; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, janvier 10, 2013

Bigfoot DNA Study: We May Know Something Soon...

Earlier today, Bigfoot Evidence posted that there may be big news concerning the Ketchum DNA study. Since then, I've been trying to find out from more reliable sources as to what the hoopla is about.

There is unconfirmed information that the study will be published (peer reviewed) sometime before January 15th. Not sure if this is a fact...I've been told that there has been NO announcement within the study group BUT 'the study is GOOD'. In otherwords, the information earlier released by Dr. Ketchum is definitely in the study, as well as other interesting findings. I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this and will be updating...stay tuned. Lon

UPDATE: Supposedly, a press release is to be issued sometime today. There were rumors of a press conference earlier. Anyway, let's see where this goes...Lon