; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juillet 24, 2013

This Week On 'Beyond The Edge' Radio: Nick Redfern - Author 'Monster Files' / Paranormal Researcher & Journalist

This week we welcome our friend and former segment host Nick Redfern to 'Beyond The Edge Radio'. Nick is a full-time author and journalist specializing in a wide range of unsolved mysteries, including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, UFO sightings, government conspiracies, alien abductions and paranormal phenomena.

Nick Redfern writes regularly for the London Daily Express newspaper, Fortean Times, Fate, Mysterious Universe and UFO Magazine. His most recent book is Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals among other well-received titles, including The World's Weirdest Places - The Real Men In Black: Evidence, Famous Cases, and True Stories of These Mysterious Men and their Connection to UFO Phenomena - Keep Out!: Top Secret Places Governments Don't Want You to Know About - There's Something in the Woods - FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife - The NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, Censored Photos , and The Face on Mars and many others.

Among his many exploits, Redfern has investigated reports of lake monsters in Scotland, vampires in Puerto Rico, werewolves in England, aliens in Mexico, and sea serpents in the United States. Redfern travels and lectures extensively around the world. He has appeared on numerous television shows, including the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, Monster Quest, and UFO Hunters; National Geographic Channel’s The Truth about UFOs, and Paranatural; and SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive. Originally from England, he currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Nick's website can be found at NickRedfern.com and his blog is at Nick Redfern's World of Whatever. His available book list is at Books by Nicholas Redfern and The Books of Nick Redfern

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Hi folks...this will be our last BTE show before we go on a 3-week vacation. We'll be back LIVE on August 25th with a fantastic show. Thanks for listening! Lon

Book Review: Nick Redfern's 'Monster Files'

Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals by Nick Redfern is an amazing compilation of reports and accounts in which cryptids and government come face-to-face.

I have always enjoyed Nick Redfern's books and this one is his best thus far. The book, in itself, has that 'field guide' look and feel. Many of the reports were unknown to me, which was a pleasant surprise. The book is loaded with twists and turns that will leave the reader reeling in astonishment. The bibliography is an astounding 15 pages...it is a well-documented and extensively researched work.

For me, one of the strangest episodes in 'Monster Files' involves Redfern's friend and colleague Jonathan Downes of Devonshire, who once investigated rumors that a British military unit had spotted a cryptid 'big cat' while shadowing the late Princess Diana. Was the rumor true? Well, the British Secret Service twice investigated and interviewed Downes in the belief that his investigation was some sort of cover for an IRA operation against the British Royal Family. Redfern also describes another incident recalled by Jonathan Downes where a hypertrichosis inflicted man was mistaken for a 'werewolf' and shot by the authorities. The 'monsters list' includes Bigfoot, sea serpents, lake creatures, wolfmen, the Loch Ness Monster, flying cryptids, big cats, etc....in worldwide locales.

Redfern's vast research and writing skill maintained the narrative as non-fiction...rarely did the incident descriptions waver. All crypto fans and enthusiasts should enjoy this title. I highly recommend it. Lon

Publication Date: May 22, 2013
ISBN-10: 1601632630
ISBN-13: 978-1601632630
Pages: 288
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