; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, septembre 12, 2013

Migaloo: Rare Albino Humpback Whale

We can always use a bit more beauty and splendor in our lives...so I present Migaloo.

For whale watching enthusiasts, sighting a massive aquatic mammal as it leaps out of the sea and recedes back to its underwater habitat is a thrilling experience. However, few can say that they've spotted one whose body is entirely white. For those lucky enough, they may have witnessed a passing albino humpback whale along the Queensland coast in Australia. In fact, the documented whale has been given the name Migaloo (an Aboriginal word meaning "white fella") and is protected under Australian law.

Thought to be the only albino humpback whale since his discovery back in 1991, Migaloo has gained a following with people eagerly sharing any photos or video footage they capture of the marine mammal as it makes its journey from Antarctarica to Australia and back. Though they're few and far between, considering how often people capture images on a daily basis, Migaloo's image is a stunning example of the diverse creatures our world has to offer.

Check out the rarely experienced first-hand video of a few people encountering Migaloo as he gets in close to the boat they're on - Migaloo the White Whale Encounter or cut/paste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PswQUvMCgcM

Source: Rare Photos of Migaloo the Albino Humpback Whale

Photo Credits: Tom Lancashire, Hnz Chen, Migaloo White Whale

Pacific Whale Foundation - Migaloo

Humpback Whales (Wildlife Monographs)

Among Giants: A Life with Whales

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