; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, septembre 10, 2012

Just the Facts?: UFOs Over Downtown Baltimore -- FEMA's Latest 'Zombie Attack' Drill -- UFO Conference in Pittsburgh

Downtown Baltimore, MD Mass UFO Sighting

Baltimore, MD - 9/9/2012: At 7:30pm, I was standing on the roof of a parking garage in West Baltimore, with the intent on photographing a beautiful sunset. Turning back toward the northeast, I noticed what appeared to be 10 nebulous black objects floating very slowly, north of downtown. I closely watched the objects, which made their way across downtown at an altitude of ~500-1000ft. They were at various altitudes, probably no further than 40ft apart in elevation, whilst ascending. As they made their way to South Baltimore, an 11th object came, very slowly, from the direction the 10 objects originated (North Baltimore / Druid Hill / JHU area, based on what I could tell). This 11th object moved slowly but appeared to have a slightly different shape than the others; it was less nebulous and looked more like a small but silent helicopter. By the time the 10 other objects had passed South Baltimore, all but one object was visible, and the 11th helicopter-like object gave slow chase. This all occurred in the period of about 5 minutes. I took one picture of the 10 or so objects as they appeared in North Baltimore (digital zoom, hence the crappy resolution). At first glance, they look like balloons, but as I tracked them across the sky, they definitely seemed to follow a non-intersecting flight path. I also made a report to the Baltimore Sun, so hopefully others saw this as well. - MUFON CMS

A Close Encounter of the Third Kind: Baltimore Maryland: UFO Forensic Files Volume 2

Maryland UFO's & Extraterrestrials!: A Look at the Sightings & Science in Our State! (Carole Marsh Maryland Books)


FEMA Runs Another 'Zombie Attack' Preparedness Drill

No one in emergency preparedness circles really believes the dead will rise and come looking for living people to devour -- that weird face-eating incident in Florida aside.

But they do see zombies -- the moaning, flesh-eating stars of a plethora of horror novels, comics and movies -- as a brain-grabbing way to get people to think about preparing for large-scale disasters.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency became the latest federal government agency to shamble onto the zombie bandwagon, following in the footsteps of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the agency that captured the hearts of internet geeks everywhere when it unveiled its "Zombie Apocalypse" preparedness page and social media campaign last year.

"We need something that gets their attention, so I applaud that," said Richland Fire Chief Grant Baynes, who is involved in local disaster planning.

Baynes likened getting the public engaged in emergency planning to "trying to sell an umbrella on a sunny day."

In a place that's relatively disaster-free -- the Tri-Cities doesn't get catastrophic hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or floods as other parts of the United States -- residents can become complacent and forget that a flu pandemic or some other disaster might be around the corner.

Baynes said it's good that people feel safe, but he'd also like them to be mindful that life is unpredictable.

"Preparedness isn't just a technical thing," he said. "It's mental. It's an attitude. It's that same attitude that says, 'I know there is that potential, so I'll buy this umbrella now while I have the opportunity.' "

Robin Allbrandt, regional emergency preparedness and response coordinator at the Benton Franklin Health District, said public agencies can and do make meticulous plans for what to do in case of a variety of types of disasters or crises, but those plans work best when individuals also prepare for the worst.

"That's critical," she said. "We try to remind people they need to be responsible for their own preparedness. We can't do our jobs effectively if our community doesn't do their job to make sure their families are safe."

The Associated Press reported that among FEMA's recommendations during a "zombie preparedness" webinar Thursday were to have an emergency evacuation plan and a change of clothes, plus storing fresh water, extra medications and emergency flashlights.

Brian Calvert, emergency planner for Benton County Emergency Management, told the Herald that a key part of preparedness for individuals or families is to put together a disaster kit with food, water, blankets and other supplies to get through the first 72 hours of a disaster until public agencies can mobilize and help comes.

He said another important piece is having a plan for reuniting a family if something happens while parents are at work and children are at school, and a communication plan that includes an out-of-state contact who can help relay messages.

"Sometimes it's easier to coordinate with someone out-of-state than trying to make calls within a disaster area," Calvert said.

Allbrandt said supplies in a disaster kit should be replaced once a year to make sure food isn't expired or flashlight and radio batteries haven't died.

In addition to food, water and blankets, the kit should include spare cash, copies of important documents and an extra supply of medications that a family member may need if suddenly cut off from the outside world.

She also recommended thinking about what pets might need -- food, water, medications, leashes or collars -- and that residents should consider that pets might not be able to stay in the same shelter as the family if the family is evacuated from their home.

She added that zombies aren't something officials actually plan for -- but that preparedness tips apply to all kinds of disasters.

"A zombie invasion would be ... I haven't quite figured that one out yet," she said. "But one thing that's exciting about the zombie thing is that it's getting the younger population engaged."

Baynes said he doesn't foresee a zombie apocalypse coming to the Tri-Cities anytime soon.

"I think we're in a safe zone," Baynes deadpanned. "I haven't seen a single zombie since I've been here." - bellinghanherald

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown

Things You Never Knew About FEMA


Ben Hansen of 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files' on Beyond The Edge Radio

Podomatic - Ben Hansen - SyFy 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files' and on Stitcher Radio - Beyond The Edge Radio

It's was a fantastic night on BTE!


Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society - Review of Weekend Fayette County Expedition

This past weekends Fayette County public weekend expedition can be deemed a success.

We had at most 20 to 25 individuals attend this weekend.

Despite the no shows and rain on Saturday, we had a good weekend. We've located a few new area's in Fayette County where we can begin to monitor for activty as several PBS members had experiences and activity occur and the group discovered a possible foot print on Saturday.

All in all a good productive weekend expedition in Fayette County. Thanks to Shawn and Sigrid Dennis and the family for their help, Ron Gallucci, Dave and Cindy Dragosin, and all the PBS members for pulling together and working hard to make this a successful weekend. Photos are up on my Facebook page www.facebook.com/eric.altman1970. The group website is at Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society


Join Us! Fall UFO Conference in Pittsburgh

The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the 5th annual 2012 Pittsburgh UFO CONFERENCE to be held Saturday and Sunday, October 13 and 14. The location will be at the Westmoreland County Community College in the Science Building, 145 Pavilion Lane, Youngwood, PA, 15697. (724) 925-4000.

Join us for two full days packed with informative speakers, interesting discussion and vendors on today's hot topics in Ufology. Events start on Saturday October 13 from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and continuing on Sunday October 14 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Pittsburgh UFO Conference will feature an illustrious group of speakers including:

Both Travis Walton (Fire in the Sky) and Stan Romanek are UFO Abduction survivors and each will tell their story. Renowned UFO researchers and authors include Stan Gordon on Mysterious Encounters and Richard Lang on Non Physical UFOs; PA MUFON State Director John Ventre will speak on UFOs in Art and History; Dr. Joseph Marra will speak on The Truth Campaign; Lisa Romanek will speak on her view of the abduction and International speaker Antonio Huneeus will speak on the Global UFO perspective. These speakers promise to make this an enjoyable and informative weekend.

On Saturday evening there will also be a special meet and greet dinner buffet with all of the speakers and keynote speaker Bill Birnes of the "UFO Hunters" and "Ancient Aliens" series.

Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Special rate packages are available on the conference website. For additional information go to the MUFONPA website or phone John Ventre at (724)-836-1266.


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