; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mai 31, 2013

Just the Facts?: Early Morning Abduction...Invasion Coming -- Doctors on the Plane? Just 15 -- 'Witches' Shown Mercy...Really?

Early morning abduction...invasion coming

Cedar Park, TX - 5/15/2013 - unedited: To start off, I cant remember my entire experience due to some of the abduction. I remember half of it but not fully.

I was sound asleep when suddenly it felt like I couldnt move. I awoke to find four six inch tall figures standing in my bedroom beside my bed staring at me and it looked like they were communicating to one another.

They took me by the hand and led me to their space craft.

Outside were around four to five other objects in the sky. The one I noticed that looked unusual was a flat square UFO, almost like an I-Pad but it had no windows or anything, just hovering in the air.

I was led into a Triangular ship which had tables and other occupants of the crew.

They sat me down on the table while the room got brighter until I blacked out.

During my experience, I was seeing strange things in my mind. It showed the Earth in space with lava coming out of the Earth.

I could see many more oval shaped UFOs flying around on Earth, they said there was an invasion coming sometime this year or next.

I was shown people dying, buildings collapsing, the ground exploding, the sky was blood red, thats about all I remember seeing.

I couldnt remember much of anything else during my experience but I do remember hearing something of December 21 2013-14.

I am still recovering from the abduction but this was mainly about all I can remember at the time...all I can say is I believe there is an invasion coming and we need to be ready, we need to prepare for this. MUFON CMS

NOTE: this is not the first time I have been told 'an event' is imminent in late Autumn or during the Winter Solstice of the year. But what year? Lon

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Police find body lying 'among 50 snakes'

German police looking for a missing man discovered him dead in his home surrounded by nearly 50 snakes. His size, experts said on Wednesday, stopped the animals from eating his corpse, as he was too wide to be swallowed whole.

Heiko R, an avid 40-year-old snake collector, had 46 serpents living in his house in Straubing, Bavaria, Bild newspaper said. He had begun collecting them at the age of 16, the paper said.

His colleagues called the police after the caretaker had failed to turn up for work for a week. Officers found his body on the floor, decomposed due to the high temperatures from the animals' terrariums.

There were, they told the paper, an eight-metre long anaconda and four pythons up to nine metres long slithering free around the house. “One was as thick as a human thigh,” said a fireman present at the scene.

Forty-one other snakes including tiger pythons and king pythons, were in tanks – all were registered and legally allowed to be kept as pets. None of the animals were poisonous.

The snakes have a new home at a reptile home in Munich. The reptile centre's boss, Markus Baur, told Bild that the snakes did not eat the body because “they like to eat their prey whole and the average European is too long and too wide for that.”

An autopsy was scheduled for Wednesday and police confirmed that the death appeared neither suspicious nor like suicide. He most likely died of natural causes. - The Local


Heavy rainfall left behind a creature-of-the-unknown in Carroll Gardens on Court St. near Luquer St. in NYC. What is it?

NOTE: Looks like a spinning broom off a street cleaner...just my opinion. Lon


Heart Attack Woman On Plane - 15 Cardiologists On Board

If you fall ill on a flight, you have to hope there is a doctor on board. So Dorothy Fletcher can count herself lucky.

When she suffered a heart attack on a transatlantic flight from Manchester to Florida, she turned out to be on a plane full of cardiologists.

Fifteen experts on their way to a cardiology conference responded when a stewardess asked for medical assistance.

They stood up en masse and rushed to save Mrs Fletcher, 67, from Liverpool. They fed drips into her arms and used an onboard medical kit to control the life-threatening attack.

The plane was diverted to North Carolina, where Mrs Fletcher was treated in the intensive care unit.

The grandmother had been travelling with her daughter to attend her daughter's wedding when she experienced acute chest pains. Speaking from her home in Liverpool yesterday, Mrs Fletcher recalled: 'I couldn't believe what happened. All these people came rushing down the aircraft towards me. The doctors were wonderful. They saved my life.

'My daughter was with me and you can imagine how she felt when all these doctors stood up. I wish I could thank them but I have no idea who they were, other than that they were going to a conference in Orlando.'

She spent two days in the Charlotte Medical Centre after the heart attack on 7 November, but managed to attend the wedding at Lake Berkeley, Kissimmee, the following week.

Her daughter, Christine Penman, 32, who married her fiance Gareth, said: '2003 was my best and almost my worst of years. We'll see in the new year by giving thanks that my mum got through what she did.

'We owe those cardiologists and the airline so much. My mum wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for those doctors but in the rush, we didn't even know any of their names - and we still don't.' - Medical News Today


'Witches' shown mercy, only get 10 years and 1,000 lashes

A Saudi court sentenced two Asian housemaids to 10 years in jail and ordered their lashed 1,000 times each after they were found guilty of indulging in sorcery at their employers’ houses in the Gulf Kingdom, a newspaper reported on Monday.

Their Saudi employers reported the two maids to the Gulf country’s feared religious police, saying they had discovered that their families had been harmed because of sorcery practiced by the maids against them.

Members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice who searched the two houses in Riyadh found talismans and other magic items in the bedrooms of the two maids, Sabq Arabic language daily said.

“The court found them guilty and sentenced them to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes each,” the paper said without identifying the maids or specifying the harm they caused.

Saudi Arabia, which strictly enforces Islamic law, has beheaded many persons convicted of practicing magic over the past years.

More than two million domestic servants work in Saudi Arabia, mostly from Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Africa. - Emirates 24/7