Sasquatch at Cabela’s Strange, Rare and Unusual Sightings Seminar
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
Press contact:
Bud Forte 304-238-0120 - Ext 8046
Sasquatch at Cabela’s Strange, Rare and Unusual Sightings Seminar
People see things in the woods that do not have a clear explanation. Trail Cameras get photos of creatures and their behavior that defy conventional thought. There are thousands of reported sightings of animals, tracks and dens that have no explanation. Mainstream scientists have slowly taken on the research into this phenomenon and have generated new interest and new evidence and findings are surfacing every day.
There have been reported sightings of large bipedal ape like creatures all over the world for hundreds of years. A sixteen millimeter film shot in 1967 of a creature walking through the mountains of northern California is still being analyzed and there is consensus that it may be real.
Footprints, seventeen inches in length, are being discovered and studied by leading authorities. DNA samples have been studied and conclusions are forthcoming. Some people close to these investigations are reporting that the DNA samples from North America may resemble that of a Primate. No known Primates inhabit North America.
Is Sasquatch real or myth? That is the question that top scientific researchers will be exploring during the Strange, Rare and Unusual Sightings Seminar at Cabela’s on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 15th, 16th and 17th. This Seminar is now in its third year at Cabela’s and has been enjoyed by hundreds of inquiring people of all ages in the last two presentations.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum will be the featured presenter. Meldrum is an Associate Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University and recognized as one of the leading scientific authorities on the possibility of the existence of Sasquatch or Bigfoot. Dr. Meldrum is recognized as an authority as well on bipedal locomotion or how two legged creatures walk.
Dr. Meldrum’s book, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science
In his book, Dr. Meldrum develops a baseline of science on which further research can be based and with critical examination he forces no conclusions.
Joining Dr. Jeff Meldrum will be researchers Eric Altman and David Dragosin of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society, Independent Researcher Stan Gordon and Billy Willard, Founder of Sasquatch Watch of Virginia. These organizations have quietly and methodically investigated multiple reported sightings in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Eric Altman is a cryptozoologist, specializing in Bigfoot/Sasquatch research and is the Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. He is the host and producer of the alternative talk show program, Beyond the Edge Radio. Eric and Dave Dragosin, assistant director of the Pennsylvania group have investigated multiple sighting reports in the Uniontown and Chestnut Ridge areas of Western Pennsylvania. Billy Willard has been called in on the investigations of multiple reported sightings of Bigfoot in West Virginia.
Stan Gordon was the principal investigator of the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO incident in 1965 when an unidentified object landed in the small community south of Pittsburgh that was surrounded with controversy and accusations of a cover up. Gordon now continues his investigations into unexplained events in many areas of the United States.
The Strange, Rare and Unusual Sightings Seminar will include trail camera photos submitted by Cabela’s customers of unusual wildlife in our vicinity, including possible photos of a Cougar taken not far from Cabela’s store at the Highlands.
There will be a reception with Dr. Jeff Meldrum and the other scientists and researchers from 6 until 8PM on Friday evening, February 15th in Cabela’s Conference Center. The seminar will be presented both on Saturday, February 16th and Sunday, February 17th beginning at 10:00 AM. The program is expected to go until about 5PM.
Many of the participants have witnessed large footprints and have made plaster casts of the prints. These and other plaster casts will be on display for the event. The researchers will show photographs and video of what appears to be Sasquatch taken in multiple locations. There will be eyewitness reports presented at the seminar by people who have seen these creatures. Those attending may draw their own conclusions.
There is no charge for the event and reservations are not required plus those attending can register while there for several high quality trail cameras and other prizes to be given away both on Saturday and on Sunday.
Bud Forte
Retail Marketing Manager
Marketing & Brand Management
One Cabela Drive
Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059
Direct 41208046
304-238-0120 Ext. 8046
Fax: 304-547-9350
Please note ALL requests for donations, sponsorships, or advertising must now be made at least 60 Days prior to an event through Cabela’s online request center at Thank you.
The Wolffish
The ferocious-looking wolffish gets its name from the sharp, protruding teeth.
The wolffish are a family, Anarhichadidae, of perciform fish. They are native to cold waters of the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, where they live on the continental shelf and slope, to depths of about 600 m (2,000 ft). They are bottom-feeders, eating hard-shelled invertebrates such as clams, echinoderms and crustaceans, which they crush with strong canine and molar teeth. The longest species, Anarrhichthys ocellatus, grows to more than 2 m (6.6 ft) in length.
There are four species in the Anarhichas family: the Northern wolffish, the Atlantic wolffish or sea wolf, the Spotted wolffish, and the Bering wolffish.
Australian teenager survives nine weeks in wild
An Australian teenager who went missing from his home in Sydney more than two months ago was discovered emaciated, exhausted and covered in leeches, but alive in bushland north of the city.
Matthew Allen's family feared the worst after the 18-year-old disappeared in late November from Westleigh, near Cherrybrook in northwest Sydney and his mobile phone and bank accounts went untouched.
Extensive searches of the area by police failed to find a trace of Allen, who suffers from an undisclosed medical condition.
But two hikers spotted the teen lying in bushland less than two kilometres (just over a mile) from his home on Saturday, covered in leeches and insect bites and having lost almost half his body weight.
He was partially blind, exhausted and suffering gangrene to his lower legs and feet after an ordeal police said they were amazed he had survived.
"He was completely exhausted, completely dehydrated, suffered significant weight loss, somewhere up to 50 per cent. He was suffering from partial blindness and he had leeches all over him," said acting police inspector Glyn Baker.
"He was not living under any shelter and was exposed to the full conditions since reported being missing," he added.
Allen was believed to have deliberately hidden himself from view in the area which is heavily frequented by hikers.
He told rescuers he had survived by drinking from a local creek, which was almost dry when he was found. Allen endured soaring temperatures in recent weeks including a record-breaking 46 degree Celsius (115 Fahrenheit) day in Sydney.
Allen was airlifted to safety and was undergoing treatment in hospital for his injuries, which were described as not life-threatening.
Police have yet to speak to him about his ordeal.
"His family are ecstatic that he's alive and that he's well," said Baker. - Telegraph
The Science of Ghosts...From Another Skeptic
An article by my friend and colleague Chris Halton of Haunted Earth's Ghost World:
Ghosts have been a popular subject for millennia, appearing in countless stories, from "Macbeth" to the Bible, and even spawning their own folklore genre: ghost stories. Ghosts are perhaps the most common paranormal belief in the world. Part of the reason is that belief in ghosts is part of a larger web of related paranormal beliefs, including near-death experience, life after death, and spirit communication.
The idea that the dead remain with us in spirit is an ancient one, and one that offers many people comfort; who doesn't want to believe that our beloved but deceased family members aren't looking out for us, or with us in our times of need? Most people believe in ghosts because of personal experience; they have seen or sensed some unexplained presence. Continue reading at Haunted Earth

Builders Find Gold Coin Stash In Irish Pub
Builders working in an old pub in the Irish Republic have unearthed one of the most significant finds of gold coins ever recorded in the country.
Eighty-one coins, mostly guineas and half guineas dating back to the 17th century, were dug up from clay underneath floorboards in the fire-damaged premises of Cooney's pub in the town of Carrick-on-Suir, County Tipperary.
Marie McMahon, the curator at South Tipperary Museum in Clonmel where the coins were first stored said: "We were told that they were gold and you never really believe it, normally you would find silver, but they were in fantastic condition.
"There are one or two coins buckled and one tarnished, but overall fantastic condition. They'd be incredibly valuable but legally we would not be allowed to discuss that."
Experts at the National Museum of Ireland, which is putting the coins on show for the first time on Wednesday, described the find as the most important in decades.
"No comparable 17th century hoard of gold coins has been found in Ireland since the discovery in Portarlington, County Laois, around 1947, of a hoard that contained little over 100 gold coins as well as some silver coins," a spokeswoman said.
The collection depicts the reigns of Charles II, James II and William and Mary, who are featured in a joint portrait.
The National Museum said that it appeared that the coins had been hidden "in a line together".
It is believed they may have originally been wrapped and held together by material which has disintegrated over time.
Ms McMahon said she suspects the coins may have belonged to a merchant as the town was a trading centre in the 17th century - old maps are to be checked, to try to find out what was previously on the site.
The coins are mainly guineas, with a small number of half guineas, the name given to a British gold coin made by the Royal Mint between 1663 and 1814.
They were called guineas because the gold used in making some of them came from West Africa.
More research is being carried out into the coins and their historical background. - Sky