....Again -- UFO Encounter / Memory Loss

Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson

For immediate release:

New Bigfoot Docudrama, “Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson,” Movie Premier to be held November 23, 2013 at the The Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre located at 112 E. Locust Street, Clearfield Pennsylvania.

Phone 814-765-4474. http://www.castbuilding.net/

The premier will be a full day of events and activities related to the movie release. Doors will open at 1:00 pm with Bigfoot activities for the whole family and Bigfoot Researchers including Eric Altman, David Rupert, Ron Gallucci and others will be on hand along with the film producer and director Ryan Cavalline of Raw Footage Films.

The brand new "Docudrama" release of Mountain Devil: The Search for Frank Peterson is based on a historical case in Pennsylvania from the 1970's and is a mixture of Fiction and Fact. The majority of the movie was filmed in Central and Southwestern Pennsylvania and is written, directed and produced by Ryan Cavalline of Raw Footage Films.

The summary of the film involves an encounter two hunters had in the 1970's with a Bigfoot at their cabin in the rural mountains of Pennsylvania over a long period of time. The documentary portion of the film includes documentary film footage of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society members which include Eric Altman, David Rupert, Ron Gallucci. Also included in the film are Pennsylvania Bigfoot/UFO Investigator Stan Gordon, independent researcher Dwayne Pintoff along with several other investigators.

The film will be show at 7:00 pm and wrap up a day of fun and festivities for the whole family. More details including ticket prices and scheduled activities will be released soon.

Check out the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4DRNLeCo4k (Preview). To learn more about Raw Footage and director Ryan Cavalline, visit http://www.facebook.com/raw.footage.7

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State

Really Mysterious Pennsylvania: UFOs, Bigfoot & Other Weird Encounters Casebook One


Iranian man to be executed again...after he survived first hanging attempt

Authorities in Iran have ordered that a prisoner who survived execution by hanging be hanged again. The 37-year-old, identified as “Alireza M”, was hanged in Bojnourd prison in north-east Iran last week after being convicted of drug offences.

A doctor declared the man dead after the 12 minute-hanging, but when the prisoner’s family went to collect his body the following day he was found to still be breathing. He is currently in hospital, but a judge reportedly said he would be executed again “once medical staff confirm his health condition is good enough”.

Alireza M is now reported to be in a “satisfactory” condition in hospital, and a family member has reportedly said that the prisoner’s two daughters were “the happiest of all” that he is alive. Amnesty International has called for his second execution to be stopped. “This is simply ghastly. It betrays a basic lack of humanity that sadly underpins much of Iran’s justice system,” said Philip Luther, the organisation’s director for Middle East and North Africa.

“The horrific prospect of this man facing a second hanging, after having gone through the whole ordeal already once, merely underlines the cruelty and inhumanity of the death penalty. The Iranian authorities must immediately halt Alireza M’s execution and issue a moratorium on all others.”


UFO Encounter / Memory Loss

Grand Island, Nebraska - 8/8/64 - unedited: This is an incident I witnessed as a 6 year old boy. We lived at [Address removed/cms/tg]. Grand Island, NE. The neighborhood was fairly new at the time and compared to today, was on the fringes of several farms and quasi-rural. The northern major road running east/west was Capitol Ave. and one block south was State St. Young kids in the neighborhood attended West Lawn Elementary (not the new one, but rather the old one at State St. & Broadwell).

This is the view looking to the north on [Street name removed/cms/tg] which was right in front of our house. There were not many trees back then as the neighborhood was very new. There were even fewer houses. Most of the houses feature here on the right were not built until 1965/1966. So the view northward was very open and clear all the way up to Capitol.

On Saturday, August 8th, 1964 a lot of the neighborhood kids and I were out playing in the street. It was typical stuff; riding bikes, playing Army, simply running all over the place. A lot of parents were out working on their yards, washing their cars, etc. Just a typical hot and very humid day in Central Nebraska. An object drifted over the sky, transiting NW to SE on its flight path. It got everyone’s attention pretty quick. It was huge. Far bigger than a modern airship or similar type of craft. It was slightly overcast that day, but you could see it clearly. It was black, shaped like an oval cylinder. It had a red line going around the middle of it that was lit up and appeared almost electrical in nature. I remember smelling ozone. Like you do when you short a wire out or with lightning. At the bottom and slightly to the side was some type of opening or even possibly a light source that was intense blue-white. It was not a bean or anything, at least it did not appear that way. It makes me think it was an opening as it appeared and then disappeared a couple of times. I do not recall anything coming out of it. But there was a strange sound, almost like ringing in your ears – but it was a really high frequency. It didn’t hurt or anything, but it was there.

People were talking about it and my Dad (who cannot remember it happening) said it was probably some kind of USAF aircraft. One of the neighbors, my friend [Name removed/cms/tg]’ grandfather thought it was probably something the Russians had cooked up to scare people with. The odd thing in this was the longer it hovered there, the more quiet everyone got and soon stopped talking altogether. They just stared at it. Even my friend "D" and another friend, a girl named "P" stopped talking and just stared at it. No one spoke, no one moved. I think at some point that the same happened to me.

I have no recollection of time between the incident and Sunday dinner, which was the next day. I do not know what happened in that time period, as the next day we were getting in my Dad’s Valiant and heading over to my grandmother’s house on [Street name removed/cms/tg].

This is approximately what the object looked like. I am guessing here, but I believe it may have been as large as a ¼ mile in length. It was simply massive.

Most of the kids there that day are haunted by this incident. They know it happened, but none of the adults remember anything at all. It is like their memories were erased. This has haunted me for 50 years. I remember it as clear as daylight. - MUFON CMS


Visitations by Grey Aliens...Lifetime of Events Now Escalating

Killingworth, CT - unedited: My wife and myself have had various events through our our life. We are use to it. Lately the events are happening about once a week. The last event of Oct 13, 2013. I saw a grey Alien outside of my bedroom window. He was staring at me and for some reason I got the impression that he wanted me to see him to make sure I saw him and knew what he was. He then turned and took a lobbing step. (a step that was kind of like a hop (up and down). I also get the impression that I have seen this Alien before. Like I said my wife and myself have had numerous experiences. I was hoping someone could call me to discuss this. - MUFON CMS

Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation

Alien Universe: Extraterrestrial Life in Our Minds and in the Cosmos



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Five Hair-Raising Haunted Cruise Destinations

The Doppelganger Haunting

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I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban

Humans of New York

Allegiant (Divergent Trilogy)