; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, décembre 18, 2012

Deformed Pre-Hispanic Remains Unearthed in Sonora, Mexico

The following information was released during the past 24 hours. I honestly don't know the actual source of this disclosure though it states that it comes directly from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico City. I hope that other experts, including Lloyd Pye, come forward with their thoughts:

Mexican experts found a cemetery a few thousand years old in the state of Sonora that has features never seen before in that region and extending the zone of influence of the Mesoamerican peoples, said archaeologists from the Institute National Anthropology and History (INAH).

A mere 300 meters from the village of Onavas, southern Sonora, was an outdoor grave site, the first pre-Hispanic cemetery,of that state found with burials composed of 25 individuals, 13 of whom have intentional skull deformation, INAH said in a statement.

Five individuals with cranial deformation also have dental mutilation. These cultural practices are similar to those of pre-Hispanic groups in southern Sinaloa and northern Nayarit, but had not been recorded in Sonora, detailed the Institute.

Some skeletons wore ornaments made from shells and snails found in the region of the Gulf of California. They were bangles, a nose ring, earrings, pendants and necklaces of shell beads. Also, an individual was buried with a turtle shell placed at the height of the abdomen.

The INAH said that the burials were not accompanied by offerings.

For archaeologists, the discovery is relevant evidence of practices that were not recorded in the old Sonora cultural groups: cranial deformation (frontal occipital) was applied to 13 individuals, and modification by the wear of the side of teeth to give them a “V”.

“The area meets the unique finding that mixed expressions of groups of northern Mexico, as the use of ornaments made from sea shells Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California), with Western traditions never before found in Sonoran territory” , said archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno.

Garcia, director of the research project, which is conducted by Arizona State University, USA, with approval of the INAH Archaeology Council, said: “With this discovery extends the limit of influence of Mesoamerican peoples farther north: than had been recorded archeology” by previous archaeological finds.

The archaeologist noted that no other archaeological site in Sonora have been found where modifications are identified by cranial and denta mondificationsl, nor have they been seen in the southwestern United States, which shares the cultural area with Sonora.

“The closest cultural groups who developed these traditions are in northern Sinaloa and the National Wetlands area (southern Sinaloa and northern Nayarit), who incorporated their culture some Western customs and Mesoamerica,” he explained.

However, he said, “Cemetery Onavas not in migratory Mesoamerican groups, but one who had a sedentary local development and that at some point in its history established contact with Mesoamerica and incorporated some ideas into their culture.”

He explained that according to historical sources, the site must have belonged to the old Pima Indians, the region’s cultural group whose descendants moved to what is now the Sonora-Chihuahua state line, and could be part of a settlement located in the area of traffic that followed the western coastal towns in the southwest U.S. which traded in turquoise.

“And in that transition, the Pimas adopted new traditions from Mesoamerica,” he explained, adding that the datings performed on human remains Epiclassic match the Mesoamerican period (900-1200 AD).

Finally, archaeologist Cristina Garcia noted that these findings are giving rise to further research in the southeastern part of Sonora that has been little studied, “the North, the desert, the Northeast and the coast are the most researched, from these findings it is known that the southeast is different from what was known, this side is completely new.” - Source: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)

Click for video - HALLAZGO EN SONORA


Mexican archaeologists discover 1,000 year old cemetery in the State of Sonora

MEXICO CITY.- Three hundred meters from Onvas (town), south of Sonora, archaeologists discovered the first pre-Hispanic cemetery of the region. This cemetery is about 1000 years old and is made up of 25 individuals’ burials: 13 of these have intentional cranium deformities, and 5 also have dental mutilations, a cultural practice similar to pre-Hispanic groups in the south of Sinaloa and the north of Nayarit, which had not been previously registered in this state (Sonora).

To archaeologists, the importance of the discovery is the evidence of customs that had not been registered in ancient cultural groups in Sonora: the cranium deformation (frontal occipital lobe) applied to 13 individuals of the Cemetery –Cemetery is a name archaeologists have given the site–, as well as the modifications made to the lateral pieces to give them a “V” shape.

“The area’s finding holds unique characteristics because it mixes the cultural expressions of groups from the northern part of Mexico –such as the use of shells and spiral shells originating from the Gulf of California–, with western traditions never before seen in Sonora. With this discovery, the limit of influence of the Mesoamerican people has been shown to be more extensive than what had been registered in archaeology,” emphasized archaeologist Cristina Garcia Moreno, director of the investigation project by the Arizona State University with the approval of the Council of Archaeology of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), when the data was discovered (excavation season of 2012). Garcia Moreno said there is no other site in Sonora that has identified similar cranium and dental modifications; neither has it been found in the southwestern part of the USA which shares the cultural area with Sonora. Continue reading at Art Daily

Lloyd Pye's website

What Is The Starchild Skull?

UPDATE: I received a response from Lloyd Pye in reference to the elongated skull photo:


That photo is a conehead. I don’t know about the others, I’d have to see their photos, but you can see the brain capacity of that one is about twice the size of a normal human, so that means it is a conehead. Obviously, mainstreamers have decided that all such heads result from deliberate deformation, but that has always been nuts because deforming a human head does not double its brain capacity. I don’t know how to get any mainstreamers to acknowledge simple reality when it comes to this, but there can be no doubt in the mind of anyone with a grain of independent thought process.

I made a separate inquiry to a researcher who studies coneheads extensively. Hopefully I can get a quote to pass along. Stay tuned...Lon

Suggested Reading:

The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?

God, Genes, and Consciousness: Nonhuman Intervention in Human History

Twelfth Planet: Book I of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)

Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Everything You Know Is Wrong, Book 1: Human Origins   [EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS BK 1] [Paperback]

The Stairway to Heaven: Book II of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles)

The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God

The Earth Chronicles Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Seven Books of The Earth Chronicles