; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juillet 03, 2013

Just the Facts?: Octopus Found on Mountain -- Latest 'Nessie' Photos -- 1867 UFO News Story

Octopus found on mountain

The body of an octopus has been found during a litter pick near the top of England's highest mountain.

Dave Ascough, 43, from Stockport, leads mountain walks and found the 20cm (8in) cephalopod mollusc 10m (33ft) from the top of Scafell Pike in Cumbria.

He said: "My first reaction was that someone might have carried it up there, but it's quite possible a bird could have brought it up there."

Volunteers removed 10 bags of rubbish from the mountain during the pick.

Traffic up Scafell Pike is increased by the Three Peaks Challenge, which sees thousands of people attempting to scale it along with Ben Nevis in Scotland and Snowdon in Wales within 24 hours.

He added: "The mountain does attract a lot of people climbing it for a challenge as opposed to the experience of being in the mountains and that adds to the problem.

"People in the dark think 'nobody can see me throwing away a bottle', so unfortunately it does attract a lot of litter." - BBC


The Latest "Nessie" Photos

These pictures turned up recently on the Nessie Facebook page and are certainly worthy of further consideration. The witness was Daniel Parker and another on the 26th June about 3pm near the village of Inverfarigaig on the south shore.

He was driving along this quieter road when his attention was taken by an object which appeared to be moving against the prevailing water currents. He estimated it was about 5 to 6 feet in length and about 1 foot out of the water. He quickly took four pictures with his Blackberry phone before it submerged. Two of these pictures are shown here.

The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence

The Loch Ness Monster and Other Lake Monsters (Graphic Mysteries)


Invisible man?

A man in Fort Pierce said he used his "powers of invisibility" to abscond with a carton of menthol cigarettes, but his conscience appears to have gotten the best of him.

Fort Pierce police encountered the apparent cigarette-stealing invisible man around 8 a.m. June 19 at a Walgreens in the 2400 block of Orange Avenue, according to a recently released police report.

A Walgreens cashier told investigators a man approached her and said he'd swiped a carton of cigarettes in the past. The man asked her not to call police. He apologized and left his phone number and debit card before walking in the aisles. She called 911.

The man told police he couldn't sleep the night before and decided to go to Walgreens when it opened. He said that four to five months earlier he was there while using "street drugs."

"According to (the man), the drugs gave him the ability to become invisible," the report states. "(The man) used his powers of invisibility to pass through the counter and take a carton of Kool brand menthol cigarettes undetected."

The man said he wanted to pay for the smokes, which were valued at about $60, but had just $8 on his debit card.

Police couldn't get video surveillance of the theft at the time and the man had none of the Kools left, so the crime couldn't be proven.

A store manager said she'd try to find archival surveillance footage of the theft.

Still, if the man who pilfered the Kools was invisible during the theft, it could be difficult to spot him on the surveillance video.

The man was issued a trespass warning and was escorted off the property. - TC Palm


1867 UFO News Story

Brooklyn Eagle - 12 December 1867

A Mystery on the Lakes--The Wizard Lights--A Curious Phenomenon on Lake Erie

“The statement that a vessel was seen burning off Erie on Tuesday night, is corroborated by several persons living on the highlands south of the city, who say they saw it.”

On the Tuesday evening mentioned, Oct. 29th, at about 7 o’clock, my attention was called by one of my family to a bright light on the lake, having very much the appearance of a vessel on fire. Bringing several objects into range, I watched the light for some time to ascertain whether there was any perceptible motion.

The wind was blowing hard at the time down the lake and a vessel would naturally drift rapidly to leeward, at all events as soon as the propelling power should be interfered with the fire. No motion, however, in any direction was to be discovered, and at once concluded that it was nothing more than the “mysterious light,” which for many years past, at longer or shorter intervals, has been seen by the inhabitants at this point on the lake shore. The light has made its appearance generally, if not always, in the fall of the year, and usually in the month of November, and almost always during or immediately after a heavy blow from the southwest. The most brilliant exhibition of the light I have ever seen was during the night of the 24th or 25th, as nearly as I can recollect, of November, 1852. It had been my fortune to witness the burning of the steamer Erie, near Silver Creek, several years before, and the resemblance which this light bore to that of the burning steamer was so strong that I confidently expected the arrival of the boats from the wreck during the night. Others with myself watched the light for perhaps two hours, and with the aid of a good night-glass obtained what seemed to be a very distinct view of the burning vessel.

The object appeared to be some 200 or more feet in length upon the water, and about as high above the water as an upper cabin steamer, such as was in use upon the Lake twenty years ago. At times the flames would start up in spires or sheets of light, then away from side to side, and then die away, precisely as would be the case with a large fire exposed to a strong wind; and two or three times there was the appearance of a cloud of sparks, as if some portion of the upper works had fallen into the burning mass below. The sky and water were beautifully irradiated by the light during its great brilliancy. The light gradually subsided, with occasional flashes until it disappeared altogether. The light of Tuesday evening, although very brilliant for a time, was not nearly so brilliant nor of so long duration as that of 1852.

I am told that this light was seen by mariners on the lakes as long as fifty years ago, but I am not aware that it has ever been made the subject of philosophical speculation or investigation, or, in fact, has ever obtained the notoriety of a newspaper paragraph before. The only theory approaching plausibility I have heard is that the shifting of the sands caused by the continued and heavy winds of autumn has opened some crevices or seams in the rock of the lake bottom through which gas escapes, and that this gas, owing to some peculiar condition of the atmosphere with which it comes in contact, becomes luminous, or perhaps ignited, and burning with a positive flame. That there are what are called “gas springs” in the water along this portion of the lake shore is a well-known fact, and that highly inflammable gas in large quantities exist at a comparatively shallow depth on the shore, has been sufficiently proved by the boring of wells at different points, as at Erie, Walnut Creek, and Lock Haven, and by natural springs at Westfield and Fredonia.

But whatever the cause, the light is a curious fact, and well worthy the attention of those interested in the investigation of the phenomena of nature.

UFOs & Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge

The UFO Singularity: Why Are Past Unexplained Phenomena Changing Our Future? Where Will Transcending the Bounds of Current Thinking Lead? How Near is the Singularity?

Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs