I received the following report last evening after the witness searched the internet for similar sightings:
I was driving home to my house at 1:20PM when I came across this stingray grayish-white looking thing flying over my car - coming from the lake we have here in Laredo, Texas going into the golf course next to it. It was roughly 3 feet wide - maybe bigger and it had a glide to it - no wings, just looked like a stingray - literally. It passed about 30 ft. in front of me and I watched it for about 10 seconds. It looked as if it was swimming, but flying. What could this creature be? I'm kinda freaked out by this. I jumped on the internet as soon as I got home and thank gosh, I'm not the only one. AR
I contacted the witness for further information which I added to the initial report. This is the first flying ray-shaped cryptid report I have received from Texas. It seems the sighting was between the Casa Blanca Country Club and Lake Casa Blanca located in east Laredo, TX. The witness was driving north / northest on Rt. 20. I have been researching this phenomena for several years and mentioned in my book Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters
Winged Manta Ray Shaped Cryptid - Near Ashton, WV - 12/3/2004
Additional Ray-Shaped Cryptid Sightings in WV Ohio River Valley Revealed
Flying Translucent Ray-Shaped Cryptid - Hampton Bays, New York
New 'Flying White Sting Ray' Sighting - Hebron, Kentucky - 1/25/2012
New Flying Manta Ray Sighting - Lynchburg, VA
Reader Submission: New 'Flying Manta-Ray' Sighting - Jordan, Minnesota
NOTE: There were 2 reports of a large leather-winged 'V' shaped bird in Spring, Texas...but the reports differed from the others. I'd appreciate any followup the readers could provide:
Huge Leather-Winged 'V-Shaped' Bird - Spring, Texas
Reader Submissions: 2nd Sighting - Huge V-Shaped Flying Cryptid - Near Spring, Texas