; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 07, 2013

As The Bigfoot World Turns: More on the 'Daisy in the Box' Episode

Rob Gaudet from Squatch Unlimited has been kind enough to allow me to post the following information:

Daisy Bigfoot Capture: Ed Smith question and answer by independent researchers continues

Good Morning Here is the continuation of my questions and answers with Ed Smith.

Questions in full:

1. If you have seen no photos, videos, reports or the alleged specimen, how can you be 90+ % sure this is a legitimate capture scenario? What information have they provided that makes you that certain?

2. I read your explanation for your involvement with Quantra on this. But, that does not explain why they are involving you. By all rights, they could have kicked you to the curb for your information disclosure. But, they have not. Why not?

3. Who is Mr. Alexander? What can you tell us about him?

4. Going back to the “crates”. You stated there are 8 total, but there are 6 in the field. Are they all on one property? If not how many to a property and do you have a number for the people involved that know about these “crates” and their locations?

5. Let’s talk about the “knock down” gas and how you described the air being sucked from the crate to render the subject unconscious. What preparations, if any, were made should the subject not begin to breathe on their own? Could you describe this in more detail as some are alleging simply doing this and not performing some kind of resuscitation (and following up with an immediate tranquilizer) would have ended with the death of the alleged subject.

6. From what field(s) of study is the group getting advice for sedation, immobilization, general health & welfare and examination?

a. Exotic husbandry (e.g. zookeeping), general biology, wildlife biology, veterinary (domestic, wildlife or exotic), medical, or other?
b. From the field(s) listed in the response for 1.a. which are protocol consultants, hired or on the ground participants, or group members?

Questions and Answers:

Question: If you have seen no photos, videos, reports or the alleged specimen, how can you be 90+ % sure this is a legitimate capture scenario?

Ed Smith: At the meeting in Houston they spoke of the specimen and referenced it several times.

Question: What information have they provided that makes you that certain?

Ed Smith: They are the ones who want to have a face to face meeting that was not a battle to get in the meeting framework.

It's just a matter of what content is or must be presented at the meeting. Other than what I have already discussed I have drawn those conclusions.

Question: I read your explanation for your involvement with Quantra on this. But, that does not explain why they are involving you. By all rights, they could have kicked you to the curb for your information disclosure.

Ed Smith: I endured about an hour of anger at the Houston meeting and there still may be legal ramifications. "I do bring to the table an understanding of the Bigfoot community we do not have" as stated by one of the principals in attendance.

I have stated and I will do it again, I am only overseeing the Bridging Group Meeting. Nothing More!

Question: But, they have not. Why not? What makes them think you won’t disclose sensitive information now?

Ed Smith: I have not signed any other NDA's or agreements, So that's a question that the principals would to have To answer.

Question: It is not my intent to insult you, but if you were on the outside looking in, as most in this community, you would have to admit it is curious that they would want to keep you involved.

Ed Smith: Outside of the information that I have shared in my posts and in the Q&A. Compared to being in control of the O-6 operations. I am on the outside. I'm just standing closest to the window. I told DW and DO in a phone call tonight I have never seen an organization that has a plan in front of them and yet they don't know what to do?

It is frustrating to say the least.

Now let's switch the tables, if I were in their shoes knowing what I do from my past work and everything else being same. I would have kicked me out.

They did not.

Keep this question and ask them at the meeting.

Question: Who is Mr. Alexander? What can you tell us about him?

Ed Smith: He is a successful trader in secondary commercial (commercial mortgages, student loans, etc). Mid fifties educated has three children marred thirty plus years.

Question: Going back to the “crates”. You stated there are 8 total, but there are 6 in the field. Are they all on one property?

Ed Smith: I'm speaking only about how the O-6 operations that were conducted. No.

Question: If not how many to a property and do you have a number for the people involved that know about these “crates” and their locations?

Ed Smith: I'm speaking only about how the O-6 operations that were conducted. Maximum of two per property depending on location topology many different factors, a minimum nine personnel per location again it would vary on location.

The examination area would have 1 or 2 additional personnel until needed when the examination team would assemble. The examination team consists of 18 to 20 additional personnel brought in to the location when needed. These are as needed personnel and would be assembled and notified with the "Flash List"

Question: Let’s talk about the “knock down” gas and how you described the air being sucked from the crate to render the subject unconscious. What preparations, if any, were made should the subject not begin to breathe on their own? Could you describe this in more detail as some are alleging simply doing this and not performing some kind of resuscitation (and following up with an immediate tranquilizer) would have ended with the death of the alleged subject.

Ed Smith: The knock down gas system does not force all O2 out of the crate. The escaping air exits through vent slots at the bottom additional air slots at the top of the unit allow air in to the unit at a reduced rate. The system reduces the amount of O2 in the air to cause an unconscious state.

The unit was tested with one O2 sensor in the middle of the unit at half height and four more in each corner at floor level. The system reduced the available O2 level to 9.71% for a duration of 57 seconds O2 levels returned to Normal in 88 seconds, that is why we set the follow on N2 releases at 3.5 minutes. There was no need for necessitation determined.

Question: From what field(s) of study is the group getting advice for sedation, immobilization, general health & welfare and examination?

a. Exotic husbandry (e.g. zookeeping), general biology, wildlife biology, veterinary (domestic, wildlife or exotic), medical, or other?
b. From the field(s) listed in the response for 1.a. which are protocol consultants, hired or on the ground participants, or group members?

Ed Smith: We contracted and compensated zoologist, biologist, geneticists, large animal veterinarians, radiology technicians, medical lab techs some of these professionals were contracted as consultations but some were contracted for the examination team most of these served a dual purpose.

EMT, Ex military personnel, and members of the O-6 staff were utilized in the field operations.

All signed non disclosure agreements and were compensated at 3 to 7 times the normal rates for their profession and participation. When we ceased operation severance compensation was provided.

The majority of them continued on with the Quantra group under new NDA's and compensation packages. O-6 NDA's remain in affect for 25 years or until released. These were reaffirmed at severance.

Now...the following was recently posted on the MABR website by D.W. Lee:

Many will question how this team was decided upon. Ed Smith wanted Dr. Meldrum and Melissa Hovey from the start, he left the remaining members of the team to be decided upon by D.W. Lee. The info below gives a basic background for which the decision was made from.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum - Dr. Meldrum is highly respected by the majority of the Bigfoot Community, and has the scientific background to evaulate the data.

Kathy Strain - Kathy is highly respected by the majority of the Bigfoot Community, and has leadership positions with the AIBR.

Melissa Hovey - Straight-shooter, tells it like it is. Respected by many in the Bigfoot Community for her strong stance to call it like she sees it.

Abe Del Rio - Radio show host, respected by many on both sides of the fence in the Bigfoot Community, from the Forest People side to the Flesh and Blood/Animal side.

Steve Kulls - Radio show host, respected by many from his radio show work, and will help with his experience as an investigator.

The MABRC part of the Bridging Team is as follows:

D.W. Lee "Darkwing" - Executive Director of the MABRC
Randy Harrington "Driveroperator" - Randy is well-known to many of the principles of the Orig-6, and has substantial background knowledge of the last 4 years with Ed Smith and the Orig-6

Jim Whitehead "Biggjimm" - Jim is a degreed biologist, and will help to identify and understand the information presented as part of the meeting.

Rob Gaudet "ElectricBigfoot" - Rob has a great background in technology and will help D.W (who also has background in technology) keep track and understand the technology side of things.

Doug Todd "Holotype" - Scientist, who along with Jim, will provide the scientific side of things for the MABRC.

Steve Kulls issued a statement referencing new "Bridge Team":

I have no details of what is exactly to take place, nor a timeline, a location, nor any photos, videos and the like.

All I have is a commitment to have a meeting with the alleged Bigfoot captors.
This is one of many steps that are necessary to validate their claim. If you’d ask me a couple of weeks ago, what are the odds, that this was real, I’d honestly tell you, “Slim.”

I still feel that way, however I am impressed at this effort.

Other than that, I have been a viewer on the sidelines as much as anyone else.
I have not been in contact with Ed Smith during this time period, and my only contact pertaining to this matter has been the last few days with DW Lee, who has as well wants to this to see this to the end.

Due to my “boots on the ground,” mentality, and Squatchdetective.com’s mission statement, we must follow this to the end to see if such claims are the truth or otherwise.

To have absolute proof, you must follow the proof absolutely.

My personal “proof of life,” is to lay eyes on their specimen. No more, no less, videos, photos, interviews with Team Quantra will not suffice.

I will be releasing no further information on this independently, as I am now part of an assembled group. However I will not allow this to be a long, drawn out process either. This is not for an air of secrecy, but to prevent any wild speculations or conclusions.

NOTE: there are a few people being mentioned in these posts who I trust. As far as the actual contributions they are making, that remains to be seen. At this point, there is nothing more than speculation and name-dropping. Jeff Meldrum will be appearing on 'Beyond The Edge' Radio this coming Sunday January 13th at 8:00 PM. The following week on BTE, Steve Kulls will be participating in a 'Bigfoot Round Table' discussion (Sunday January 20th at 8:00 PM). You may want to tune in both weeks for the latest on this situation...Lon

Ancient Mysteries - Bigfoot (A&E DVD Archives)

Finding Bigfoot

Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes BD/Combo [Blu-ray]

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