; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, août 09, 2013

Follow-Up: UFOs Exit Electric Blue Light Over Miami, FL

Today's post is a follow-up of Thursday's Update: UFOs Exit Electric Blue Light Over Miami, FL. I received several emails from witnesses...so it can be established that something significant occurred. Here are links to videos sent last evening:

UFO Over Miami, FL - 8/7/13 or cut/paste http://youtu.be/UtsDhS29KkU

Blue Cloud Over Miami, FL - 8/7/13 or cut/paste http://youtu.be/inpPd8-xS24. I have placed a screenshot above.


My brother and I witnessed this happen last night as well. Were walking to store and seen the craft come out the blue light and was watching it. After a while a crescent glow started preceding the craft and then it got much bigger as the craft flew away.

It's reported that Atlas IV launched last night, but there's a weird thing with someone having video before the rocket was to launch, and what we seen last night being hours after the launch. I have a video of the craft and of the cloud.

The first video is the craft we seen. Unfortunately I lowered the camera just moments before the crescent burst from the, and then got even brighter. You can hear my brother going "look, look, look".

The second video is of what we assume some kind of military jet immediately launching to go investigate (not sure if where the craft was, or heading to check out the blue cloud).

The third video is of the cloud thing.

I also received the following email:

Hi Lon,

I took one look at the photos of a blue cloud-type light over Miami and immediately thought of a similar light over Birmingham, Alabama in the late 70’s. The anomaly was witnessed by much of the populous and was covered by local news stations. The light occurred in the western sky just as the sun set below the horizon. It was mesmerizing. Our whole subdivision walked outside and watched it.

After a little hoopla, a spokesperson stated it was a weather balloon that burst in the atmosphere. I was just a preteen at the time so I don’t remember where the balloon explanation came from. I would imagine it was an Air Force Release. There is an Air Force facility that shares facilities at the Birmingham airport. (117 Air Refueling Wing—Was an F4 Fighter Reserve Wing at the time) Maxwell Air Force Base is 1 ½ hours away in Montgomery.

After the balloon announcement, the news never pursued the subject any further. Now a couple of questions arise. 1st, I wonder if anyone ever got a photo of the light over Birmingham. The press didn’t cover the story until the light had subsided. 2nd does anyone have a photo of a weather balloon bursting in the atmosphere? I have found a few online and nothing compares to the Miami light or the light over Birmingham, AL.

I ask the latter question because I have a feeling that a weather balloon may be used for an explanation, if an explanation is given at all. If I had a dollar for every time a weather balloon was blamed…

Sincerely, BN

A few people suggested that it may have been an aurora-type burst from the Earth's magnetic field due to the heavy solar storm activity. But then, how do you explain the UFO? What are your thoughts? Lon

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