; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, août 07, 2013

'There was a baby Bigfoot beside him...'

Recently, comedienne Ricky D 'came clean' on the 'Hank the Bigfoot' story. Well...that's the best way that I can describe this scenario. Anyway, watch the video...it is absolutely priceless - Ricky D opens up about the San Antonio Bigfoot for the 1st Time! or cut/paste http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maLFhvngiOY&feature=share&list=UU5IKbbFiho2jnnneClRUcnA

I have no idea how long he's going to keep this video up since he has a tendency to pull videos quickly after he's called out....which is frequent.

Ricky D. now claims that 'Hank' was a hermaphrodite and that there was a juvenile as well. He claims that he is in possession of a 'live' juvenile Bigfoot and has invited 'haters', including Steve Kulls, to witness this being. According to Steve Kulls (from his FB page) he has accepted the invitation.

Will this be the final chapter of the Ricky D saga? Read Do You Recognize This Person? and tell me what you think...Lon

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