; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, novembre 26, 2012

Humanoid Reports & Other Encounters / 2010 - August 2012: Part 2

The following article was forwarded by long-time humanoid researcher and colleague Albert S. Rosales. The full narrative will be presented in four parts...enjoy!


“Incredible accounts….by seemingly credible persons.” - Dr. J. Allen Hynek (1972)

Many cases from 2010 and 2011 are summarized in the issues of THE JOURNAL OF HUMANOID STUDIES and will not be duplicated here. After a busy 2011, 2012 has proven to be a most interesting year so far with numerous assorted encounters and cases, are we building up for something? Is this our last year to learn our real place in the cosmos? I suspect it will be my last year for collecting cases and I will start work in other projects. (All the available issues of the Journal of Humanoid Studies can be downloaded for free from the UFOINFO site).

Albert S. Rosales
August 2012 - parts unknown



Location. England, exact location not given
Date: July 2010 Time: evening
The witness was sitting in his room typing on his computer when he noticed a black object outside. He didn’t think anything of it because he thought it was a bird, then he looked past his screen and there it was again. Since he had be talking about UFOs earlier that day he thought to get his camera and he waited for the object and it passed by the window again but because it was going at a good speed he couldn’t get his camera focused on the object. It came around one more time and by this time he had opened his window to see if he could get a better look and then it flew off. He noted that there was no sound coming from the object.
Later that night he kept wondering what the object was and as he was laying in bed he suddenly got a ‘transmission-like’ vision of these four unknown beings standing over him, he couldn’t see any facial expressions but he looked over to his arm and they had a long silver-like needle scratching into the skin. He couldn’t move or feel anything. He looked back and above him was a huge round light. He has never been able to forget it and had never told anyone.
The witness added that after the black object had circled the house several times, it then shot off. He did take a photograph but it was not very good. It was that same night, as he lay in bed unable to sleep, that he first got the image of a light and then saw the beings. He couldn’t see their faces but they were tall. He compared them to doctors and it was as if they were taking a blood test; they had a long very thin thing like a needle that touched his vein. Then the beings just disappeared. Throughout the experience he found he couldn’t move; it was as if he were paralyzed. In the morning he noticed a narrow red line where they had scratched the skin. He has a feeling that they will come again, which scares him.

HC addendum
Source: Yorkshire UFO Society, http://ufophenomenon.weebly.com/black-ufo-alien-bedroom-visitors.html Type: D?

Location. Minocqua, Wisconsin
Date: July 2010 Time: late night
The witness and her husband purchased a small lake home located about 50 feet from a gorgeous lake. The day of the move, she led first with one of the rental trucks loaded, her husband and children would be following the next day with the last of their items.
She pulled into their new home around 22:00 that night; she was too tired to start unloading anything. She went in and dropped her purse on the floor and curled up in one chair that was in the entire home. She distinctly remembers leaving on a kitchen light above the sink and turning off all the other lights in the house. The house had been vacant for almost two years and was completely empty except for her and her chair. She fell asleep quickly and the next thing she recalls was waking abruptly and she was in complete blackness. She sat for a second getting her bearings. She wondered why the lights were off, when night falls here you cannot see a foot in front of your face. There are no street lights or neighbors to shed light of any source. That’s when she saw a soft white glow---it was about five feet in front of her and about three feet off the floor. She remembers feeling no fear, but confusion, wondering what it was. It started to move vertically across the room, it turned slightly and that’s when she saw what she described as a left shoulder and arm. It looked like an X-ray image. The arm was bent at the elbow and it was moving with the white glow. That’s when things started to click in her head; she realized that it must have been some kind of apparition.
She just rolled off the side of the chair and flew to the kitchen and flicked on the light. Once the light went on it was gone. She knew she had left the kitchen light on; why it was off, she doesn’t know. There was no blow fuse or burned out bulb. After that night she started seeing out of the corner of her eye movement coming down the hall the way to the family room. This was happening several times a week. No other family member was seeing this. One night she was watching television and saw the movement again. This time she saw looking straight at it, this tiny marble sized ball of light float down the hall. The light was only a few inches off the floor. It vanished as it entered the family room. She has also photographed large floating orbs of light.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales---May 2011 Type: E?

Location. Near East Liverpool, Ohio
Date: July 2010 Time: 03:00 a.m.
The main witness was on his way home from Chester West Virginia with his girlfriend. They were on RT 68 between East Liverpool Ohio and Midland Pennsylvania along the Ohio River. The time was around 3 am and a thing that looked like a black angel flew in front of his truck, it was about 6 ft tall and was so close that they both ducked. Whatever it was it came from the river side of the road. The witness wanted to report the event to the police but his girlfriend refused, pointing out that “they will think we are crazy”.

HC addendum
Source: Phantoms and Monsters May 22 2011 Type: E

Location. Near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date: July 2010 Time: evening
The witness was visiting his friend at her summer house and as her parents went out shopping and she napped in the bedroom he was playing ‘Play station’ when all of a sudden he caught movement out of the hook of his eyes through the big window, right next to the television. He was stunned to see a pale-white, medium size creature that ran by into the bushes. He then decided to go outside to check. The first few minutes, there was nothing, by ‘nothing’ he meant no ambient noise like birds whistling, etc. He ‘regrettably’ moved towards the bushes, where he began hearing a sound, like a growling of some sort.
He was a good ten feet away from the bushes when he saw the most hideous thing jump out of the bushes. A pale, bald, naked man, with pitch-black eyes stood right in front of him. He was in shock and couldn’t move at all. The creature had pointy ears and teeth. It did not have a nose, but two holes in the center of its face (similar to Voldemort from Harry Potter). It was growling, almost like a dog. Then it disappeared into thin air. Then the witness thinks that he passed out, he next heard the sound of his friend’s parent’s car. He got up and went inside. He didn’t tell them what had occurred.

HC addendum
Source: http://paranormal.about.com/od/demonsandexorcism/a/tales_11_06_09t.htm Type: E

Location. Rome, Italy
Date: July 2010 Time: evening
A 30-year old male was walking his dog in a field next to a wall when he saw what he initially thought to be a person approaching. Suddenly his dog began to growl and bark at the approaching stranger. Trying to restrain his dog the man noticed that the ‘person’ did not seemed to walk but appear to float inches above the ground in what appeared to be a cushion of air. The strange figure was approximately in meter in height and pitch black in color which was apparently intent in attacking both the man and his animal. The dog owner attempted to drag his pet away but was overtaken by the strange figure.
A wild hand to hand fight did not prevent the witness from noticing certain features on mysterious being. His face was sallow as if skinless and it had large white eyes. Its body was covered in a strange garment, but seemed to be more robotic in nature than human. The witness (a black belt in Karate) struggles with the being and punches it in the area of the sternum on several occasions. Suddenly the dark humanoid jumps back and takes a tremendous leap into the air disappearing into the sky as if ‘sucked away’ by an invisible force. Around the same time others in the vicinity noticed a bright ball of light the size of a half moon hovering over the area, it suddenly begins to oscillate at a high rate of speed and vanishes into the sky. The main witness immediately runs to his house and notifies his family who finds a mysterious rash on his arms and face, resembling first degree burns. The witness then notifies the police and is told not to tell anyone about his bizarre encounter. After a few days the area of the encounter is mysteriously fenced in but after a few days is reopened to the public. (The area is located north of Rome).

HC addendum
Source: http://avvistamentiecontatti.blogspot.com Type: D?

Location. Edge of the Universe Ridge, Fullerton, California
Date: July 2 2010 Time: 23:00
Three friends had decided to take a walk up the area known as the ‘Fullerton Trails’ and “medicate” (they were all medical cannabis patients) at the top of the ridge, as the view is spectacular. There is another higher ridge known as the End of the World, located not too far away, but it was late at night and it was hard to see, so they decided against walking up it. The layout of the ridge consists of a trail the entrance of which is located in the middle of a residential street, nestled between two houses. There is a short walk with a trail surrounded by trees on one side and a fence on the other.
They got to the top of the ridge with little trouble, but noticed an extremely foul smell, like something had died and was rotting. They figured it was some animal, but they never came across a corpse. Anyhow they got to their destination and began to ‘medicate’.
As they admired the view and discussed how cool the ambience of the night and the desert scenery below them was they heard something rustling in the bushes behind them. They figured it was an animal and continued their business. They kept hearing noises coming from the bushes, and they grew steadily more unnerved until they decided to leave. The way back was a little bit harder than they way up. The main witness kept urging his friends to hurry as he was in the back and had a strange feeling of unease. They got back to the entrance and hurried back to the car. They began joking around that something was coming for them, when suddenly the witness in the back seat said, ‘Start the car---now!’ The tone of his voice made them look back and they saw what he was looking at. About 15 feet away, standing next to the trash cans at the entrance they had just come from, was a tall hooded figure. They couldn’t see its face; it seemed shrouded. The driver took off in a hurry. Apparently the witness in the backseat had seen the figure slink out of the darkness. It stared at them as they left.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales---August 2011 Type: E

Location. St Petersburg, Florida
Date: July 26 (or 27) 2010 Time: around midnight
The witness had gone to bed around midnight, his wife and young cousin were sleeping in separate rooms on this particular night. He arose (not sure of time) and went outside to smoke a cigarette. When he went outside he at once noticed a bright triangular shaped object of pyramid shape with 3 lights running down the side hovering right above him. He said that the object was bigger than the house. He then noticed a bright flash. The next thing he recalls was being in a bright room with a light shining in his eyes. He could see four shadowy figures, but couldn’t make out any features. He noticed a tube in his navel and in his penis. He was covered in some sort of “goo” and he had a type of gas mask on. He kept hearing a voice saying “he is coming to.” The next thing that he recalls is waking up in his bed at 3:03 a.m. He said that he knew that he got up because the door was unlocked and partially open. He locked the door before he went to bed. Therefore he was emphatic that he did not have a lucid dream. He had a real experience. He said that upon awakening at 3:03 a.m. he went to the bathroom to check for marks on his body, he noticed none. However, the next day he experienced severe diarrhea and urinary track abnormalities. The story gets better as the next day he was talking to a friend. The friend was out driving at around 4 am (a little later than his encounter) and noticed a bright object that looked like “a burrito” in the direction where the witness lived. His friend snapped a photo of the object with his cell phone. Another person riding a motorcycle also saw the object.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufosnw.com/sighting reports/2010 Type: G

Location. Not provided
Date: July 28 2010 Time: night
Grandparents had their 14 month old granddaughter in bed with them and the girl was very cranky and crying like she was afraid of something. The grandfather noticed that while singing the children’s hymn, “Jesus loves me this I know” the girl started crying even harder. He yelled out “Stop! Get out in Jesus’ name!” At this point he saw a ‘shadow’ that was moving very fast toward him. He was already sitting on the edge of the bed when the shadow now appeared as a figure of a man standing before him. The figure was tall and very heavy set. When the witness attempted to get up, the intruder grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him down. The witness fought back, punching the intruder in the stomach as hard as he could, however his fist went through his stomach just like hitting ‘a rubber bag or balloon’ and bounced back. The aggressive intruder now began to strangle the witness as the witness grabbed the intruder’s wrists in ‘a Judo hold’ and twisted them; however the hands just flexed as if made out of rubber. The witness then attacked the intruder’s arm and noticed that the skin or suit felt like rubber that had being burnt, sort of ‘crunchy’ when he found the upper arm muscle he dug his fingers into it, finding it easy to dig in he put as much pressure on the muscle and pulled the muscle as hard as he could. He felt the muscle stretching farther than a human’s could, but it did reach an end to the stretching and the witness ripped the muscle of the upper arm completely off. The intruder did not scream in pain but let out a groan and ‘obscenities’ (?). The whole time his wife was scared stiff, ‘imploring for Jesus’.
The entity, which the witness estimated was at least 300 lbs then just ran through the wall and disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.alien-ufos.com Type: X
Comments: What was the origin of the aggressive entity? There is definitely a religious connotation in the original narrative (summarized here).

Location. South Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Date: August 26 2010 Time: 20:10
There was a sighting of a monstrous bird in South Greensburg just as it was getting dark, four people were sitting around in the yard having a barbecue and enjoying the beautiful weather when suddenly, their attention was drawn skyward by a sound like a “swish” or a “swoosh” or as one witness stated, “like the air coming straight down.”
Several of the observers at almost the same time yelled out some exclamations including one man who said, “What the hell is that?” They were all startled to see a tremendously large bird that was flying over a tree in the yard about 30-40 feet overhead. The man who was going the cooking turned and looked up to see the creature fly above him at a distance of about 40 feet away. As the bird passed the tree, it veered slightly to the right and went straight down the road ahead maintaining its low level path. When first observed the massive wings of the creature were in an upward position and were beginning to drop slowly, almost as if they were rolling to the bottom. The swoosh sound could be heard when the wings were moving. The powerful bird had flown about 125 yards down the road, at which time the wings were coming back up. The creature was observed as it continued to move steadily down the road, passing just above the roof top of a house with its wings flapping slowly and steadily about 3-4 times until it reached a group of trees about ¼ miles away, where it was lost from sight. It took about 20 seconds to go the ¼ mile distance.
As it passed over, it appeared as though it was peering below, with its head and beak positioned downward. It was estimated that if the bird was on the ground it would stand between 4 ½ to 5 feet tall. The entire body was the same dark color, either darkish brown or black. The body width was about 25-30 inches wide. One witness said the body, “was very bulky and husky.” The head was oval shaped, and the beak was short for the size of the animal, about 8-10 inches long. The tail was about 2 feet long and came out wide to a point. It was the size of the wingspan of the creature that impressed the witnesses which they estimated at 10 feet or more in length. When asked why nobody thought to take a picture, they pointed out that while there were cell phones lying there with camera functions, all involved were mesmerized by the encounter. One witness felt as if he was almost ‘in shock’.
It was later learned that another witness who lied along the road where the big bird flew over also reportedly saw the creature. One witness has been a long time hunter and is very familiar with birds native to the state and is certain that he saw something quite unusual. The area where these observations have taken place, while surrounded with some wooded locations, is well populated, and nearby Route 119 is a highly traveled roadway .

HC addendum
Source: Stan Gordon, paufo@comcast.net Type: X

Location. Nashville, Tennessee
Date: September 20 2012 Time: 19:00
Witnesses reported seeing a cigar-shaped object white and red in color. It had no wings and when it was flying it was tilted over going up. It also had a large clear window with little human-like figures looking out. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: A

Location. Washington state (exact location not given)
Date: October 2 2010 Time: evening
The witness had just finished watching the news and had gone outside and laid down on the round ottoman when he noticed what looked like a flock of geese flying over in the dusk or nor quite twilight. It occurred to him that they were flying in perfect formation so he got up and tried to look at them more closely. What he saw was a dark outline of a ‘Chevron’ floating over him around 1,000-2,000 feet up. He saw the outline of it and could see around 20 dark points on it all up and down the bottom of the Chevron and then after about 5 seconds he realized that the ‘points’ were actually strange human shaped bird-like figures that appeared to be flying on round platform-like disks on the ends of the top of the Chevron. They didn’t look human but more like ‘Birdmen”. However they lacked wings but some had what appeared to be large ‘bird-shaped heads’. The figure were very large, he estimated that they were at least 10 feet high. The Chevron looked like it was thin and not more than 15-20 feet wide from the bottom and between 100-300 ft long. The witness felt uneasy about the sight and went back inside the house. He did not go out the rest of the night.

HC addendum
Source: MUFON CMS Type: A?

Location. Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Date: October 15 2010 Time: 03:00 a.m.
The young witness had stayed up late playing computer games and had gone to sleep around 1 am. He quickly fell asleep wearing nothing but his boxers. His bedroom was located on the second story on the southwest of his house. It has 3 windows on the front face of the house and has access to both the attic and the only fire escape on the building. The house used to be an old office building in which his bedroom was one of the offices used. His bed was located on the southwest corner next to a window and directly next to the fire escape door. This door has no handle on the outside and only a bar-release on the inside similar to what you would find on the inside of as school entrance door or office building. The actual fire escape on the outside of the door is nothing more than a metal platform and railing leading down the side of his house with metal stairs. He often used this to have a cigarette since smoking inside is forbidden by the landlord.
He awoke on this day around 3 am based on the dark of night outside however when he awoke he was already outside on the fire escape platform. He had not been not dreaming as far as he could tell since everything was the same when he was awake and have had many lucid dreams in the past, he was very groggy and confused as to how he had walked in his sleep. He had not sleep-walked since he was about 8 years of age. He almost immediately noticed something very large above him after this initial confusion, and took quick noticed to his door being closed behind him leaving him no way of re-entering his home. As soon as he noticed this however, he felt the urge to look at this large object hovering above him. As he looked up he noticed it was sort of rounded in shape but had numerous lights on the underside of it. It was directly above him so he had no news of the sides of the object. The lights were a very bright white. Nothing like any fluorescent bulb he had ever seen. These lights were flashing without any pattern it seemed and were located all over the underside of the object in rectangular and very long trapezoidal shapes. The object had to have been at least 250 feet in diameter, possibly larger. The underside of the object also had many things jutting out from it with these lights on it as well he took a firm notice of one in particular.
There was this large piece with the lights on the side of it coming out from the right of the object. Its shape was like an upside down cone with the end cut off. It resembled an air filter for a high performance engine in a car. It had symmetrical lights all around its sides that were identical to the ones on the underside of the object however the bottom of this piece jutting out was a very dark gray-black color. When he had first looked up, the lights were so blinding that he had to shield his eyes with one hand to see they were flashing and their shapes and locations. He observed all this within less than 90 seconds before he became extremely disoriented. He forgot what he was doing, where he was at and who he was. Almost as if these lights were inducing an acute case of amnesia. The last thing he can remember before passing out was the strange sensation of floating. He had never experience this before, but it was as if he were suddenly weightless. His feet were no longer touching the cold metal platform and he was no longer shielding his eyes. As soon as he was blinded by the lights that were flashing he seemed to lose consciousness, unless the lights caused me to forget everything leaving him no memory of anything afterwards.
Throughout these short minutes the object made absolutely no sound. It was as if it was making everything around it completely quiet. This was extremely strange since his home is on a main road, and relatively close to the Pennsylvania Turnpike. He remembered the silence being almost suffocating, he felt very heavy, as if it were making the air thick like soup. In his short and very close observation, he remembered the object being about 20 to 40 feet above him and the space in between his house and the neighbor’s house, and the tree in between the front of their homes was blocking out a portion of this large object. There was no wind as if time had stopped in its tracks at least that’s what it seemed like to the witness.
After he lost consciousness it got extremely bizarre, he remembers waking up without any except for his sight and sense of balance. His eyes were not working correctly though. Everything was very blurry and distorted. He remembers very little, but he does remember everything was green/brown/gray in color around him. He also remembers seeing strange objects above him that appeared to be tools or examination equipment, none of which seemed to be created by humans. It was all very blurry though so it was hard to tell if that was exactly what it was. He then remembers a figure move into view above him. He was unable to move at all, and his vision was very poor so he could discern nothing about this being other than it seemed a little taller than he was and it had appendages like a human being (arms, torso, head, legs, etc). It did not speak to the witness however, who seemed to hear a voice in his head. It was much less a voice than it was a feeling or emotion being conveyed. The very last thing he can remember was feeling very calm, as if this being was trying to help him in some sort of way. The ‘trying to help you’ feeling he received was much less about him in particular, but more of a ‘you’ as in ‘your race.’ He then saw one of the objects above him move slightly, and he lost consciousness again.
When he came to he was sitting on the edge of his bed. His bed was made very neatly as if he had never lay down at all that night. When he looked at his alarm clock, the time was about 4:45 am. He tried to remember how he got there, but nothing came to his mind. He tried to sleep but could not, no matter how hard he tried that night.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com Type: G

Location. Between Monticello & Moab, Utah
Date: November 2010 Time: pre-dawn
Driving on Highway 191 a couple had pulled off to the side of the road after arguing briefly. They were at the County Road 46 intersection and it was still a bit dark but the sky was getting brighter. She stayed in the car while her boyfriend stepped out of the truck to get some fresh air. As he was about to finish he took a quick glance at the road behind them and noticed in the distance, a little less than a mile, a figure on the side of the road “hobbling” as it walked toward the truck. This surprised him in that they hadn’t seen or passed a person since they left Monticello. As he stood there, he realized it grew in size, meaning that it approached at incredible speed.
Backing up, he yelled at his girlfriend, “Get ready to leave fast!” At a dead sprint he ran into his truck and jumped into the passenger side only to find himself screaming at the top of his lungs at his girlfriend, instructing her to, “Go! Go! Go!” Slamming his door, he took one glance back outside his window as the truck peeled off, and saw what he said can only be described as the most mangy looking human/animal he had ever seen. He couldn’t tell if it was in rags or just a heavy---coated black animal running/hobbling very fast, as it did quickly catch up to the side of his truck. According to him, the way the eyes looked struck him with terror. They were very large, almost bulging out as would as praying mantis’s eyeballs, but with pinpoint pupils. Too afraid he looked away to his wife, who was starting to shake uncontrollably. He took the steering wheel realizing she also took a glance at this thing, her foot still flooring the accelerator. Trying to calm her down, he maintained a firm grip on the steering wheel for a good two minutes, finally looking over his shoulders outside the truck and saw, nothing. Half an hour later, they were driving into the city limits of Moab, Utah .

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, April 2011 Type: E

Location. Poland (exact location not given)
Date: November 15 2010 Time: night
The witness was asleep when at some point in the night he woke up and walked to the door of his bedroom. He opened the door and was confronted by a short gray-colored humanoid with large black eyes. He felt shivers going through his body as well as fear. At this point he apparently blacked out and does not remember going back to bed. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com Type: E?

Location. Between El Rocio & Villamanrique de la Condesa, Spain
Date: December 2010 Time: evening
Several farm workers on their way home in their trucks were forced to stop in the middle of the road as they came upon a strange humanoid about 90 centimeters in height blocking their way. The figure was brownish green in color with a large head, large pointy ears and huge protruding eyes and stood in the middle of the road staring at the startled caravan of workers. It stood staring at group moving its head constantly from side to side as if trying to say ‘no’. It finally moved off to the side of the road and disappeared from sight. Once this happened the witnesses were able to continue their trip.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.looculto.260mb.com/ovnisenspana/elgasco-2.htm Type: E
Translation by Albert S. Rosales

Location. Tennessee, exact location not given
Date: December 25 2010 Time: midnight
Around midnight the witness and his girlfriend were on their way home after meeting a friend to get a guitar he bought from him. On their way back, the road was very iced over and with snow. They were traveling at 25mph or less. As they were going around a right handed curve something on the right side of the road caught his eye. Then when his headlights hit the being or figure, it got on its knees and placed its very long and skinny arms on the ground. The arms were 3’ or longer in length and 1” around. As they passed the being, it remained very still, as if it was trying to conceal itself. The being was about 5’5” on its knees so standing it would have been over 6’ tall. Very dark gray, with no fur or hair, the eyes were about 3” and almost round. One thing he thought was strange was when his headlights hit the being its eyes didn’t glow like a deer or other animal. There were two large black bag-like items not far from the being. After they passed the being he looked at his girlfriend and asked what the hell that was. She said very fast she didn’t want to talk about it. Less than half a mile up the road he turned around and rushed back to try and figure out what it was. When he returned to where the being had been it was gone and the big black bag-like items were gone with it. He took less than three minutes to get back to where the being had been. He got out and looked and found no footprints or any other signs that something had been there. The snow on the ground was untouched. At this time he became frightened thinking that the being might had been just past the tree line looking at him. So he got back into the car and drove home.

HC addendum
Source: MUFON CMS Type: E

Suggested Reading / DVDs:

Earth vs. The Flying Saucers

Alien Dawn: A Classic Investigation into the Contact Experience

The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

The Cult of Alien Gods: H.P. Lovecraft And Extraterrestial Pop Culture

Exposing U.S. Government Policies On Extraterrestrial Life: The Challenge Of Exopolitics