; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, juillet 13, 2013

Just the Facts?: Clairvoyant Finds Body in California -- 'Vampire Grave' Unearthed -- Strange West Hawk Lake, Manitoba

Clairvoyant finds body in California

Prosecutors in Southern California will file a murder charge against the teenage half brother in the death of an 11-year-old boy who was the subject of an intense search.

Riverside County District Attorney spokesman John Hall said Friday that the 16-year-old suspect will make a court appearance Monday in juvenile court.

The Associated Press is not identifying the suspect because of his age.

Prosecutors are asking a judge to determine if the case should be transferred to adult court.

Terry Dewayne Smith Jr.'s body was found after a four day search Wednesday in a shallow grave under a tree behind the house he shared with his mother, half brother and other family.

A woman who told authorities she'd had visions led authorities to the body, a detective in the case said Thursday.

Riverside County Sheriff's Detective John Powers told KFI-AM radio that Pam Ragland found the body matching the description of Smith.

Powers said Ragland called a tip line to say she was envisioning a location, and was invited to join the search.

Ragland and her children came to the house without knowing it was the boy's, walked on to the property and right to the partially buried body, according to the detective.

Powers said he searched the area previously without seeing it. He said the situation is "extremely bizarre" and he's "blown away."

On Thursday, the bereaved father said he had been expecting his son to fly home this summer to live with him in West Virginia after two years with his mom in Southern California.

"All I want to do is get Terry Jr. back here because that was the last thing he told me on the phone," said Smith Sr., a 62-year-old retired truck driver. "He wanted to come home."

Initial reports from the mother, relayed by law enforcement, described Terry Jr. as an autistic boy who took special medication and answered only to his nickname, "JuJu." His father, however, insisted that his son was not autistic.

The boy lived with him until 2011, when he went to live with his mother, and was a normal kid who loved video games and baseball, he said.

"He was a very bright, well-adjusted child, at least he was when he left here," said Smith Sr. "He pushed buttons and would aggravate you. But, other than that, it was just the typical way ... of a typical boy trying to get his way."

Smith Sr. also helped raise the half brother accused in the case, he said. The teen moved from West Virginia to California after his mother abruptly pulled him out of school, he said.

"I taught him how to walk. I helped him when he was on the baseball team here," he said, recalling that he called the half brother "little Spider-Man."

A phone listing for the boy's mother, Shawna Smith, was disconnected. Messages left at a second number associated with her address were not returned.

Investigators told Smith Sr. that Terry Jr. died after a hit to the head but declined to say more, citing a request from police who are still working the case. - Fox News

How to Read the Aura and Practice Psychometry, Telepathy, and Clairvoyance

You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing

Basic Psychic Development: A User's Guide to Auras, Chakras & Clairvoyance


Polish archaeologists unearth 'vampire grave'

Skeletons were found with their heads removed and placed on their legs indicating they had been subjected to an execution ritual designed to ensure the dead stayed dead.

Anybody accused of being a vampire in the distant past faced a grim fate.

Sometimes they would be decapitated, while another punishment involved hanging from a gibbet until decomposition resulted in the head separating from the body. In both cases the head was then laid on the legs of the victim in the hope that an inability to locate their head would hinder the progress of those intent on rising from the grave.

Historians say that the practice was common in the Slavic lands during the decades following the adoption of Christianity by pagan tribes.

The remains were found on the construction site of a ring road near the town of Gliwice, and came as a surprise to archaeologists more accustomed to finding the human detritus of the bloody fighting of the Second World War.

Just when the bodies were buried is open to speculation. Doctor Jacek Pierzak, one of the archaeologists on the site, said the skeletons were found with no jewellery, belt buckles, buttons or anything that could aid the task of determining their age.

Unlike the classic Bram Stoker image of a caped, blood-sucking aristocrat, the definition of a vampire in the Middle Ages was far broader. Even people who abided by old pagan customs and left food on the graves of dead relatives could fall foul of accusations of vampirism, and suffer a prompt execution. - Telegraph


West Hawk Lake, Manitoba...Strange

West Hawk Lake, near Winnipeg, Manitoba is a mysterious place. When I was around 10 or 11 my parents and me and another family went there. There have been strange things going on there for hundreds of years. It is near Indian (First Nation Places). When I was there my parents went out in a row boat and a strange storm came on the lake. We barely made it back to land...also....I was in a tent with my parents at that time...and I thought to myself: "I should move my feet from the center pole of the tent.".....There was a severe thunder and lightning storm going on. A few seconds later a lightning bolt came down the center pole of the tent. It broke the pole and almost collapsed the tent. If I hadn't moved my feet I might have been killed.

This was around 1956-59. I am now 66 years old. I used to live in New Brunswick, Canada. I was born in Sackville, New Brunswick. I moved to Alberta in 1985 to go to college. Around 1985 or a few years later to visit my now deceased mother in Maritimes......I passed West Hawk Lake....I stopped and saw a sign saying: "Stay at your own risk".....I talked to a security guard at the gate there and he told me that strange things have been happening there for decades. It is a beautiful spot and apparently a lot of tourists go there......but if you are frightened easily or get scared easily ...well that is up to you. I remember it is a very nice place to camp....but a lot of weather and other activity. Dale - Lacombe, Alberta


Eyewitness Account Highlights 2013 Kecksburg UFO Conference

Kecksburg Old Fashion & UFO Festival-July 26-27-28

It’s that time of the year for some out of this world free family fun at the 8th Annual Kecksburg UFO Festival. The annual festival commemorates the December 9, 1965, incident where a mysterious object fell from the sky into a nearby wooded area, and was reportedly taken away by military authorities who arrived to investigate. The festival will be held this year from July 26-28th.

On Friday night the Kecksburg V.F.D. will hold a half price night in the kitchen and will have music by DJ Music Masters. The annual parade kicks off on Saturday at 2 PM, and prizes are being awarded for the best UFO entry, UFO costume, UFO pet costume, and UFO motorcycle. All day long many special events are scheduled such as the bucket brigade, bed race, hay bale toss and the famous smoke in the valley burn out at 7 PM.

On Sunday, grounds open at 10 AM with the car cruise. At 1 PM, stop by for the famous, “Out of this World Hot Dog Eating Contest”.

From 1:30-5 PM, the free UFO Conference will be held. Scheduled to speak are Stan Gordon, who will welcome the crowd and give an updates on recent UFO and other strange sightings from the Westmoreland County area and other statewide locations.

Michael Ranck, Attorney-Was a college student at the University of Pittsburgh, who was at Kecksburg on the night of the incident. He will discuss his experience of encountering armed soldiers and approaching very close to the tarp covered object on a flatbed tractor trailer. He is considering a lawsuit to pressure the government to release the recovered object to the public.

Eric Altman, Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society will discuss “ Bigfoot Sightings From the Last Five years in Pennsylvania.”

John Ventre, Mutual UFO Network PA State Director, will discuss, “UFOs Over Pennsylvania.”

Fred Saluga, Former police officer and UFO investigator- “How a UFO Sighting is Investigated by (MUFON) the Mutual UFO Network.’’

Visit inside the social hall during the event for the annual craft show, jewelry vendors, and displays by UFO and Bigfoot researchers and organizations. Make sure you stop by the Kecksburg V.F.D. UFO store as well. There are many other events planned for the festival. You can locate the Kecksburg UFO Festival grounds at the intersection of Route 982 and Claypike. For more details go to: www.kecksburgvfd.com or call 724-423-9540 or 724-423-2580.



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