; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, juin 24, 2013

Just the Facts?: 25% of Americans Believe ET Has Visited Earth -- Is Egyptian Statuette Spiritually Influenced? -- DNA Proves Bigfoot Real

A quarter of Americans believe aliens have visited Earth

It seems like new results from polls related to UFOs and/or extraterrestrials are released every few months. So the fact that results from a recent UFO/ET poll were released today isn’t shocking.

This latest UFO poll, conducted by the Huffington Post and YouGov, reveals that fifty percent of Americans believe there is some form of life on other planets. But when asked if there is intelligent life on other planets, that number dropped to thirty-eight percent.

The poll results also reveal that a quarter of Americans believe aliens have visited Earth.

Britons seem more open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrials, but they are less open to the idea of alien visitation. Based on data from a recent similar UFO poll, sixty-four percent of Britons believe intelligent life exists on other planets. But only nineteen percent believe extraterrestrials have visited Earth in UFOs.

The Huffington Post explains:

[The] poll was conducted June 11-12 among 1,000 adults using a sample selected from YouGov’s opt-in online panel to match the demographics and other characteristics of the adult U.S. population. Factors considered include age, race, gender, education, employment, income, marital status, number of children, voter registration, time and location of Internet access, interest in politics, religion and church attendance.

The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported

The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors


Colorado Researchers Say DNA Proves Bigfoot Is Real

Bigfoot is real. That’s according to a group of Colorado researchers who say they have hard evidence proving its existence.

Researcher Dave Paulides is convinced the reality of Bigfoot isn’t as fuzzy as the photos from people who claim to have seen the mythological creature.

“This DNA is like nothing else in the world,” Paulides said.

Paulides says Bigfoot looks approximately 7 to 8 feet tall and weighs in at a whopping 800 to 1,000 pounds.

“It’s easy to say a lot of things are crazy. If you lived underground your whole life, the belief that 400 people could fly in a plane would sound crazy,” Paulides said.

Paulides says his research group has collected hundreds of samples of DNA evidence. He focused his search in Northern California’s redwoods. He says strands of hair are from a Sasquatch, genetically tested to reveal a previously unknown species.

“This isn’t an animal. This is a subspecies of a human, and we believe they travel in groups,” Paulides said.

Not a single research institution in the country has confirmed the DNA test results, but Paulides says there are thousands of sightings a year, from California to Tennessee, including dozens in Colorado.

“Colorado Parks and Wildlife does not currently list ‘Sasquatch,’ ‘Yeti,’ ‘Bigfoot,’ ‘The Abominable Snowman,’ or ‘Harry’ (of ‘Harry and the Hendersons’) as any of the more than 900 diverse species that are native to Colorado,” the organization said in a statement.

“I think that the government probably is aware of the subject, but it’s difficult to give acknowledgement to something that they obviously can’t control,” Paulides said.

Paulides says he’s surprised more people haven’t seen Bigfoot. He believes there could be as many as 50,000 in the wilderness. - CBS Local

NOTE: David Paulides will be our guest on 'Beyond The Edge' Radio on Sunday, July 14th...Lon

Missing 411-Western United States & Canada: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved

Missing 411- Eastern United States: Unexplained disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved

Missing 411-North America and Beyond: Stories of people who have disappeared in remote locations of North America and five other countries.


Wolf chases man on motorcycle along B.C. highway

While cottagers are no strangers to unusual and exciting animal encounters, Banff resident Tim Bartlett has one for the books.

Last Saturday, while Bartlett was riding his new motorcycle on Highway 93 through British Columbia’s Rocky Mountains, a massive grey wolf emerged from the forest alongside the highway.

According to a report by the CBC, the wolf crossed a lane of traffic and began chasing Barlett, keeping up with him for nearly a kilometre.

“This is wildlife on steroids” Bartlett told Global News, as it’s considered very rare wolf behaviour. Parks Canada’s Michelle Macullo told the CBC that it’s uncommon to even see a wolf, let alone be chased by one.

“There is a high, high probability that this wolf has been habituated and it is accustomed to getting food rewards from humans along that stretch of highway, and that’s directly contributing to its current behaviour,” a B.C. conservation officer told the National Post.

People are encouraged to call authorities if they spot animals exhibiting strange or aggressive behavior such as this. While Bartlett did contact officials, it was only after he managed to capture this experience of a lifetime on camera. - Cottage Life


Is Egyptian Statuette Spiritual Influenced?

-10-inch tall relic is an offering to Egyptian God Osiris, God of the dead
-It has been filmed on a time lapse, seemingly spinning 180 degrees
-TV physicist Brian Cox among the experts being consulted on mystery
-But some now believe there could be 'spiritual explanation' for turning statue

The curse of Tutankhamen is said to have claimed more than 20 lives. By contrast, the curse of Neb-Senu amounts to little more than an occasional inconvenience for museum curators.

Over several days, the ten-inch Egyptian statuette gradually rotates to face the rear of the locked glass cabinet in which it is displayed, and has to be turned around again by hand.

Those who like tales of haunted pyramids and walking mummies may regard the mystery of the 4,000-year-old relic – an offering to Osiris, god of the dead – as the strangest thing to hit Egyptology in decades.

Others, including TV physicist Professor Brian Cox, have a more down-to-earth explanation for its movement.

Whatever the solution, the puzzle certainly won’t dent visitor numbers at its present home, Manchester Museum.

The statuette’s slow about-turn has been captured on film by a time-lapse camera, and curator Campbell Price, 29, says he believes there may be a spiritual explanation.

‘I noticed one day that it had turned around,’ he said. ‘I thought it was strange because it is in a case and I am the only one who has a key.

‘I put it back, but then the next day it had moved again.

‘In Ancient Egypt they believed that if the mummy is destroyed then the statuette can act as an alternative vessel for the spirit. Maybe that is what is causing the movement.’

The statue, made by one Neb-Senu in about 1800BC, was donated to the museum in 1933, and had been reassuringly immobile for most of that time.

However Mr Price and his colleagues are now used to finding it facing the rear of its case – perhaps significantly, displaying a prayer on the back requesting ‘bread, beer, oxen and fowl’.

Their video has recorded it rotating to its left over the course of three days until facing backwards.

Even more mysteriously, it appears to spin only during daylight hours, and does not turn beyond 180 degrees. Some, including Professor Cox, have suggested that vibrations caused by the footsteps of passing visitors makes the statuette turn on its glass shelf.

Mr Price said: ‘Brian thinks it’s “differential friction” where two surfaces, the stone of the statuette and glass shelf it is on, cause a subtle vibration which is making the statuette turn. But it has been on those surfaces since we have had it and it has never moved before.

‘And why would it go a round in a perfect circle? It would be great if someone could solve the mystery. -

Tutankhamen's Tomb: Uncover the Secrets and Treasures of Ancient Egypt

The Tutankhamun Prophecies: The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians, and Freemasons

Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs: Official Companion Book to the Exhibition sponsored by National Geographic