Did William Wallace possess supernatural powers?
WILLIAM WALLACE'S followers believed he had supernatural powers, according to research.
Historian Ron Halliday, 63, said that while there is little documentary evidence about the Scots hero’s life, there were many tales relating to his supposed powers.
In stories passed down by the poet Blind Harry and others, Wallace receives visions in balls of fire, meets ghostly figures and even battles headless foes.
Ron – who has spent decades studying supernatural mysteries – said: “There are many stories about Wallace but they’ve been washed out of the historical accounts.
“These were mystical events and accounts of great deeds. There was also great symbolism.
“This supernatural side has largely been forgotten but to understand Wallace better, we should acknowledge it.”
Ron added: “It would have worked in Wallace’s favour for people to think he had supernatural powers or had the supernatural on his side.
“It would have inspired people to join him. They wanted to see him as a superman of his time, someone beyond the ordinary.
“We can’t say for certain but I’d suspect Wallace saw this as important as well to create the aura. Now people see these tales and think the supernatural aspect detracts from his being a great leader.”
Ron describes the phenomenon in his book Famous Scots and the Supernatural. He says the stories provide a “fuller, rounder picture” of the 13th century freedom fighter. - Daily Record
William Wallace: Brave Heart
The Wallace: The Compelling 13th Century Story of William Wallace (Coronet Books)
Military archives show NZ and US conducted secret tsunami bomb tests
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BRENDAN TREMBATH: It's been revealed that the United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests in the 1940s of a 'tsunami bomb' designed to inundate coastal cities.
Thousands of underwater tests were carried out near Auckland during the Second World War and showed such a weapon was feasible.
The top-secret operation code-named, ''Project Seal'', was shelved just months before the atomic bomb was used on Japan in 1945.
The secret plans have been uncovered during research by a New Zealand author and filmmaker, Ray Waru. He's speaking here with AM's Emily Bourke.
RAY WARU: I came across actually by chance a series of Project Seal reports that were made a long time after the war that were sitting on the desk of a man who was vetting military material and I said what's this and he said oh well this is the best kept secret of World War II. We were going to make a tsunami bomb.
EMILY BOURKE: Were the tests actually carried out?
RAY WARU: Yes, in fact the tests were almost carried out to completion in the sense that the programs that had been set up in 1944 were actually almost completed. They were wound down when a slightly more effective bomb, a nuclear weapon, was invented and it was clear that the war was coming to an end.
EMILY BOURKE: Where were these tests carried out?
RAY WARU: They were carried out at one of Auckland's and one of New Zealand's most well-known holiday spots, the Whangaparaoa Peninsula just north of Auckland and over a period of several months they carried out almost 4,000 test explosions to kind of calibrate the size of the explosions, the number of explosions and the depth of the explosion in the water would need to be in order to create a tsunami effect.
EMILY BOURKE: Was there any damage that occurred as a result of the research and those tests?
RAY WARU: No. They never actually produced a tidal wave. They decided at the end if there were 2 million kilograms and they were detonated in an array a specific number of kilometres from the shore that they would produce a wave that wave about ten or 12 I think metres in height and that would have been enough to wash out a shore installation. So they got quite close to doing it but in fact according to reports anyway, nobody ever tried to wipe out Auckland with a tsunami bomb.
EMILY BOURKE: Were there any targets in mind?
RAY WARU: The report doesn't specify any. At that stage I guess the military establishment would have had notional targets in mind, presumably the primary target would have been Japan, presumably coastal cities and coastal fortifications in Japan and presumably the tsunami bomb could have been seen as a weapon that would paved the way for an invasion of the Japanese home islands.
EMILY BOURKE: Were these tests carried out at the behest of the United States? Did the United States fund it?
RAY WARU: Yes they were. They were carried out at the behest of the United States. They were carried out with the full cooperation of the New Zealand government. The New Zealand government apparently provided most of the logistics, they obviously provided the location, but the Americans provided a lot of the technologies.
EMILY BOURKE: Is there an explanation of why New Zealand took part?
RAY WARU: From my research, no. I mean it was suggested to the New Zealand government that New Zealand might be a useful location. The Americans probably weren't going to do it in the Pacific. They obviously needed a kind of a military establishment that could get behind it so I guess the choice could have been either Australia or New Zealand.
Why they chose New Zealand I'm not sure. It may actually have been coincidence because there were New Zealanders involved with the kind of clearing operations as I understand it and it may simply have just come back to the New Zealand cabinet.
Certainly when it was mentioned to the New Zealand cabinet, the war cabinet at the tim, there was cooperation and encouragement so I guess it - the ball rolled on from there.
BRENDAN TREMBATH: Ray Waru, New Zealand filmmaker and author of Secrets and Treasures. Emily Bourke was our reporter.
Daytime UFO disc seen over central Maryland again
Upper Marlboro, MD - 1/2/2013 - I was photographing chemtrails on Tuesday Jan. 2, 2013, like I do whenever the chemtrails are being sprayed, which is almost every day and had taken around 800 photographs.
While reviewing and selecting photographs to upload to my site I noticed a green object in 19 different frames.
I have one set of 4 frames with the object, one set of 13 frames and one set of 2 frames with the object.
Im going to upload the last photo of all taken yesterday.
The photo has the metadata you need.
NOTE: As you can see in the metadata the shutter speed at this time is 1/2500s, and this object is moving much faster than that. The human cannot see anything that moves that fast.
Only a camera can capture something that fast.
No feelings, just another UFO photo which I will add to my collection of other UFO photos.
I selected this photo as the craft is tilted and one of the better shots.
I was not using a tripod and some of the 19 photographs of this object are blurry since the camera is hand held.
The majority of the photographs are of what I believe to be the bottom of the craft since the object can be seen to be perfectly round. - MUFON CMS
Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis
UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors
Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier
Fact: An R-rated version of ‘Galaxy Quest’ exists
Galaxy Quest isn’t exactly a movie you’d expect to have an R rating. But somewhere out in our vast universe a very different, and very R-rated version of Galaxy Quest exists that’s filled with swearing and sex!
This incredible information comes from producer Lindsey Collins, who told Collider that Galaxy Quest’s own Sigourney Weaver let the info slip:
We had lunch with Sigourney [Weaver] who was telling us that there actually used to be an R-rated version of that movie which was awesome. It was the director’s cut and it was R-rated and everybody was swearing and there were sex scenes, and the whole thing. They didn’t know what to do with it, so they had to re-edit the whole thing and made it what it is today. We were like, ‘How do we get our hands on the R-rated version of Galaxy Quest?’ She said ‘I don’t know!’ and we were like, ‘Come on, Sigourney!’
Galaxy Quest [Blu-ray]