; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, octobre 22, 2012

Just the Facts?: 'Blood Rain' For UK Halloween -- Couple Annoyed by Aliens -- Yorkshire Woman 'Raised by Monkeys'

'Blood Rain' forecast for Halloween in UK

The weirdest weather on record continues this week – a 20C Indian summer is set to be followed by snow with 'blood rain' thrown in for good measure, the Met office says.

Temperatures are set to soar this week to an unseasonably warm 20C – but the Indian summer is not set to last as snow as predicted for the end of the week.

A wave of hot air from North Africa is set to sweep through the United Kingdom from tomorrow bringing sunny spells and temperatures in the high teens across the UK.

It could also bring 'blood rain' – rain carrying red dust from the Sahara which is capable of staining cars.

And freezing arctic winds are set to send temperatures plummeting at the end of the week, with snow forecast in the north of England and Scotland by next weekend.

The Met Weather Office said London and the south east will enjoy the hottest weather with temperatures soaring to a very warm 20 degrees centigrade on Monday and Tuesday, provided cloud lifts.

The rest of England and Wales will also enjoy the warm spell with temperatures hovering in the mid teens, although forecaster say it will stay cloudy.

The Met Office also said that red dust kicked up in storms in the Sahara desert and blown over could affect parts of the south east of England during the week.

The dust, which has been blown to the UK as part of the band of warm air, is expected to leave red stains on cars.

She said: "Where there has been rain in the southeast there has been red dust brought down with it. When the rain dries off it leaves a red residue.

"This could last until the early part of the week."

The Indian summer is set to be short lived, however, as arctic winds blow across Scotland on Friday and England on Saturday.

Temperatures are predicted to sink to around 8C degrees in the Midlands and 6C in Scotland.

Met Office forecaster Emma Sharples said: "People should enjoy the warm weather while it lasts – because it won't last long.

"During the week it is going to be warmer than you expect for this time of year. The warm air has been drawn from a long way south down in north Africa and is spreading north.

"But there is going to be a sharp contrast in weather as a cold snap sweeps across the country from Friday which is likely to bring snow to Scotland and the north of England.

"This will probably turn to sleet and rain in the south and we will have very brisk winds which will make it feel very cold."

This year has already brought some of the country's most bizarre weather ever, which has brought the country's worst drought since 1976 followed by the wettest summer for a century. - Telegraph

Weird Weather: Everything You Didn't Want to Know About Climate Change But Probably Should Find Out

Global Weirdness: Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless Drought, Rising Seas and the Weather of the Future

Dust Devils and Raining Fish: Unusual Weather Anomalies and Phenomenon


Couple annoyed by aliens, call police 4 times

A couple reportedly called police four times within a seven-hour period last week insisting that alien-like creatures had invaded their Elliot Drive home, noting the situation was creating havoc in their lives.

“On Oct. 14 at 4:36 a.m., I responded to Elliot Drive in reference to an ongoing unknown problem,” Officer James Wilkinson reported in a Murfreesboro Police Department incident report. “Upon my arrival, I made contact with the complainants.”

The woman said that since Saturday night she had seen “a number of people in her yard and house,” Wilkinson reported.

“(The woman) stated there were green men hiding their face from her before police arrived,” he reported. “She also stated that the people had been in her house hiding and moving things around.”

According to the report, the woman and her husband did not know exactly how the aliens were able to gain entry to their home.

While speaking with the couple, Wilkinson reported he became concerned that they appeared “mentally unaware of their surroundings,” noting that they had already called three times before he responded in reference to the same situation.

Even though police had not found any evidence of such creatures during the previous three visits, Wilkinson still conducted a search of the home to make sure the pair was not in any danger.

“There were no signs of forced entry or vandalism … during any of the above listed calls,” he reported. - Murfreesboro Post

Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us

Hair of the Alien: DNA and Other Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions

Alien Encounters: From Fear to Truth - 13 Documentary Set


Yorkshire woman 'raised by monkeys'

Marina Chapman learnt to catch birds and rabbits with her bare hands after being abandoned in the jungle by kidnappers, it was reported.

The Tarzan-like episode was brought to an end when she was discovered by hunters but by her ordeal continued when she was sold to a brothel in the city of Cucuta, and groomed for prostitution.

She escaped and spent years on the streets, sometimes being arrested and kept in a cell, but was eventually taken in by a Colombian family to work as a maid in her mid-teens, and took the name of Marina Luz, according to the account given to a newspaper.

Later during her mid-twenties she travelled with a neighbouring family who went to stay in Bradford on business for six months - and stayed after she met John Chapman, then a 29-year-old bacteriologist, at a church meeting. They married in 1977.

She and her family have now decided to tell her story to help highlight the horrors of human trafficking in South America.

Chapman believes she was born in about 1950 and that she was kidnapped when she was five before being abandoned in the jungle.

"It's asumed that the kidnap went wrong," said Vanessa James, one of Chapman's two daughters. The film and TV composer has helped her mother with her book, The Girl With No Name: The Incredible True Story of a Child Raised by Monkeys

She told the Sunday Times: "All she can remember is being chloroformed with a hand over her mouth. And all she can recall of her life before that is having a black doll as a toddler.

"She obviously learnt to fend for herself and only once got very ill when she ate some poisonous berries.

"I got bedtime stories about the jungle, as did my sister. We didn't think it odd - it was just Mum telling her life. So in a way it was nothing special having a mother like that."

Experts say monkeys have been known to accept young humans into their fold and there has been a previous case in which a four-year-old Ugandan boy was left in the jungle for more than a year to live with vervet monkeys before being rescued and adapting well to life with people.

Mrs Chapman, who trained as a cook, worked at the National Media Museum in Bradford, before switching careers to help troubled young children.

The book about her life has already been sold in seven countries and is being published in Britain next April, while a television documentary is also being planned. - Telegraph

The Girl With No Name: The Incredible True Story of a Child Raised by Monkeys


Wow! What a Show!

Just a quick note of thanks to everyone who tuned in last night to our show BTE Radio. Thanks to those who called in and were able to get through. Thanks to those who tried to call in and were unsuccessful. Skype and our switchboard were so overwhelmed with the high number of calls, that most could not be answered or went right to voice mail so we weren't expecting as many calls as we received. In fact, by 9:30, we had so many calls, our switchboard froze up and we lost our network feed. We were blown away by the overwhelming support!

Thank you to those who called in and for all the support these past 5 years. We are truly grateful! Warmest regards on behalf of the entire BTE Staff...Eric Altman

'Beyond The Edge Radio' 5th Anniversary Show

Click the link above for the podcast...or go to Stitcher Radio - Beyond The Edge Radio.

Some of the guests who called and talked with us were: Cliff Barackman, Bobo Faye, Tyler Bounds, JC Johnson, Linda Godfrey, Rev. Tim Shaw, Steve Kulls, Stan Gordon, Chris Maloney, Jason Offutt, Billy Willard, Tom Fusco, Dave Schrader and many more! Listen in to the fun!



I would like to offer Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters for free during a 3-day period starting Sunday (October 21st) through Tuesday (October 23rd). In return I would appreciate your honest opinion of the book on the Amazon page. If you have purchased previously, I truly thank you...feel free to lend your purchase to others. I want to continue to offer future publications for free...remember, the readers ARE 'Phantoms & Monsters!' Thanks...Lon
