Fall UFO Conference in Philadelphia
The Mutual UFO Network Announces
Fall UFO Conference in Philadelphia
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce its 6th annual 2013 Fall UFO Conference to be held Friday night October 4th and all day Saturday and Sunday October 5 and 6. The location will be the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel, 400 Oxford Valley Road, Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 269-3417.
For those who are fans of Ancient Aliens, UFO Files, or just wonder about the possibility of intelligent life in the universe, you now have a chance to meet and mingle with real-life professionals who scientifically investigate these things. An organization called MUFON shuns the UFO TV limelight and instead, their highly qualified experts, who include individuals from all the sciences, go about quietly investigating reports of unusual sightings and experiences that possibly involve the extraterrestrial.
Join us for three full days packed with informative speakers, vendors, training and interesting discussions on today’s hot topics in Ufology. The Friday evening events will start at 6 p.m. with Pa MUFON Chief Investigator Bill Weber speaking on the history of MUFON and UFOs followed by a meet and greet cocktail hour of food and beverages with the speakers and concluding with WV State Dir Fred Saluga discussing UFOs and cryptozoology.
On Saturday, October 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., the event will continue with Maryland MUFON Assist State Dir Antonio Paris; author Tom Carey on Roswell; Richard Lang on Non Physical UFOs and then a special UFO Hunters Reunion with Bill Birnes, Pat Uskert and Dr Ted. Attendees will be the first to view the new UFO Hunters book Season One. There will be a special buffet dinner and Q&A with all of the speakers.
On Sunday, October 6, the event will continue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with John Ventre on the Case for UFOs, author Nick Redfern on the real Men in Black; author Anthony Sanchez on Dulce NM; author John Maberry on Aliens in Pop Culture and Travis Walton of the movie, “Fire in the Sky”. All Sunday attendees receive a 21x38 World UFO Map which is exclusively owned by Pa MUFON.
These speakers promise to make this an enjoyable and informative weekend. Registration starts at 8 a.m. For hotel rates and advance tickets go to www.mufonpa.com or phone John Ventre at (724)-836-1266.
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Bedroom Encounter
9/15/82 - unedited: Sorry, I did not see a ufo but I did have a encounter, this is the only website I can find to post what happened.
I was sleeping in bed, woke up and felt something going up and down my spine and was told that he/she was finding information about me, said I could turn around and look at him but that I would be scared if I did, I said I did not want to look, I was only 19 at the time. I do not drink, do drugs, so nothing like that.
Has anything like every been reported? Ive watched a lot of shows on TV but no one talks about something coming to them and doing that..
Ive had a few other things happen but at a different location and I do not believe it to be the same being doing it.
I am really hoping for a response back.
Kind Regards - MUFON CMS
Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace
The Cult of Alien Gods: H.P. Lovecraft And Extraterrestrial Pop Culture
ENCOUNTERS WITH STAR PEOPLE: Untold Stories of American Indians
Jurassic Park theory disproved by scientists who rule dinosaur DNA cannot survive in amber
As the fourth instalment in the multi-million pound Jurassic Park series is announced, scientists have revealed that the theory behind the film that kept so many audiences captivated would not be successful in reality.
The concept of extracting the DNA of dinosaurs from blood eaten by insects which is in turn preserved in amber has intrigued fans of the film since the release of Steven Spielberg's film in 1993.
But UK based scientists who joined forces with amber experts in a new study have revealed this technique is unlikely to succeed.
In the study, researchers at the University of Manchester attempted to extract DNA from insects entombed in subfossilised copal using DNA sequencing techniques.
Despite their efforts, the team were unable to find any traces of ancient DNA in samples up to 10,600 years old.
The team used stingless bees encased in copal to try and detect DNA sequences from the insect.
In the youngest specimens, the team were able to match some isolated sequences of just over 500 nucelotides, which form the molecular building blocks of DNA, according to the Daily Telegraph. They tried unsuccessfully to match the sequences they did isolate to genes from modern stingless bees. In the oldest specimens, they were unable to obtain any evidence of DNA.
In their research, the authors of the study said they could not find any convincing evidence for the preservation of ancient DNA, and concluded that DNA is not preserved in this type of material.
"Our results raise further doubts about claims of DNA extraction from fossil insects in amber, many millions of years older than copalm," they added.
Dr David Penney, an amber expert at the University of Manchester, told the Telegraph: “Intuitively, one might imagine that the complete and rapid engulfment in resin, resulting in almost instantaneous demise, might promote the preservation of DNA in a resin entombed insect, but this appears not to be the case. So, unfortunately, the Jurassic Park scenario must remain in the realms of fiction.”
Universal Pictures announced the fourth Jurassic Park movie, Jurassic World, is set for a June 2015 release earlier this week. Colin Trevorrow will direct the film and Steven Spielberg will act as producer. - Independent
I wish it was just a strange dream...
Lower Lake, CA - 8/14/11 - unedited: My name is [name removed/CMS/rjl], Im 23 years old, and this is somethig that i need to get off of my chest.. It still haunts me and i just need people to know about it. A few years ago I was living at my grandpas house in the hills of clearlake california. He worked out of town and was only at the house a few times a month, so I was fairly secluded. Lake county is, for the most part, a very rural area. My house was on the top of a hill near the highway, but still very quiet..
Now, ive always had trouble sleeping and i had actually gotten to bed at a reasonable hour that night, but i woke up around 4am feeling restless. I wasnt surprised at this behavior, it happened often around the time, so i stepped outside to get some fresh air. I had been hearing strange things outside around my house that week so decided to grab my flashlight. I mean hearing strange things i mean like footsteps and almost guttural noises, growls and low grunts.. I thought it was maybe a deer? A bobcat? A cougar? Whatever. I wanted to scare it away, or at least just see what it was.. But to my surprise that night when I shined my light out at where the noise was coming from, i saw glowing eyes and something stood up. Tall, at least it seemed to me. It was about 3ft taller than the grass around it, which was probably about 4ft tall itself.. It seemed mad and i was so scared that i couldnt even scream. I wanted to and tried because i had family that lived nearby, i thought maybe they could see what i was seeing, or maybe i could scare this.. Thing, away from me. But i couldnt get myself to make a noise, like something was blocking me. I tried hard to yell as loud as i could, nothing came out. And then i remember getting a very good look at this thing.. Its skin was brownish, light brown splotched with dark brown with kind of a grey shade to it. It seemed to have holes in its body on its shoulder, arms, neck, chest... It had a humanoid frame ridges on its arms legs chest and head.. Its head was larger than normal, and so were its eyes, almost almond shaped, but still kind of rounded. The skin seemed like sharks skin, texture wise, or like what elephant skin without all the wrinkles would look..
After i had tried to scream i found myself stuck staring at its eyes, frozen in fear, standing on my deck in my boxers(thats actually an important detail) and its eyes went from pitch black to having kind of human eyes. A round pupil and cornea, except it turned amber, vibrant amber and spurred up like a flame.. Then i blacked out. I remember feeling myself being moved like i weighed nothing, as if i was a child. I rememer some dialogue even, but thats a different story.
I woke up the next morning with no Immediate recollection of what happened, found it strange that i was on the top of my covers, fully clothed, and facing the wrong way on my bed.. I told myself this was only a dream until i started thinking about it more.. Things dont add up. They still dont. Someone please help me make sense of this.. - MUFON CMS
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