; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, décembre 11, 2012

Below The Superstition Mountains

People claim to have had experiences with all types of alien beings inhabiting underground levels below the Superstition Mts. east of Phoenix. Early reports speak of humans and human-dwarfs inhabiting the caverns of the region, although in the 20th century reports of reptilian and grey type aliens have increased. Some encounters involve white-greys from Epsilon Bootes, humanoid or reptilian "deros" in black hooded cloaks using abducted/programmed humans above and below as mind slaves or worse; reptilian humanoids with integrated human DNA abducting and raping women; and various other regressive underground scenarios. The first narrative was sent to me a few years ago:

Lon - I have heard of and seen Reptoid beings in the area 5 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. The Superstition Mt's have been an area of encounters and is said to have both an alien base and laboratories under it. The military also have an underground base there and interact on experiment's with the aliens.

About 20 years ago I encountered an individual that spent time exploring some of the old mines in the area. He had vanished for months before I ran into him again. I ask him where he had been all this time. Here is his story.

He spotted a mine entrance on the west side of the main Mt. side. He said that the mine looked to be in good shape, so he started walking in the shaft. He had gone about a half mile in when he saw a sign that said no entrance beyond this point. The mine shaft was still in good shape, so he went in a 100 yards. He told me that people seemed to come out of the walls of the shaft. Men in black uniforms questioned him and then took him to a holding area in Mesa, Arizona for 72 hours. They questioned him again and found out that his home was in Colorado. They gave him a plane ticket to Denver, CO and told him never to come back to the Phoenix area. He asked me not to tell anyone that I had seem him. He wanted to pick up personal items that got left behind. I have never seen him after that.

There are other stories of treasure hunters going into old mine shafts and finding holographic walls in the shaft. They did not try to enter the area behind the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get back out. They told me that they took a round rock and rolled it through the screen and heard it roll for some distance. One of them reached through the screen with a flash light in his hand. He turned the flash light back toward the screen, but could not see any light. He said that he withdrew his arm as he had the feeling that some thing was back there and he didn't want it to grab his arm and drag him in. I asked the men to take me up there and show me the mine. They all said no way they were going back in there. We got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall. I did go into the area to search but was never able to find the mine. This is not strange as other people have found opening and marked the entrance with a pyramid of large rocks and left to get lights and more people and equipment. When they got back, the rocks are still there as they had stacked them, but the entrance is gone!

There have been sighting of reptoids about 9 feet tall in that area. As soon as they sense that they are being watch they vanish. People have also seen lizard beings about the size of a man with bat like wings and a tail. They fly out to opening in the cliffs at twilight and also vanish if since that they are being watched. The Native Americans have seen these things for hundreds of years and have legends about them. They say that they are shape shifters and can make you see them in any form they want. I found this out on a personal encounter with a Reptoid I encountered on a trail.

As I was walking up an inner trail in the Mt's I looked up and saw a man coming towards me on the trail. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked toward him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, vertical slits. When he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me with a pshycic blow that I can only describe as being hit in the head with a sledge hammer. It stunned me and almost drove me to my knees. As I shook this off I looked up and he was gone. I had a headache for 2 days after that and think that he could have killed me if he wanted to.

This is just some of the strange thing that have been seen up there. We have seen different types of alien craft that appear to enter the main Mt. Ghost orbs and UFO orbs that have been seen in different area for hundreds of years that disappear at different old mines, wells, and some just enter the face of the Mt's. I would love to get in touch with a well equipped investigative group and have them check out some of the strong magnetic fields that may act as dimensional portholes where some of these creatures come and go.

One day our Government may tell us the truth on there involvement with alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us. Anonymous


The next narrative was recalled by several researcher and included in the Mojave Files:

The Steven Brodie Story

Steven Brodie was a man of many talents and hobbies, among them painting and rock collecting. Several years back he decided to investigate a certain area in Arizona where, he had heard, quartz crystals could be found in abundance. Brodie convinced a friend of his, also an avid rock collector, to join him on a rock-hunting expedition to the site. After purchasing a ticket on a passenger train, they traveled to a certain small community in Arizona, which was near the area that they desired to explore.

The two rock hounds had their eyes on one particular bluff, which they could see in the distance from the town they were in. Other town residents heard about their plans and warned them against going to that bluff, stating that SEVERAL people had in the past disappeared without a trace in that area. Brodie and his friend blew-off their warnings, considering them mere superstitions which they should not take seriously, and set out towards the forbidden bluff. They had no sooner approached the base of the bluff than out of the shadows emerged two beings who were each cowled in a dark cloak and hood, making it very difficult to discern their features or whether they were even human or not. After being confronted, Brodie's friend panicked and attempted to make a run for it. Steve swore that at this point one of the black cloaked figures raised some kind of weapon and a brilliant pencil beam of light shot from it and hit his friend, who cried out in agony and immediately fell down motionless. From what Brodie could gather his friend had been killed, although he never did see his body after that.

Following this, one of the 'beings' came up to Brodie, who did not resist but stood where he was. While still in a state of shock, one of the creatures placed some type of device over his head, like a metal headset with two metallic 'discs' which fitted over his temples. At this point he started to lose consciousness.

The next thing Steve remembered after gaining consciousness again was of being in some type of dungeon or cavern-like enclosure, within a prison-like cell. Other humans were there as well. Most of the people there seemed to be under some type of trance or mind control, and as far as he knew, he was one of them. He dimly recalls 'waking up' a few times, but usually when this happened one of the dark-robed creatures would come over to the cage or enclosure where he was and point a rod shaped device at him, at which point he would black out again. During one of his brief conscious episodes, he had a chance to talk to another prisoner, a girl, who told him that their dark-robed captors were known as the 'dero'.

That, basically, was all that he remembered. The incredible part of the story, however, was the fact that several months afterwards he suddenly 'came to' and found himself conscious once again. He suddenly realized that he was walking down the streets of New York City! He had no idea how he got there, or where he had been the past six months. It was like 'waking up' out of a bad dream or nightmare, the majority of which he could not remember. In addition to this, he found that someone had given him a haircut (he didn't know whom).

Whether or not this account has any connection to the many 'rumors' of strange and ancient caverns and tunnels below New York City is uncertain. Some cautiously speak of such tunnels as being used by a MIB-like secret society, some of these tunnels connecting with the lowest sub-basements of the Empire State building and other Manhattan structures. Some allege that such tunnels are the possible destination of many of those who mysteriously end up 'missing' in New York City every year. Whether these are mere unfounded 'rumors' is anyone's guess, at least until solid evidence 'surfaces' to prove such accounts.

Steve was constantly paranoid and in fear that he was 'being followed' or that someone or something was constantly watching or stalking him. Also, Steve would often paint bizarre other-worldly landscapes, even though he wasn't used to painting in that style until after his 'experience'. Then one day someone stopped by Brodie's apartment to pay him a visit and he was no where to be found. No one seemed to know what happened to him, and that was the last time anybody ever saw Steve again. - The Mojave Files 11/16/2000

Blood, Gold, And The Superstition Mountains

Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds

Transcripts of what the Aliens, Extraterrestrials and Intraterrestrials Told our Governments