; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, novembre 03, 2012

Himalaya UFO Activity: Mysterious Objects Alarm Indian Soldiers

Robot-like airborne figure photographed by scientific team in 2004 at Samudra Tapu

Units of the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) have reported Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS) in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir. An ITBP unit based in Thakung, close to the Pangong Tso Lake, reported over 100 sightings of luminous objects between August 1 and October 15 this year. In reports sent to their Delhi headquarters in September, and to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), they described sighting "Unidentified Luminous Objects" at day and by night. The yellowish spheres appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese side and slowly traverse the sky for three to five hours before disappearing. These were not unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), drones or even low earth-orbiting satellites, say Army officials who have studied the hazy photographs taken by ITBP.

Drone sightings are verified and logged separately. The Army has reported 99 sightings of Chinese drones between January and August this year: 62 sightings were reported in the western sector, the Ladakh region, and 37 in the eastern sector in Arunachal Pradesh. Three of these drones intruded into territory claimed by India along the 365-km-long border with China in Ladakh, manned by ITBP. Such mysterious lights have been sighted before in Ladakh, a barren, 86,000 sq km heavily militarised zone wedged between Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and Chinese-occupied Aksai Chin. The persistent sightings by the ITBP this year, however, worried the Army's Leh-based 14 Corps. The ITBP, did not respond to a detailed India Today questionnaire.

In September, the Army moved a mobile ground-based radar unit and a spectrum analyser-that picks up frequencies emitted from any object-to a mountaintop near the 160-km-long, ribbon-shaped Pangong Lake that lies between India and China. The radar could not detect the object that was being tracked visually, in dicating it was non-metallic. The spectrum analyser could not detect any signals being emitted from them. The Army also flew a reconnaissance drone in the direction of the floating object, but it proved a futile exercise. The drone reached its maximum altitude but lost sight of the floating object.

In late September this year, a team of astronomers from the Indian Astronomical Observatory at Hanle, 150 km south of the lake, studied the airborne phenomena for three days. The team spotted the flying objects, Army officials say, but could not conclusively establish what they were. They did, however, say that the objects were "non celestial" and ruled out meteors and planets.

Scientists however say, the harsh geography and sparse demography of the great Himalayan range that separates Kashmir Valley from Ladakh, lends itself to unusual sightings. "The region is snowbound in winter, has few roads and is one of the most isolated places in India," says Sunil Dhar, a geologist at the government Post Graduate College in Dharamshala, who has studied glaciers in the region for 15 years.

Yet, none of the experts from the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO)-in charge of technical intelligence-and Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO), has been able to identify the objects. This has caused embarrassment rather than fear in the establishment. "Something is clearly wrong, if our combined scientific resources can't explain the phenomena," says a senior Army official in Delhi. Intelligence officials say these objects could be a crude psychological operation by China, or sophisticated probes attempting to ascertain India's defences in Ladakh.

"We can't ignore these sightings. We need to probe what new technology might have been deployed there, says former Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal (retired) P.V. Naik. In 2010, the IAF probed and dismissed Army sightings of such luminous objects as Chinese lanterns. UFO sightings have been endemic to Ladakh over the past decade. In late 2003, 14 Corps sent a detailed report on sightings of luminous objects to Army headquarters. Army troops on posts along Siachen had seen floating lights on the Chinese side. But reporting such phenomena risks inviting ridicule. When told about them at a northern command presentation in Leh, the then army chief, General N.C. Vij, had angrily dismissed the reports as hallucinations.

Scientists say the mysterious objects are not necessarily from outer space. There is no evidence of UFOS being of extra-terrestrial origin, says reputed Pune-based astrophysicist Jayant Narlikar. The implication of them being alien objects is fancy, not fact, he says.

There is still no explanation, however, for what is believed to be the clearest UFO sighting yet, in the Lahaul-Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh less than 100 km south of Ladakh in 2004. A five-member group of geologists and glaciologists led by Dr Anil Kulkarni of the ISRO's Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad were on a research trip through the barren Samudra Tapu Valley. They filmed a fourfoot tall robot-like figure, that walked along the valley, 50 m away from them. The humanoid object then rapidly became airborne and disappeared. The encounter lasted 40 minutes.

It was seen by 14 persons including the six scientists. Kulkarni then interviewed each expedition member separately to verify what the team had seen. Copies of his detailed report were circulated to the PMO, ISRO, the Army and several intelligence agencies. Kulkarni established his team hadn't seen natural phenomenon. The matter, however, was buried soon after.

Sunil Dhar, who was part of the 2004 expedition, terms the sighting of the unidentified object an unforgettable experience. Locals, he says, have reported sighting mysterious objects for many years. These are unsolved mysteries that need more intensive study, he says. Left unexplained, the Ladakh sightings risk slipping into the crack between fact and science fiction. - India Today


The following information was published in 2009:

Villagers Say Aliens Building Base in Himalayan Mountains

Mountain villagers in the Tarai region of India's Himachal Pradesh state claim that UFOs have been seen "by day and by night" near the high-altitude glaciers of the Himalayas and that "aliens are building a very large underground base up there."

Since Sunday, October 10, 2004, UFOs, ranging in size from "very large cylindrical objects of a dull silver colour" to "small speedy discs," have been seen over the glaciers north of Chini, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from India's border with China. UFOs seen at night were said to "glow red and gold."

"More Indian military personnel and local natives are coming forward in the Himalayas' Tarai area and are reporting many exceedingly abnormal activities and UFO sightings all around the clock."

"Some (Indian) helicopter pilots are complaining about sophisticated jamming."

"A young boy in Nepal drew a picture of what appears to be an extraterrestrial flying object. He saw it while playing with many friends on the ground. The boys reported that these vehicles have no sound, can take off vertically, and can float in defiance of gravity. These vehicles can disappear all of a sudden," reported Sumit Chatterjee.

"Some of the IAF (Indian Air Force--J.T.) pilots are continually reporting seeing strange flying objects in the Himalayas near the Chinese border."

"A Tibetan (Buddhist) monk who recently visited India said these activities have been going on since 1998."

"According to a scientist of the Indian Geological Survey, UFOs and strange beings are visiting a 100-square- kilometer portion of the Tarai. Visits have occurred frequently during the past 18 months. The northeastern region of Himachal Pradesh has experienced many varied sightings."

Chatterjee added, "Among the local people is a rumour that 'they' will land here in the next seven years. Some Indian ufologists say that beings from Sirius will land on Earth and publicly reveal themselves in 2012."

"Is this the final prophecy of the landing that the Mayans predicted centuries ago?"

"The military personnel are talking privately but maintain that for national security reasons nothing more can be said. But at least one of the officers has come out and said bluntly that these are UFOs."

"There are many indications that a large underground base is now being built within the hard andesite (bedrock) of the high Himalayas. The construction is going on in the high terrain close to the No Man's Land between India and China."

"Another interesting thing--increased Indian and Chinese army activity has been seen in the region."

But the strangest report comes from the Chinese side of the border. A Chinese armored brigade, outfitted with T-80 main battle tanks, was ordered to proceed to the border from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) base in Niuke. But when the tanks got to Zhada, they got a real surprise.

"Recently an artificial lake was created in China" west of Zhada, "very close to the Indian border. "The lake" filled the Langchui River (called the Sutlej River on the Indian side--J.T.) valley and "threatened to flood the Indian side. India and China both refused to investigate the incident. Then, all of a sudden, the local Chinese people reported that the lake was no longer there. Whatever remained of the lake was no longer a threat to the Indian villagers. What really happened?" Chatterjee asked, "What caused an artificial lake of this size? And who took care of removing the problem?"

"It appears that the aliens melted a glacier and created the temporary lake to prevent those Chinese tanks from reaching the border," said Krishnari Bai Dharapurnanda, a UFO Roundup correspondent in India. "There are many rumours at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). They say these UFOs are definitely planning and building a fortress in the Himalayas for a purpose known only to the aliens themselves."

In China, UFO Roundup correspondent Chen Jilin reported, "No news is coming out of the Langchui Valley. It is a military region with very tight security. But the rumour is, the Extraterrestrials are active in the region with the collusion of the (Chinese Communist) Party and New Delhi, to ward off an attack from the Anglo-Americans and the Israelis."


New Focus On Underground Himalayan Border Base Since Chinese UFO Flap

pakalertpress - China and India both know about underground UFO base in the Himalayan border area deep into the tectonic plates.

Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map above). It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red zone is the disputed area still under Chinese control in the Aksai Chin area. The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This is the area where Indian and Chinese armies fought major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol this part of the border. According to many tourists, Buddhist monks and the local people of Ladakh, the Indian Army and the Chinese Military maintain the line of control. But there is something much more serious happening in this area.

According to the few local people on the Indian and Chinese sides, this is where the UFOs are seen coming out of the ground, According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government know this very well..

Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. The local guides while in the Chinese territory told them that this was nothing new and is a normal phenomenon from Kongka Pass area – the tensed border region between India and China. This strange lighted triangular silent crafts show up from underground and moves almost vertically up. Some of the adventurous pilgrims wanted to look into the site. They were first turned back by the Chinese guard posts as they were refused entry from the Chinese side. When they tried to approach the site from Indian side, the Indian border patrol also turned them down in spite of their permit to travel between the two countries.

The pilgrims at that stage started quizzing the Indian border security personnel. The security personnel told them that they are ordered not to allow any one near the area of interest and it is true that strange objects come out from under the ground with amplified and modulated lights. India’s Special Operations Forces and the intelligence agencies are in charge of that area.

The locals start laughing in that area when they are asked about these UFO sightings. They get surprised why the Governments are so eager to hide these obvious facts. According to them the extra-terrestrial presence is well known and is in deep into the ground. They believe neither the Indian or Chinese Governments do not want to expose the fact for some reason. When they bring up this matter to local Governments, they are told to keep quiet and forget the same. This is the region where the Euresian plate and the Indian plate have created convergent plate boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are formed where one plate dives under another. Consequently, this is one of the very few areas in the world where the depth of the earth’s crust twice as thick as in other places. The opposite is found in hot spots like Yellow Stone National Park in America where the earth’s crust in thin.

The double thick earth-crust allows the creation of underground bases very deep into the tectonic plates.

Kongka La has beautiful rocks and granites. For some strange reasons neither the Chinese nor the Indian authorities ever excavate, dig or mine in this area. The area is pristine and untouched.

Recently, both India and China have moved forward to solve all border disputes and start the Sino-Indian relations all over again. The Aksai Chin area is still disputed. But interesting while negotiations both the Governments are indifferent on this area. India and China as shown in the accompanying maps have huge border areas along the Himalayas and they are negotiating on all these regions. Though India claims that Aksai Chin is part of India, the common belief in the Government is that it is not a show stopper. On the other hand, Chinese after winning Aksai Chin from India in 1962 war, built a strategic military highway. Now they are using an alternate highway not to bother with the area in Kongka La.

Recently in the local school, young children of the area entered into a drawing contest. More than half of the drawings had to do with strange objects in the sky and some coming out of the mountains. Many of them even know what and when to look for.

Many UFO researchers believe that there are hidden UFO bases under the ocean and deep under the ground. Kongka La is experiencing some strange phenomenon and suspicious objects coming out of the inaccessible huge mountains (Himalayas) and both the Governments refuse to come out and say what these are.

The other alternative is that it is an underground strategic Air Force base of some one. Then why will either country allow the base on the official no man’s land in the highly sensitive disputed border area? Why is this region continuously reporting UFO sightings from various kinds of people?

Click for video

From 8/14/2009

Evidence of Underground UFO Bases On China-India Border

indiadaily.com - Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map). It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red zone is the disputed area still under Chinese control in the Aksai Chin area. The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This is the area where Indian and Chinese armies fought major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol this part of the border. According to many tourists, Buddhist monks and the local people of Ladakh, the Indian Army and the Chinese Military maintain the line of control. But there is something much more serious happening in this area.

According to the few local people on the Indian and Chinese sides, this is where the UFOs are seen coming out of the ground, According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government know this very well.

Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. The local guides while in the Chinese territory told them that this was nothing new and is a normal phenomenon from Kongka Pass area - the tensed border region between India and China. This strange lighted triangular silent crafts show up from underground and moves almost vertically up. Some of the adventurous pilgrims wanted to look into the site. They were first turned back by the Chinese guard posts as they were refused entry from the Chinese side. When they tried to approach the site from Indian side, the Indian border patrol also turned them down in spite of their permit to travel between the two countries.

The pilgrims at that stage started quizzing the Indian border security personnel. The security personnel told them that they are ordered not to allow any one near the area of interest and it is true that strange objects come out from under the ground with amplified and modulated lights. India’s Special Operations Forces and the intelligence agencies are in charge of that area.

The locals start laughing in that area when they are asked about these UFO sightings. They get surprised why the Governments are so eager to hide these obvious facts. According to them the extra-terrestrial presence is well known and is in deep into the ground. They believe neither the Indian or Chinese Governments do not want to expose the fact for some reason. When they bring up this matter to local Governments, they are told to keep quiet and forget the same. This is the region where the Eurasian plate and the Indian plate have created convergent plate boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are formed where one plate dives under another. Consequently, this is one of the very few areas in the world where the depth of the earth's crust twice as thick as in other places. The opposite is found in hot spots like Yellow Stone National Park in America where the earth’s crust in thin.

The double thick earth-crust allows the creation of underground bases very deep into the tectonic plates.

Kongka La has beautiful rocks and granites. For some strange reasons neither the Chinese nor the Indian authorities ever excavate, dig or mine in this area. The area is pristine and untouched.

Recently, both India and China have moved forward to solve all border disputes and start the Sino-Indian relations all over again. The Aksai Chin area is still disputed. But interesting while negotiations both the Governments are indifferent on this area. India and China as shown in the accompanying maps have huge border areas along the Himalayas and they are negotiating on all these regions. Though India claims that Aksai Chin is part of India, the common belief in the Government is that it is not a show stopper. On the other hand, Chinese after winning Aksai Chin from India in 1962 war, built a strategic military highway. Now they are using an alternate highway not to bother with the area in Kongka La.

Recently in the local school, young children of the area entered into a drawing contest. More than half of the drawings had to do with strange objects in the sky and some coming out of the mountains. Many of them even know what and when to look for.

Many UFO researchers believe that there are hidden UFO bases under the ocean and deep under the ground. Kongka La is experiencing some strange phenomenon and suspicious objects coming out of the inaccessible huge mountains (Himalayas) and both the Governments refuse to come out and say what these are.

The other alternative is that it is an underground strategic Air Force base of some one. Then why will either country allow the base on the official no man’s land in the highly sensitive disputed border area? Why is this region continuously reporting UFO sightings from various kinds of people?

Alien Identities : Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena

If In Doubt, Blame The Aliens!: A new scientific analysis of UFO sightings, alleged alien abductions, animal mutilations and crop circles

Extraterrestrial Archaeology, New Revised Edition


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