; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, février 18, 2013

Just the Facts?: Ph.D. Biochemist Backs Ketchum Study -- Asteroid-Targeting System Considered -- Vaccine Dangers

Ph.D. Biochemist backs Ketchum study

Dr. Melba Ketchum posted this statement on Facebook by Biochemist, David H. Swenson of Green Resources Redux, Inc. regarding her Bigfoot DNA study:

Brien Foerster, Jeff Kart, and other interested parties. I went over the manuscript by Melba Ketchum on Bigfoot genomics. My desktop had difficulty with a blast analysis of the consensus sequences. It helped me understand more about the project. This collaborative venture has done a huge project that taxes me to fully grasp. I see interesting homology with a standard human sequence with 99% match for mitochondria. From my abbreviated study, the nuclear genome seems to have human and nonhuman sequences.

My opinion of the creature is that it is a hybrid of a human mother and an unknown hominid male, Just as reported. For all practical purposes, it should be treated as human and protected under law.

Brien, selection of Melba's lab for your studies is a very good call.

Sasquatch is real, as proven by genetic analysis.


Asteroid-Targeting System Could Vaporize Dangerous Space Rocks

A meteor explosion over Russia injured hundreds of people today (Feb. 15), just hours before an asteroid about half the size of a football field gave Earth an extremely close shave, catapulting the need to protect our home planet from hazardous space rocks into the spotlight.

The two events raise questions about our preparedness for dangerous encounters with asteroids, and by sheer coincidence one group of scientists has just unveiled plans for a novel system to vaporize asteroids in space that threaten Earth.

"We have to come to grips with discussing these issues in a logical and rational way," UC Santa Barbara physicist Philip M. Lubin said in a statement Thursday (Feb. 14), the day before the Russian meteor explosion.

"We need to be proactive rather than reactive in dealing with threats. Duck and cover is not an option," Lubin added. "We can actually do something about it, and it's credible to do something. So let's begin along this path. Let's start small and work our way up. There is no need to break the bank to start."

The hazards of asteroid impacts are starkly clear in Russia, where more than 900 people were injured and hundreds of buildings damaged by the shockwave from the meteor's explosion in the atmosphere, according to press reports.

Lubin and his colleagues have conceived of a system they call DE-STAR, or Directed Energy Solar Targeting of Asteroids and exploration. The concept: harness power from the sun and convert it into a massive phased array of laser beams that can deflect or evaporate asteroids hazardous to Earth.

"This system is not some far-out idea from Star Trek," Gary B. Hughes, a researcher at California Polytechnic State University, said in a statement. "All the components of this system pretty much exist today. Maybe not quite at the scale that we'd need — scaling up would be the challenge — but the basic elements are all there and ready to go."

The scale the team has in mind is quite astounding — ranging from one system the size of a desktop device to one measuring 6 miles (10 kilometers) in diameter — and the capabilities would improve with each expansion.

DE-STAR 2, for example, would be about 330 feet (100 meters) in diameter, or about the size of the International Space Station, and could nudge comets or asteroids out of their orbits, the team said. Such a system would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, as it would need to be constructed in orbit from smaller pieces, Hughes said in an email to SPACE.com.

Taking a modular approach, the orbital system would keep getting bigger. The researchers envision DE-STAR 4 to be 100 times as big as DE-STAR 2 and say it would be capable of vaporizing a menacing 1,640-foot-wide (500-m) asteroid within a year by beaming it with 1.4 megatons of energy each day.

Hughes added that today's events — the Russian meteor blast and the unprecedented close approach of asteroid 2102 DA14 — "should remind us that there are asteroids and comets that cross Earth's orbit which pose a credible risk of impact."

"If we acknowledge the threat of impact, and the potential for severe disturbances to Earth and society, we should be compelled to investigate realistic approaches for mitigating the risk of impact," Hughes said in an email to SPACE.com. "DE-STAR is one such realistic approach, being based on sound concepts and an existing technological base. An orbiting DE-STAR 2 system would allow rapid reaction to smaller threats. A larger system could defuse any threat if detected sufficiently in advance."

The team thinks their ideas could have implications for asteroid mining and deep space travel, too. The DE-STAR systems could be a valuable tool for evaluating an asteroid's composition and figuring out which lucrative, rare elements it might hold, such as lanthanum, which is used in the batteries of hybrid cars. And a gigantic system that the team has imagined, DE-STAR 6, could serve as a massive orbiting power source, allowing interstellar travel without a warp drive.

"The ability to focus energy on a distant target would allow acceleration of interplanetary spacecraft," Hughes said. "Our calculations indicate that a 1,000-kg (2,200-pound) spacecraft could be accelerated to Mars and arrive in 15 days. Continuous acceleration could send a spacecraft to relativistic speeds, a tantalizing prospect for interstellar travel."

The team is currently preparing a manuscript on DE-STAR to submit for peer review. - Yahoo

Impact!: The Threat of Comets and Asteroids

Cosmic Connection: How Astronomical Events Impact Life on Earth


Massive pod of dolphins spotted off San Diego coast

The captain, Joe Dutra, of Hornblower Cruises, reported seeing a “super mega-pod” of common dolphins around noon when he was on his daily tour.

Dutra said that the pod was at least seven miles long and five miles wide, reports NBC News. He added that he has never seen anything like it. The tour group followed the pod for more than an hour.

When they first spotted the pod of adult and juvenile common dolphins, tour guests aboard the boat started screaming and pointing. There were an estimated 100,000 dolphins swimming in the pod. Dutra added:

“They were coming from all directions, you could see them from as far as the eye can see. I’ve seen a lot of stuff here … but this is the biggest I’ve ever seen, ever.”

Dolphins are social animals and typically travel in packs of 15 to 200, called pods, notes The Daily Mail. Experts have been unable to determine why thousands of dolphins would travel in a pod together. Marine expert Sarah Wilkin stated:

“They’re definitely social animals, they stick together in small groups. But sometimes, the schools come together.”

While a pod of this size is considered a once-in-a-lifetime event, a similar situation was reported the same time last year. An unspecified amount of dolphins was seen swimming about 65 miles off the San Diego coast. The massive pod could signal a previously undocumented migratory pattern.

For those who got to see the super-pod in action last week, Dutra commented, “You had to be there to experience it. It was truly spectacular.” - Inquisitr


Teen dies from flu after receiving flu shot

A second Minnesota teenager has reportedly died from complications of infection with influenza Type A during this current flu season, prompting health officials across the state to urge the public to get flu shots for their own protection. But missing from many of the news reports on this tragedy is the fact that the child in question, 14-year-old Carly Christenson, had already been vaccinated for influenza before flu season even started, proving the utter failure of flu shots to protect against the flu.

As reported by CBS 4 News in Minnesota, young Carly passed away on January 8, 2013, not long after she was admitted to urgent care with a bad sore throat. Believing the symptoms to stem from a mild infection, doctors at the response center gave Carly a prescription for Prednisone, a powerful steroid drug used to treat inflammation, and sent her on her way. But by the next morning, things for Carly took a serious turn for the worse.

According to reports, Carly’s sore throat evolved into a serious fever that included shortness of breath and wheezing. Her lungs filled with fluid not long after that, and she had to be rushed to the hospital to have a heart and lung bypass with an ACMO machine. In the days that followed, Carly was given regular blood transfusions, but these were ultimately not enough — she died just a few days later.

On the first day when Carly was admitted to urgent care, both her parents and the doctors at the clinic were reportedly not all that concerned about the child’s mild throat infection, as she had reportedly already been vaccinated for the flu back in August. The fact that Carly had gotten a flu shot, in other words, was seen by Carly’s family and her doctors as a shield of protection for the girl — after all, authorities would not recommend flu shots if they did not actually work, right?

This misplaced faith in flu shots ultimately provided a false hope for Carly’s family that she would be protected against the flu, a faith that was ultimately shattered by the reality of the complete ineffectiveness of the flu shot. Immediately after Carly’s death, authorities actually tried to deny that Carly died from the flu, referring to her condition as “flu-like.” The head of the Minnesota Health Department, Kris Ehresmann, even went so far as to claim that she “could not confirm” that Carly had ever even had a flu shot, even though other sources had already confirmed that she had, indeed, gotten the shot.
Still others have since tried to reassure the public that flu shots still work, and that Carly’s death is some kind of medical anomaly. But the science speaks for itself — in a best case scenario, flu shots provide protection for only about 1.5 out of every 100 people. The other 98.5 people who get flu shots are needlessly exposed to toxic adjuvants and viral materials that could cause them to develop the flu, or worse.

Consider the case of seven-year-old Kaylynne Matten of Vermont as evidence of the dangers of the flu shot. As reported by investigative journalist Christina England over at Vactruth.com, young Kaylynne died last year in her mother’s arms just four days after receiving a flu shot at an annual checkup. According to Kaylynne’s parents, the young girl, who had no pre-existinghealth conditions and was a very healthy child, developed a serious headache and fever the day after getting her flu shot. Three days later, Kaylynne suddenly stopped breathing and died without warning in her mother’s arms. - Prision Planet

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective

The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults

Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time