; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, septembre 02, 2013

Daily 2 Cents: Cannibal Rape Cult Leader Killed -- Bigfoot...Bear...or What? -- Morag Reappears -- P&M Wiki is Back!

Cannibal Rape Cult Leader Killed

Stephen Tari called himself 'the true Christ' and had previously been accused of raping, murdering and eating young girls

The leader of a vicious cannibal rape cult has been hacked to death in the jungles of Papua New Guinea after he escaped from prison and murdered a local woman.

Preacher Stephen Tari, whose 6,000-strong sect called him “the true Christ” and referred to themselves as “flower girls” or “disciples”, had been serving a lengthy jail term after being convicted of a brutal rape three years ago.

The 40-year-old, who had previously been accused of raping, murdering and eating three girls in front of their traumatised mothers, was one of 48 prisoners to break-out of a remote jungle prison six months ago.

The charismatic cult leader, who wore white robes and is said to have regularly drunk the blood of his “flower girls”, quickly returned to his home village of Gal after the escape, but could only manage six months before killing yet again.

After he killed one woman and attempted to murder another, the inhabitants of the village, which is in Madang province, are said to have finally snapped, surrounding Tari and one of his henchmen and hacking the pair to death.

It has not yet been established if the murdered woman was killed as part of a blood sacrifice, but it is considered likely as Tari was said to have been attempting to resurrect his cult following the spell in prison.

Speaking to Papua New Guinea’s Post Courier newspaper, local police commander Chief Superintendent Sylvester Kalaut said Gal was an incredibly remote village - at least a four-hour walk from the nearest town and accessible only by miles-upon-miles of treacherous jungle tracks.

He added that the isolated environment was hampering the murder investigations, and that an official cause of death for both Tari and the unnamed woman was yet to be established.

Superintendent Kalaut went on to say that any of Tari’s followers who remain on the run should give themselves up immediately if they don’t want to suffer the same fate, as villagers are intent on wiping out all links to the cannibal cult.

Tari, or Black Jesus as he often called himself, rose to international notoriety after his lectures from a rock in a jungle clearing began to attract thousands. He reportedly told his “disciples” they would receive gifts from God if they joined his cult.

But Tari quickly fell out of favour with those who refused to worship him as a resurrected Jesus after he began luring “flower girls” into his hut, where he would allegedly kill them by cutting their throats. He is said to have later drunk the girls’ blood in front of their grieving mothers.

With the police unable to capture him due to his barely accessible power-base and the sheer numbers of followers willing to hide him from the authorities, it was left to Gal’s inhabitants to track Tari down.

In 2007 angry locals were able to capture Tari, tying him to logs and beating him before eventually handing him over to police. That incident led to Tari’s conviction and imprisonment on rape charges. - Independent

The Other White Meat: A History of Cannibalism

In the Devil's Garden: A Sinful History of Forbidden Food

Among the Cannibals: Adventures on the Trail of Man's Darkest Ritual


Bigfoot...Bear...or What?

Can you help identify this animal from the picture shown here?

It is unclear if this is an unverified picture of a “Bigfoot.” It was recently discovered on a “trail cam” placed in the nearby southwest Virginia mountains.

It was surprising, to say the least, when I discovered the image on the camera’s disc. What in the world can this be?

Carefully scrutinizing the image, it appears that the right arm shows fingers as the animal grasps the base of the tree stump. It also has elongated feet similar to a man’s appendages. Its fur is matted on the back but thin on the arms and legs. Unfortunately, the head and face are not shown by the image taken.

I think it must be a bear. It has to be a gear, does it not? I hunt this area annually and have seen no sign of a Bigfoot. I have seen bear scat and tracks before, so I can identify them.

No unidentified tracks, droppings, or any other indications of a large upright predator in the woods have ever been found, that I know of.

There were no discernable tracks on the leaf-covered ground near the camera where it was picked up. The mystery remains!

Your input would be appreciated. - Southwest Times

Squatching: A Guide for the Novice: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Bigfoot/Sasquatch Investigator

Bigfoot Across America

Monsters of Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Old Dominion


Alien-themed promotion spooks students

A radio promotion spoofing aliens hacking into an Alabama radio station spooked students into believing schools would be attacked.

It was all a mysterious misunderstanding, a Shoals area radio official said, that has no logical explanation. Still, law enforcement in the area beefed up security at schools to calm fears from parents.

"It's a very innocuous promotion that got blown out of proportion," said Brian Rickman, program director for Shoals Radio Group.

To bring attention to a format change at Star 94.9 - which is owned by Shoals Radio Group - Rickman said the station on Monday began airing conversations between aliens.

"We came up with what we thought was a really fun storyline and that would be that these aliens or star people were hacking into the radio station," Rickman said. "The concept being that they heard our frequency several light years away, they didn't like Justin Bieber and the pop music we were playing and they were going to take over the radio station and adjust the format.

"We thought it was clever." - blog.al



Hi folks...The Social Paranormal Network (better known as the Phantoms & Monsters Wiki) is now up and running at full capacity! Paranormal & cryptid posts, discussions, photos, etc. are waiting for you to get in on! There are 1600+ members currently...don't miss the great interaction and networking. Just go to http://phantomsandmonsters.wikifoundry.com/ or http://www.social-paranormal.net/ and sign up. No cost to join! Give a shout to Judy (BunkieLA)...our tireless site host & moderator. Lon


Morag reappears after 20 years

She has been quiet for more than two decades without even the hint of a recorded sighting…

But now Scotland’s second most famous Loch monster – Morag of Loch Morar – has made a comeback.

Holidaymaker Doug Christie, a recently retired oil industry engineer not given to flights of fancy, said he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a solid 20ft black shape in the water.

He and wife Charlotte say they saw the beast three times during a stay at Kisimuil B&B by the loch. Doug, 66, from Brechin, Angus, said: “I could not believe my eyes.

“I am not the type to get excited unduly but this just couldn’t be explained.

“It was a large black shape on the loch that looked just like a bit of a ­submarine and around the same size.

Charlotte said: “I thought it was a whale. We saw it three times in the space of two days.

“The ­longest sighting was about 10 minutes before it submerged again.”

The couple were staying for a night at the B&B owned by Barra-born Michael MacNeil, 53, and his 50-year-old nurse wife Catherine, who was brought up on the lochside.

Michael said: “Doug shouted to me asking if there was a rock out in the middle of the loch.

“I laughed and shouted back that the loch was almost 1000ft deep and there were no rocks near the surface.

“But sure enough, there was a largish black object, maybe two, very close together, in the middle of the two-mile-wide loch.

“I have seen otters in the loch but this was no otter, much bigger and almost ­motionless.”

Tourists Doug and Charlotte Christie saw the beast three times during their stay.

His 24 year-old daughter Kathleen, who has researched the phenomenon said: “There have been sightings of a monster in Loch Morar going back more than 100 years.”

The last person to see the monster, 58-year-old factory boss Alistair MacKellaig, of Mallaig, Inverness-shire, said: “I was fishing with a group in a boat and we all saw Morag and only about 50 yards away.

“It was the classic three humps moving through the water with the head underwater. We were left astounded and a wee bit fearful at what we had seen and how close we had been to it.

“I bumped into Michael the other day and firmly believe that what he, his daughter and guests saw was what we witnessed but they saw Morag at a far greater distance than we did.

“I am sure others have seen Morag in the past 23 years but feel too embarrassed to say so.”

The most dramatic sighting and only known actual physical contact with the ­monster was experienced by two local men in August 1969.

Willie Simpson, 66, and crofter Duncan McDonell, now 80, were returning from a ­fishing trip up Loch Morar when the creature struck Willie’s boat. He grabbed a rifle and shot at the beast, which sank out of sight.

He said: “There is no doubt in my mind that there is a large monster, maybe more than one, in Loch Morar.” - Daily Record

Unexplained!: Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences & Puzzling Physical Phenomena

Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and Other Mystery Denizensof the Deep



Eerie “Apocalyptic Noises” Piercing the Air in British Columbia, Experts Blame Electromagnetic Radiation - Health Hazards Of Electromagnetic Radiation, 2Nd Edition: A Startling Look At The Effects Of Electropollution On Your Health

Men in Black: Space Zombies?

The good old days didn't have chemtrails

Ghost blamed for death of student

Bigfoot sighting reported by Cree hunter near Wemindji, Que.