; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, février 21, 2013

Just the Facts?: Bigfoot Along Neches River? -- Anatomy of a Stoning in Iran -- Mystery Mass Fainting

Bigfoot sighting along Neches River?

Chill bumps rise on David Arceneaux’s arms as he looked across Block Bayou at a line of trees about 100 yards away.

“I’m not crazy. I don’t do drugs and I’m not a drinker,” Arceneaux said before telling his tale of seeing not one but two Bigfoot-like creatures huddled together one December morning.

The Nederland native visits Oak Bluff Cemetery about once a month to clean the graves of a friend and a cousin, something he has done for years without incident. But on an overcast, windless day Arceneaux got the fright of his life.

“I heard a blood curdling scream and a lady nearby asked me if I was OK. I told her it wasn’t me,” Arceneaux said as he stood, uneasily, at roughly the same spot where he saw the creatures. “We walked over to the water and looked to the left then straight ahead.”

What he saw next amazed him. Two Bigfoot-like creatures who had been throwing rocks in the water looked across at him and the unknown female. One was standing next to a tree, arms around the trunk and the other was squatted down. As the second creature rose from the crouching position Arceneaux estimated the creature was about eight-foot tall. So he snapped a photo with his phone, he said.

“All of a sudden they started walking then running through the woods,” he said of the bipedal creatures. “When they began to run, the lady said ‘I’m leaving’ and left. I stayed a few more seconds and then thought there may be a way for them to cross here so I left, scared.”

Arceneaux said he could see the face of the creature “clear as day.” There was hair from the mouth down like a man and when the creature turned he could see hair hanging down its arm.

Disturbed by what he saw, Arceneaux went home and watched an episode of “Finding Bigfoot” but had to change the channel when they played an audio recording of Bigfoot — it was too real.

“This is my first time back here since December,” he said.

Arceneaux said he spoke to a game warden, describing the situation, and was told there had been other sightings along the Neches River. Calls placed to a local game warden was not returned by Tuesday afternoon.

There are a number of organizations throughout the state that researches and documents Bigfoot sightings. Groups such as Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy and Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. These groups strive to find evidence to scientifically prove the existence of the creature.

Jerry Hestand of Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy said there have been reports of sightings in the Big Thicket area and he has had personal experiences at the Lance Rosier Unit in the Thicket.

Hestand said one of the creatures entered his camp and growled at one of the dogs. The dog, he said, growled back but by the time the men jumped up from their tents the creature was gone. Hestand said the group was part of an episode of a Travel Channel show called Weird Travels in which Bigfoot vocalizations were played.

“There is a sound on the Internet called the Ohio howl,” Hestand said. “That’s exactly what we heard clearly and distinctly.”

Arceneaux said he did not come forward with his story sooner because he worried about what others would think of him. He has shown this photographic evidence — which was taken at a far distance with a cell phone — to friends and family and only had one person scoff. He will continue to research Bigfoot, he said, but remains wary of returning to the spot where the encounter occurred. - PANews

The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster

Monsters of Texas


If you ever hear this at night....

Video - Dueling Bobcats

...then you'll now know what it is. The one and only time I heard it, I was sitting in a car at night in the Patapsco State Park near Marriotsville, MD (very near where The Blair Witch Project was filmed and only a mile or two from the infamous Henryton Center). Bobcat calls are some of the scariest sounds I've ever heard.

Bobcats are beautiful felines, but not suitable as pets...at least not those that live in the wild throughout the Mid-Atlantic. I have seen what they can do when cornered or threatened. Don't let their size fool you...they are fierce when provoked. Lon


Graphic: Anatomy of a Stoning in Iran


We look at the brutal practice of stoning in Iran. This method of execution is still practiced in certain countries, where it is used to punish adulterers and other criminals. The graphic shows how a stoning occurs in accordance with the exact language of the Iranian Penal Code.

Apocalyptic Islam and Iranian Shi'ism (Library of Modern Religion)

The Stoning of Soraya M.: A Story of Injustice in Iran

Understanding Iran: Everything You Need to Know, from Persia to the Islamic Republic, from Cyrus to Ahmadinejad


Mystery mass fainting...at mass

No-one knows exactly what caused eleven people, mainly teenage girls to faint and become sick during a mass at a Sydney church early today.

Ambulance officers were called to Our Lady of Dolours Church on Archer St, Chatswood at 9.45 to treat a young girl who had fainted but when they arrived they found a number of people in a distressed state.

Most were suffering dizziness, nausea, and having trouble breathing.

"The initial call was for one patient but when the officers attended the church a lot more people were reporting similar symptoms," an ambulance spokeswoman said.

"We treated eleven people at the scene including some adults and five had to be taken to Royal North Shore Hospital."

The incident was then reported to the NSW Fire Brigade because it was thought a gas or chemical had caused the problem.

"But they could find nothing," the spokeswoman said.

"It was a bit stuffy inside the church, but we don’t honestly don’t know what happened for certain," she said. - Daily Telegraph



Well, actually...it's going to be a busy Sunday night.

BTE is now LIVE on PARA X Radio! Yes...we have a new home. Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome Scotty Rorek to BTE. Scotty is a psychic medium whose mission is to bring spiritual understanding to people searching for answers. He works toward that mission through education, medium-ship, and mentoring. Don't miss this one! LIVE Sunday February 24th at 8:00 PM ET / 7:00 PM CT - You can listen & chat on the network page at http://www.para-x.com/live.htm or use the show link at http://www.beyondtheedgeradio.com/ - Call toll-free 1-877-677-2858

Then...later that night, I will be appearing as a guest on Coast to Coast AM w/ George Knapp. We'll be discussing cryptids and other paranormal encounters. The show begins at 12 midnight ET.