; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, août 02, 2013

New 'Monster' Photo From China's Tianchi Lake

A volcano monitoring station worker in Jilin was measuring water temperatures when he saw some kind of "monster" swimming around Tianchi Lake, according to a local media report.

Around 5 a.m. on July 27, the worker named Wu Chengzhi arrived at the northern slope of the Changbai Mountains and together with his colleague began conducting their routine measurements of Tianchi Lake's water temperatures.

While they were collecting their samples, Wu spotted a V-shaped ripple appear on the lake's quiet and calm surface. At the forefront of the ripple, a "black point" came peeking out of the water and swam forward at relatively high speed.

Wu immediately got out his camera and shot some pictures of the unidentified object.

As seen from one picture provided by Wu, the thing sticking out of the water looks very much like a "monster's head," with an outline similar to that of a fawn's head and neck.

Tianchi Lake, or Heaven Lake, is located in the southeast of Jilin Province and in fact is a crater-lake perched atop the Changbai Mountains. Believed by many locals to be a holy lake, various legends state there are monsters living in the deep of the lake, just like the Scottish legend of Loch Ness. - China.org

Here is a video from 2007 - CHINA LAKE MONSTERS (Italian tv-news) or cut/paste - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFElPwUVUHs


From September 2007

A TV reporter said he shot a 20-minute video of six "Lake Tianchi Monsters", near the border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Zhuo Yongsheng, who works for a local TV station run by the administration office of the nature reserve at Mount Changbaishan, Jilin, has sent pictures of the Loch Ness-type creatures to Xinhua's Jilin provincial bureau.

One of them showed the creatures swimming in three pairs, in parallel. Another showed them together, leaving ripples on the surface of the deep, volcanic lake.

Zhuo, director of the TV station's news center, said he shot the video and photos last Thursday.

"I went on top of the southern slope of the mountain with two local guides at 5:05 AM hoping to shoot the sunrise," he said. "I was not able to do that because it was cloudy."

By 5:26 AM there was a clear view of Tianchi Lake at the foot of the mountain. "Du Baiqing, one of the guides, suddenly pointed to the lake and yelled in amazement that a stone had emerged from nowhere", Zhuo told Xinhua.

He focused his lens on the black moving object in the center of the lake and five other forms emerged from the deep water.

Zhuo said he witnessed the six seal-like, finned creatures swimming and frolicking in the lake for an hour and a half, before they ducked out of sight at 7:00 AM.

"They could swim as fast as yachts and at times they would disappear under the water. It was impressive to see them all swimming at exactly the same pace, as if someone was giving orders," he said. "Their fins - or maybe wings - were longer than their bodies."

Zhuo said he previously did not believe in legends about lake monsters. "But I believed what I saw with my own eyes."

Rumors the volcanic lake harbors some sort of monster have been circulating for more than a century.

Scientists, however, have dismissed the rumors saying the lake was too cold for large creatures. - China.org

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