; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, août 15, 2013

'Dark Being' Encounters

I've listed a few 'dark being' encounters from readers and colleagues:

I have never tried to contact someone before about this, but here it goes. It's not a traditional "alien" story, but I am interested in seeing if anyone else has seen what I did. When I was 7 or 8 years old, I lived on Oahu in Hawaii, in the Salt Lake City area, which is located next to the base on that island.

We lived in a very populated area in a 12 level apartment building. It was a two bedroom - my parents room was on the other side of the apartment. One night I had a bad dream and got up in the middle of the night to sleep in my parent's bed.

Only my dad was there - I don't remember where my mother was. At some point in the earlier morning hours I had to go to the bathroom. I wasn't scared - I was just sleepy. The bathroom was adjoined to the bedroom. As I walked out of the bathroom toward the bed, something in the corner of my eye caught my attention and I looked up and saw a figure in a dark cloak walking past the doorway.

It saw me at the same time. We both were startled, and just stared at each other for a moment. I was scared out of my mind. I couldn't move or scream. One thing that was impressed on me was how little it was. It was my height.

It was wearing a dark cloak that covered its head and was clasped at the neck. Inside the cloak was pitch-black (so much that it seemed unnatural), and two large oval slanted (typical) RED glowing eyes was all I could see.

We stared at each other for a moment, then it jumped out of view. I had no idea what I saw nor what to do - I was completely freaked out and my dad was lying there asleep. So I did what most children do when they are scared - I laid down on the bed, and pulled the covers over my head.

It seemed like I might be imagining it as it happened, but I felt someone pushing down on the bed in a circle around me, and then last pushing on my pillow. I remembered everything very clearly, but didn't tell anyone for a very long time.

It never crossed my mind that it was an alien until much later. I thought it was some kind of demon. There are a lot of stories about evil little people in Hawaii, and I figured that was what I saw. But I met a lady who heard my story and told me about the greys, and the fact that I surprised and shocked it is what I can't get over. She said that it was probably expecting me to still be in my bed and that it was there for my father.


Location: Saranac, Michigan
Date: November 27, 2007
Time: Late evening

The witness and her husband were sitting in their living room watching TV when they heard a gunshot next door and then a second. Her husband got dressed and headed over to his neighbor Bob’s house to see if was the bear that they had been seeing lately.

When he got there the neighbor was “freaked out” and explained what he saw. Bob’s wife Grace had taken their two dogs out one last time before bed and their oldest dog ran toward the woods like always, but stopped dead in his tracks and cowered. Grace yelled for Bob and he ran outside with his 30-30 rifle, thinking it was the bear again. He walked up to his dog and spotted movement from the corner of his eye.

He looked up and saw a dark figure walk across his path into the woods. It was standing upright like a human and was about 6’7”, just outside the right of light from his flood light, and Bob though it was a hunter that had been in the area lately. So he yelled at it, saying something like “Hey, who are you?” The figure then walked back across the path on all fours like an animal...and it had red eyes.

Bob was transfixed with the eyes; they glowed like the end of a cigarette. He raised his gun and put the sights of the scope on its chest, dead center mass, and noticed it had no fur. He shot once and hit it square in the chest. It didn’t even flinch. He then re-racked the gun, but it misfired. The gun had never done that before, so he racked out the bullet and racked in a new one. It misfired yet again. He looked at the bullet and it didn’t even have a dent from the firing pin. He re-loaded the bullet and looked up. The figure was standing upright again, but farther back in the woods. He aimed and fired and hit it again in the chest. It didn’t flinch again. It just walked off like nothing happened. Bob fired one last time, but missed. They found no tracks or any blood anywhere where Bob had seen the figure.


Puerto de Alisas, Spain - April 4, 1991 - late night

Jose Saiz was traveling alone on an isolated road and as he was rounding a curve he saw what he thought at first to be a sheet floating in the air on the side of the road. It now floated on the center of the road and the witness slowed down and turned on the high beams. Suddenly he was stunned to realize that it was not a "sheet" but a man-like figure. It was moving towards the witness, moving its arms very slowly as if it were swimming. Little by little it moved off to the right and feet first, descended to the ground.

The now terrified witness could see that it was a tall man wearing something resembling a dark flowing tunic. It moved in strange leaps and bounds as the witness noticed that it had a very pale face with a pointed chin. As the witness drove by the figure he looked more closely and was able to see more details. It had a long bony pale face, somewhat resembling that of a corpse. Its whole face and body appeared to be illuminated by a dim glow, bluish reddish in color. It had long straight hair almost white in color and was shoulder length. Its hands and feet were long, bony and strong looking. He was apparently barefooted. The humanoid was easily over 2 meters in height and wore something on his forehead resembling a diadem or tiara. The humanoid facial expression was that of extreme resigned sadness and fear. This scared the witness who as he drove by the figure saw it bend down in an almost mechanical fashion. The witness attempted to accelerate the car but it had inexplicably lost power. The vehicle suddenly accelerated and the witness left the bizarre being behind. The witness had the impression that he humanoid remained on the road as if waiting for something or someone.

Source: Iker Jimenez

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