; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 15, 2012

Just the Facts?: Israel Shoots Down UFO? -- The Man Who Fell To Earth -- Exoplanet Made of Diamonds

Israel shoots down UFO?

Israel scrambled fighter jets to intercept a drone last Saturday that crossed deep into Israeli airspace from the Mediterranean Sea, shooting the aircraft down over the country's southern desert, the military said. Have you noticed that the group responsible for the drone still seems to be unclear?

Some media reports sought to blame the Lebanese Islamic militant group Hezbollah. However, what navy does Hezbollah have to be able to launch such a drone from the Mediterranean sea? UFO Sightings Daily now reports that the drone that was reported to have been shot down by Israel was a UFO of possible alien origin.

UFO Sightings Daily is coordinated by Scott C. Waring, who is a UFO researcher and author who has become an honorary astronomer through his independent investigative research on anomalies in space and on planets like Mars. Mr. Waring had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan.

Mr. Waring elaborates on his testimony.

“Now news is stating that this is a UAV or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and they decided this by the way it moves as such high speeds from one position to anther with sudden reverse moves that no jet could perform. This still has not been identified an all surrounding countries have denied responsibility. All evidence points to this being a UFO from space [or a different dimension].”

On 19 August 2012 an Israeli witness with his wife reported on MUFON seeing 13 - 16 orbs. Diverse other UFO sightings have been reported by Israelis. Go to Israel shoots down UFO for video

The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Hello. Goshen? Israel's Under Fire: UFOs, EMP, Aliens, DNA & Inter-Hyperdimensionality

DARKER SIDE OF THE MOON "They" Are Watching Us!


Black Magic Underwear

Police in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe, say they are holding a man after he was allegedly caught using mubobobo on a woman at a busy bus terminus on Tuesday. Clifford Mavete (27), is accused of using black magic through which it is claimed a man can have sex with a woman without physical contact.

Superintendent Robert Mugazambi, the deputy officer commanding Zvishavane and Mberengwa districts, said Mavete was likely to be charged with public indecency. Mavete was seen "sweating and exhibiting an expression synonymous with that of a person engaging in sex while his eyes were glued at the woman who was standing in front of him."

Some rank marshals at the Mandava Long Distance Bus Terminus became suspicious "after noticing the man's movements" and confronted him. A witness said: "That's when the victim, a middle-aged woman, came out of her trance-like state and told the people who had gathered that she was having some unusual funny feelings in her private parts."

A second shock awaited the woman - she discovered her underwear had vanished. It was pulled out of a plastic bag carried by Mavete, it is claimed. Witnesses described some marshals slapping Mavete before he was handed over to police. Superintendent Mugazambi said: "The suspect is in police custody after he was brought by members of the public who allegedly caught him using mubobobo at Mandava terminus." - Bulawayo24


The Man Who Fell To Earth

A skydiver has made history by smashing the world record for the highest skydive after leaping from 128,097ft.

Daredevil Felix Baumgartner ascended to the edge of space in a pressurised capsule suspended beneath a giant helium balloon. He then jumped out, freefalling for four minutes and 19 seconds before opening his parachute.

The 43-year-old Austrian also broke the record for the highest manned balloon flight after riding with the capsule 24 miles above New Mexico.

He also achieved the fastest freefall after reaching a top speed of 834mph (1,342km/h) and broke the sound barrier, according to mission spokeswoman Sarah Anderson.

The speed - revealed at a news conference a few hours after the leap - was significantly higher than that given earlier by a spokeswoman, who had put his maximum speed as 706mph (1,136km/h).

Col Kittinger watches Baumgartner on a video relay at mission control
A minor problem had developed as Baumgartner's capsule ascended when a heater failed on his helmet faceplate, which meant his visor became fogged when he exhaled. However, it was not enough to stop him jumping.

In a nail-biting event watched live around the world, Baumgartner stepped to the edge of the capsule and saluted the camera, before saying: "Sometimes you have to go up really high to realise how small you are."

The biggest risk Baumgartner faced was spinning out of control, which could have exerted enough G-forces to make him lose consciousness.

At one point he appeared to have become unstable, but he managed to get himself into a flat, controlled position for the rest of the skydive.

Temperatures of -68C (-90 Fahrenheit) could also have had unpredictable consequences if his suit had failed.

He had been due to jump from 120,000ft, but the balloon went higher than expected, to just under 128,000ft.

The previous record for the highest jump was held by Colonel Joe Kittinger, who jumped at an altitude of 102,800ft (31,333m) in 1960.

Bamgartner's leap was watched by Baumgartner's tearful mother Eva and by Col Kittinger, who co-ordinated the jump from mission control.

Col Kittinger told the man who went on to break his record for the highest jump: "Our guardian angel will take care of you."

However, the Austrian was unable to break Col Kittinger's record for the longest time spent in freefall. Baumgartner's total of four minutes and 19 seconds fell 17 seconds short.

The reason for the shorter-than-expected freefall was not immediately clear, although live commentary during the leap suggested he opened his parachute at an altitude above the 5,000ft level that had been announced in advance.

The Red Bull Stratos mission was the second attempt for the skydiver. An initial bid last week was aborted at the last minute due to the wind. - Sky

Felix Baumgartner Story


Found: Exoplanet Made of Diamonds

A team of astrophysicists has estimated that an exoplanet twice the size of Earth is largely made up of diamond.

The planet, 55 Cancri e, is located around 40 light years from Earth and has a mass eight times that of our planet. With that knowledge in mind, now picture a third of that mass being made up of graphite and diamond. Or just look at the artist’s impression above, created by the team at Yale University and Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie in Toulouse, which represents the ratio of diamond to, well, everything else. Earth, by comparison, has “less than a part in thousand by mass.”

“On this planet there would basically be a thin layer below the surface which will have both graphite and diamond,” lead author on the paper Nikku Madhusudhan told Universe Today. “But, below that there will be a thick layer (a third of the radius) with mostly diamond. For a large part the diamond will be like the diamond on Earth, except really, really pure. But at greater depths the diamond could also be in liquid form.” So once we’ve nailed warp drive and can hop over to the planet, expect the cost of diamonds to plummet significantly.

“This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth,” said Madhusudhan in a press release. “The surface of this planet is likely covered in graphite and diamond rather than water and granite.”

The planet, part of the constellation of Cancer that’s clearly visible from Earth sans binoculars, is the first exoplanet to display these unique properties — in 2011 a “diamond planet” was spotted in the constellation of Serpens, but that planet did not orbit a star similar to our Sun and was not studied in such detail. The two do share certain characteristics, however. For instance, a year on the fast-orbiting 55 Cancri e lasts just 18 hours, while the Milky Way planet’s orbit lasts around two hours.

The team presumably used radio telescope data to determine the mass, diameter and orbit of the 1,648 C-hot 55 Cancri e (the method and results are yet to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters), which in turn was used to estimate the make-up of the planet. We do know that the team used computer models to estimate possible planetary compositions from the data, with updated information on its mass being key. The most likely explanation for this planet’s formation, the models concluded, is a water-light recipe of carbon — in the form of graphite and diamond — and silicon carbide, which is a combination of silicon and carbon. There will also be smaller amounts of iron.

The find, though providing us with a wonderful mental image, means that in our hunt for Earth-like exoplanets orbiting Sun-like stars, we can expect to find plenty more disappointingly uninhabitable sites, such as the water planet GJ 1214b (another great and satisfying mental image, however). - Wired


Patrick Meechan on 'Beyond The Edge Radio'



