; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, septembre 17, 2013

Visualized Flying Craft

The following information is going to be a bit different than what I usually post. This post concerns something I visualized last night. I experience visions on a fairly consistent basis...most are benign and equal, for the most part, to dreams. Then occasionally, something will be perceived that literally stirs me and I will continue the visualization while awake. These visions I take very serious because some have actually come to pass. This is what occurred last night.

A large craft was revealed to me...much more detailed than the diagrams. I'd estimated the size at 400-500 ft wide and grey metallic in color. There were unusual symbols emblazoned in black on the top of the craft that reminded me of early Cyrillic script. The craft maneuvered graciously in and out of the clouds...but there was also a sense of power and dominance.

The shape is like no other I can remember seeing...the large round fronts and the larger section at one side of the craft. It was a stunning sight.

I'd be interested in any information the readers can come up with. Have you seen this shape previously? Lon

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