; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 13, 2013

Odds & Ends: 'Angel Priest' Revealed -- Teachers Leave Haunted School -- A Lifetime of Paranormal Experiences

'Angel Priest' Revealed

Father Patrick Dowling, of the Diocese of Jefferson City, Mo. has come forward as the "angel" priest. Dowling has acknowledged that he was the priest who anointed and prayed with Katie Lentz, 19, at the scene of the accident near the small town of Center.

The story has fascinated the country for the last few days as people speculated on who -- or what -- this mysterious priest might be.

"I think it's a miracle," New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed, one of the rescuers at the scene of the accident, told KHQA last Thursday. "I would say whether it was an angel that was sent to us in the form of a priest or a priest that became our angel, I don't know. Either way, I'm good with it."

Last Friday, when reading an article about the crash and mystery priest in the National Catholic Register, Dowling admitted in the comment section that he had been the priest who administered care to Lentz. The priest explained that he had driven as close to the accident as he could before approaching, with permission of the Sherif, and then "absolved and anointed Katie, and, at her request, prayed that her leg would not hurt."

Speaking with the Catholic News Agency, Dowling offered his humble assessment of the situation:

You must remember, there were many people praying there, many, many people … and they were all praying obviously for healing and for her safety.”
“I was probably part of the answer to their prayers, I came by and anointed and absolved, (but) I didn't say another word..

When asked last Thursday by The Huffington Post to explain the 'angel' priest, Father James Martin predicted that a priest of flesh and blood would come forward, "Most likely the priest will be identified, and people will be able to thank him."

Well, Dowling has come forward, and we all do thank him. - THP

Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts (2 Volume Set)

Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories

Miracles: 32 True Stories


A Lifetime of Paranormal Experiences

Firstly may express that I believe I am talking to people who understand with belief about this message. I do not believe I will be taken for a hoaxer, liar or thought to be crazy. Everything in this message, including attachments are real and true to the best of my knowledge.

Attached is a short document describing my very close UFO encounters and abduction experiences, as I firmly believe I was abducted 3 times up until now. I believe I was abducted the third time just 7 days ago where my mother was involved as an eyewitness. I already reported this to MUFON using the report form. Also, I had a number of alien encounters totaling 14 so far up until now. Every one of my alien encounters were a different type of alien, including different species of grey. I have no idea why I had so many encounter experiences, as they were all very real where some cannot be explained not being real.

Of all this all I got to show for it as proof is 7 small spots on my arm that form 5 perfect triangles, and my photos and film. I do not know how I got the spots, as I discovered them one day in 2005 while sitting in my bed. 4 of the spots form a perfect cross. My doctor said he never saw anything like it. I would photograph my arm, but I have not had access to a camera over the years.

I photographed and filmed UFOs in my area within a half mile from my home. I already sent you my "REAL UFOs" DVD that is an hour and 3 minutes long. I filmed mostly from a cul-de-sac that is down my street. I have not heard from you about it. I filmed from 2004 to 2006, but not every night.

Yesterday I saw a cable program describing things about space that was not UFO related, but I learned in relating my photos, film and personal experience that Quantum Mechanics and use of dimensions probably have something to do with UFOs and how they travel. This is probably nothing new to you being I understand that the government has loads of stuff like crashed UFOs and bodies.

My abduction when I was 26 is unusual in relating it to most other abductions. I do not know of any purpose for any of my abductions.

I hope I have been help, and I hope you enjoy reading my document.

Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon. - MUFON CMS


Teachers Leave Haunted School

A teacher was last in class at Mgotjane Primary School after claiming to have been attacked by evil spirits. This was in April.

Gugu Kubheka, who teaches Grade VII, is not the only teacher who has allegedly been attacked by the evil spirits as another recently vacated his living quarters after claiming that his life was in danger and continuing to reside there was a dangerous.

The attacks, said to be affecting both pupils and teachers alike, resulted in the school being closed on Tuesday and a prayer, involving parents, teachers and pupils, was held on Thursday. Two pastors led the prayer.

Mduduzi Dlamini now resides in Matsapha and he commutes to work at Mgotjane, situated past Bhunya. He decided to leave following the encounter which he termed ‘four men’. After this encounter, he decided that it was not safe to continue residing at the school and decided to leave.

During the prayer pupils related how they heard a strange voice in the latrines, which shouted at them for relieving themselves on him. Three girls aged 13, 14 and 16 related what they experienced while in the latrine. They had gone to answer to the call of nature together as they are close friends who were always together when at school. Two entered the latrine while the third remained by the door.

“While they were inside I heard a voice addressing them and it asked why they were relieving themselves on it. I asked who was in there with them as I didn’t see anyone enter.

“The shouting became louder and I decided to run away and went to report what had happened to my teacher but he didn’t believe me,” said Nono*.

Her friends Nobuhle* and Nokwazi said immediately they heard the voice they also took to their heels. However they never got to see where the voice was coming from as they were terrified. Nono said after a few minutes another group from junior classes reported to their teachers that other learners had a similar encounter while relieving themselves.

“When I got home I told my mother about it and she dismissed me saying I should stop making up stories. Last week Friday the situation worsened when a majority of young girls were verbally attacked by the strange voice.

“It was after that incident on Monday that the matter was reported to the Manzini Regional Education office. The head teacher said he went to Manzini and the REO said he should handle it with the support of parents because as a ministry they do not want to discuss such issues without an input from parents,” said Nono.

Not only the pupils are affected as two male teachers claimed to have been visited by the strange spirit that leads them to a deep slumber before it strangles them or sits on their stomachs and suffocate them. Thulani Dlamini (25) said it used to come once in a while in the past but since the beginning of the year things have intensified. Thulani said it comes in different forms.

“At times it comes as an evil spirit or in the form of a person. One night in June, I was in my room when I overheard footsteps of people approaching my quarters. My colleagues had once told me of how their sleep was interrupted by a strange spirit and that got me thinking. “I immediately reached for my bible and started reading it. As I read my bible I heard one of my colleagues shouting that he was being attacked by four short men who were trying to strangle him. “The time was after midnight if I recall correctly. Late that same night, at around 2am the ‘four men’ came to my house. Two entered through the back door and the other two through the main door. Upon entering two stood at the edge of my bed and the other was by the headboard,” said Thulani.

“They kicked me on my back after they could not sit on me or strangle me. They also tried to press me face down so I couldn’t breathe but they couldn’t. Just before the crack of dawn Mduduzi came knocking pleading to come and spend the night in my room.” Mduduzi later moved out of the quarters and now stays in Matsapha. Jimson Magongo, the head teacher, said in his more than 15 years at the school, the incident was the worst he ever experienced. He said there were few incidences that never warranted calling a parents meeting to deliberate on the issue.

“At the moment one of our teachers is not at school after being attacked by whatever this thing that saw her leaving the school in April. She never returned when the second term started. “Her condition worsens whenever she returns. Efforts are already underway to get her another school even though we still need her services. As a school we are leaving everything to God in order to protect our children,” said Magongo.

School Committee Chairperson Nomsa Dlamini said as parents they were concerned with the prevailing situation at the school.

“In our Tuesday meeting a request was made by some parents to whoever may have brought whatever this thing to the area to please take it back.

At the moment we are leaving everything to God because we do not have an answer to the problem,” said Nomsa.

* Not their real names

‘I can’t say what attacked me’

MBABANE – The teacher who left her teaching in April after an attack by a mysterious element at Mgotjane Primary School finds it difficult to explain the kind of force that attacks her whenever she sets foot at the school.

She fails to get sleep whenever at the school.

“I remember one night where I had to leave the lights and TV on the whole night. The situation in my house forced me to remain awake. I tried to sleep but it could not come. I would hear strange noises that I cannot explain. There were times I would hear things walking on the roof. After spending the night awake, I called the head teacher and told him that I was having a tough time in my house.

“He suggested that I go home to rest. When I got home I could get to sleep without a problem. I returned to the school two days later but the attacks started afresh and I returned home later that day. I sometimes go to school but the condition worsens.

I am hoping that after the prayer service I will be able to return to my children,” said gugu Kubheka. She said she first kept it to herself but after hearing other teachers discussing how their children in the different classrooms were being attacked and harassed she revealed what had happened to her. “I am feeling much better such that I have indicated to the head teacher that I will be returning next term. I have not lost hope because my children need me and I have to go and help them prepare for the external exams.

“I will force matters to be back at the school. I am concerned that those in grade V11 need my help as they prepare for the exams. I teach English and Religious Education in the two senior classes,” said Kubheka.

Police are not ‘ghost busters’

MBABANE - Inspector Khulani Mamba, Police Deputy PRO said there was a case of that nature with the Bhunya police. He said police were called to monitor the situation at the school.

Mamba said as police there was little they could do because the incident was more spiritual and they would live everything to pastors to handle.
This follows attacks on pupils and teachers by an unknown element at the school.
Inspector Mamba said their officers were called on Tuesday just to monitor the situation adding that they returned to their workstation after the school committee decided to close the school.

“We heard that whatever this thing is was also attacking teachers such that they have deserted staff houses. Since this is a spiritual thing there is very little we can do as police to help the teachers,” said Inspector Mamba.


'The Heavy Stuff' book

I want to thank everyone for their direct or indirect support over the years for my blog The Heavy Stuff.

I've hand selected posts from that blog to form my latest Kindle book that I hope you will check out or tell your readers about - much appreciated. UFO's, Missing Time, Phenomenology, Bigfoot, Mutual Hypnosis, Controlled Lucid Dreaming and More - The Heavy Stuff

Rick Phillips


Two Low Level UFO Incidents With Reported Camera Function Failures

From Researcher Stan Gordon

On May 30, 2013, I talked with a witness who provided me with a detailed account of his encounter with an unidentified flying object that occurred on May 29, 2013, outside of Hiwassee, Virginia. The man sounded concerned over what had occurred so we had a number of discussions about his encounter. I generally focus on Pennsylvania cases, but this was a detailed incident that needed to be documented, and I referred this on to the Virginia MUFON chapter for additional research.

The man was driving a heavy duty pickup truck and was heading east at about 10 PM, when he observed three bright lights in a triangular pattern, about 300 feet above the ground. The witness, trying to figure out what he was seeing, stopped dead in the road as there was no other local traffic. He noticed that there was one light on the top and two other lights were on the bottom. Each light was bright white and described as “white like porcelain.” The lights were about each about 8-10 feet in diameter. The lights, while brilliant, did not cast any reflective light. No sound could be heard at that time. The lights appeared to be attached to a solid device. Continue reading the report at Two Low Level UFO Incidents with reported Camera Function failures-August 13, 2013



Horrors on the Road: Two Sinister Road Ghosts - Scary Stories Box Set: Scary Stories, More Scary Stories, and Scary Stories 3

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