; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, janvier 26, 2013

Just the Facts?: 'I Witnessed Destruction of Alien World' --The Rise of Superbugs -- Apple Inc. Uses Child Labor

'I witnessed the Greys home world destruction'

I feel a little background is required before I tell this story. I have read over 3000 ufo books. The greys abducted me alot. They asked me ufo questions. On March 10, 2009 I was getting ready for bed. Tonight would be the last night I was ever abducted. A grey walked into my bedroom and thought to me follow me. I followed it, it was so strange because they had never revealed themselves while I was awake. It wanted to show me something. We went to its craft. We flew to its homeworld then out to a point in space. The grey initiated an OBE and told me I had one hour to learn all I could about a ship approaching its homeworld. There was two alien species aboard. I spend 55 minutes studying the species I was not familiar with. Afterwards, I watched helpless, as this ship destroyed the greys homeworld. After much debate, I was brought back. The entire thing happened in about 8 hours. I have not been abducted since. I was fully conscience during the entire time. - MUFON CMS

The Life of Super-Earths: How the Hunt for Alien Worlds and Artificial Cells Will Revolutionize Life on Our Planet

Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us


'Cocaine for the Hair'


Miniature Star Trek style 'tractor beam' built

Researchers from St Andrews demonstrated that the microscopic-scale apparatus could pull tiny particles suspended in water towards it via a beam of light, rather than push them away as would normally happen.

Although scientists have been able to manipulate light in various ways for decades, the experts claim they are the first to build a "tractor beam" which works of its own accord and does not require help from a computer to "trap" objects before shifting them.

Sadly for sci-fi enthusiasts the technique, detailed in the Nature Photonics journal, has only been proven to work on a particle five microns wide, and can not be scaled up to suck in spaceships because too powerful a laser would be required.

Dr Tomas Cizmar, who led the study, explained: "The problem is that this is based on the transfer of momentum between photons (light particles) and the object, and unavoidably there is also a transfer of energy.

"If you imagine you would like to attract a football, the amount of energy it would transfer would be huge and it would immediately burn up the football.

"We can probably go further but at some point the heating up would be a huge problem."

The method could, however, be used for intricate engineering such as in the building of robots, or used in medicinal testing, for example to analyse blood samples.

The technique, developed by Dr Cizmar with colleagues in the Czech Republic, involves aiming a laser through a lens and onto a mirror, so that it passes back across itself in an "X" shape.

Normally a beam of light, made up of photons moving in one direction, would push particles gently away from it due to a force first discovered by German astronomer Johannes Kepler.

But when the laser crossed itself, the photons in the reflected beam interfered with the oncoming beam, counteracting the "pushing" force.

Because the particles of matter were small enough to scatter the light around them most photons were pushed ahead of them, meaning the particles themselves were shunted slightly backward.

Prof Pavel Zemanek, another of the researchers, said: “The whole team have spent a number of years investigating various configurations of particles delivery by light.

"I am proud our results were recognised in this very competitive environment and I am looking forward to new experiments and applications. It is a very exciting time.” - Telegraph


The Rise of Superbugs Called 'Apocalyptic Scenario'

A prominent British health official has declared the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs so grave a threat that the world is now facing an "apocalyptic scenario" in which people die of routine infections.

Dame Sally Davies, the U.K.'s chief medical officer (a role equivalent to the U.S. surgeon general), warned Parliament that contagious antibiotic-resistant disease is an imminent crisis and should be included on the government's official register of possible national emergencies, right next to terrorist attacks and natural disasters, according to the Guardian.

Superbugs are disease-causing bacteria that have evolved to have defenses against antibiotic drugs. Over the years, some strains of bacteria have become so robust they resist almost every weapon in our drug armamentarium.

"There are few public health issues of potentially greater importance for society than antibiotic resistance," Davies told the Guardian. And she pulled no punches when speaking to Parliament: "We need to get our act together in this country," the Guardian quoted her as saying.

Davies is hardly the first to sound the alarm on the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections. "It certainly would — and has — resulted in a much greater risk of dying of infection," Dr. Brad Spellberg, assistant professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, told LiveScience.

"We already are seeing infections that are untreatable," Spellberg said. Besides the rising threats of antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis and gonorrhea, he cited three bacterial infections of particular concern: Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia.

Each of these bacteria can cause a number of infectious diseases, including pneumonia, septicemia and urinary tract infections. In the case of Klebsiella, Spellberg noted, there's just one highly toxic drug left, and it's effective only about half the time it's used.

It's equally alarming that antibiotic drug development is at a virtual standstill, he said. "The pipeline is barren," partly because pharmaceutical companies have few incentives for developing antibiotics that people take for just a few days or weeks, Spellberg said.

Instead, drugmakers focus on research into drugs that are taken for years to treat chronic conditions like arthritis or heart disease. Davies told Parliament, "There is a broken market model for making new antibiotics."

While Spellberg is careful to add some perspective to the issue – "I don't think we should be alarmist" – he emphasizes that a "massive crisis" is looming if we leave unaddressed the continued rise in antibiotic-resistant superbugs, since it could result in a "catastrophic drop in quality of life." - Yahoo

Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA

Superbugs Strike Back: When Antibiotics Fail (Discovery!)


Apple Inc. Internal Memo: Child Labor Used in China

Apple Inc. used child labor in the making of its products by employing 106 underage workers across 11 facilitates in 2012, an internal audit revealed. According to a report, the company also discovered wage problems and forced pregnancy tests.

Apple’s annual ‘Supplier Responsibility’ report, which includes nearly 400 audits, 72 per cent more than in 2011, reviewed sites where over 1.5 million workers make some of the world’s leading products, including iPhone and iPad.

In addition to 106 underage children that were employed, the report discovered 70 more that either left or passed the age of 16 by the time of the audit.

Seventy-four of 106 underage individuals were employed by a single Chinese manufacturer, Guangdong Real Faith Pingzhou Electronics, responsible for producing circuit-board components for Apple.

The California-based company terminated work with all of the underage individuals following the investigation into the matter.

Inquiry revealed that a labor agency, Shenzhen Quanshun Human Resources, “knowingly” provided children with fake records after conspiring with families to forge identification documents, the report stated.

Upon discovery, Apple reported the labor agency to local authorities.

The children’s age was not disclosed, but according to Apple’s code of conduct, the company cannot employ workers under the age of 15, or under the legal working age in any given jurisdiction, which is 16 years old in China.

“Our approach to underage labor is clear: We don’t tolerate it, and we’re working to eradicate it from our industry,” report said.

Apple demanded that all the underage workers be returned to their families and the employer was "required to pay expenses to facilitate their successful return", including education fees.The company instructed the suppliers to reimburse excessive recruitment fees amounting to higher than one month’s wages.

Other offences noted in the report included 34 suppliers demanding mandatory pregnancy tests, eight factories implementing wage confiscation from bonded workers to pay off debts imposed by recruitment agencies, 90 workplaces docking wages as punishment, and one supplier dumping waste oil down toilets.

In the past, Apple has faced criticism of profiteering off severely underpaid workers and bad working conditions overseas.

Apple’s report was commissioned under Chief Executive Tim Cook shortly after a series of at least 18 employee suicides in China linked to working conditions at Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that puts together iPads and iPhones, and a number of explosions at other plants. - RT