; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, août 04, 2013

Blog Needs Some Help From Readers, Friends and Colleagues

Hi folks...well, I need a bit of help from my readers, friends and colleagues. Let me explain. A few months ago, I changed the blog's main URL to my domain www.phantomsandmonsters.com. I did this in case I decide to move the blog to another host at a later time. So...the Google Panda algorithms rolled out about 2 weeks or so ago and lasted for a few days. As a result, I lost about 40% of my traffic because all the naturalplane.blogspot links were removed from the Google index. The problem is that this not only cut operating revenue, but may have affected the blog's syndication. I am humbly asking that you help me to rebuild Phantoms and Monster's presence on Google....either by referring the blog to others and/or placing a link on your site. If you already have a link, please make sure it is www.phantomsandmonsters.com - I really appreciate your help on this. Thanks...Lon