; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juin 20, 2012

Just the Facts?: Hypnotism Show Goes Wrong -- Alien Footprints In Kentucky? -- Leprechauns Attack!

Hypnotism Show Gone Wrong Leaves Girls Stuck in Trance for Hours

Snap out of it! No, really — snap out of it!

A fledgling hypnotist's demonstration at a Québécois school wound up embarrassing when he proved unable to bring several girls out of a trance — and had to call in reinforcements.

When Maxime Nadeau staged a hypnotism show for a group of 12- and 13-year-olds at girls' school Collège du Sacré-Coeur in Sherbrooke, Que., his subjects should have come out of the trance by the end of the demonstration, the CBC reported.

But some of them didn't.

Nadeau had to call his mentor Richard Whitbread, who rushed over from his home an hour away snap the girls out of it.

Whitbread blamed his protégé's good looks for the eerie snafu. He said the smitten young girls might have been particularly eager to follow his directions.

All told, one of them reportedly remained hypnotized for five hours, according to the CBC.

Nadeau downplayed the significance of the hypnotic limbo in an interview with the Canadian news agency.

"Being in a trance is a state of well-being," he said. "I wasn't stressed. I knew they would get out of it."

"There were a couple of students who had their heads lying on the table and there were [others] who, you could tell, were in trance," he said. "The eyes were open, and there was nobody home."

The show reportedly affected even the girls in the audience.

"I don't know how to explain it. It's like you're no longer there," one student said. "You're spaced out." - nbcfw


Well, it's happened again...Woman Super Glued To Toilet Seat In Kentucky

It's an unusual situation to say the least - a woman in a less than ideal predicament, literally stuck in a bathroom at a Walmart in Monticello.

In a small town like Monticello rumors spread pretty quickly. So when this incident happened last week at Walmart everybody was talking about it in no time. A woman apparently got herself stuck to a toilet for at least an hour. Officials say she went in to use the bathroom, and the seat was covered in super glue.

EMS had to pull the woman off the seat, and she was taken to the hospital to be checked out. Now officials say this may have been done on purpose.

Police say they are investigating this matter but they don't want to accuse anyone at this point. Walmart has no comment. - lex18


Mexico: Alleged UFO Photographed Before Sandstorm

Residents of Ciudad Juarez claim having photographed an unidentified flying object only minutes before last Friday’s sandstorm, whose winds approached 90 kilometers an hour and created widespread chaos throughout the region.

Through the Facebook social network, a photograph was shared this Monday by subscriber Juan Carlos León, showing a sort of ring suspended in the sky with at least a dozen lights.

The user informed Norte Digital that the photo was taken by a young woman named Raquel Vargas, who provided him with the image. Continue reading at Mexico: Alleged UFO Photographed Before Sandstorm - Scott Corrales at Inexplicata

The Other Roswell: Ufo Crash On The Texas-Mexico Border

Mexico's Roswell: The Chihuahua Ufo Crash


Purported Extraterrestrial Footprints Discovered in Rural Kentucky

A man in eastern Kentucky is convinced that his family is being terrorized by a race of cave-dwelling creatures that he believes to be extraterrestrial in origin. The gentleman, who we’ll call “David” (who would prefer his identifying information kept private, for now), claims that his property has been the subject of almost nightly attacks by beings that he describes as “the size and stature of a small child, devoid of any facial features save for large, oily eyes and lipless mouths”.

David insists that these visits have been occurring regularly for the better part of nine months, increasing in intensity to the point where his dog was carried away by the creatures, and they began peering into his daughter’s window, frightening his children and prompting his family to flee the residence. Continue reading at Purported Extraterrestrial Footprints Discovered in Rural Kentucky - whofortedblog.com

Haunted Kentucky: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Bluegrass State (Haunted Series)

Alien Legacy

Unnatural Phenomena: A Guide to the Bizarre Wonders of North America


Man claims leprechauns beat him up for dancing

A “bunch of leprechauns” beat up a man in Belltown on Saturday, the bruised and bloodied victim told police.

Police say they received reports about the fight around 1:55 a.m. on Bell Street near the Alaskan Way Viaduct, but when they arrived they saw numerous people running from the scene.

Police then saw a man on the ground, who was covered in blood and holding his head and screaming in pain.

When police asked the man who was involved in the fight he said, “It was a bunch of leprechauns,” that were mad because he was dancing with a girl, according to police.

He told police one of the assailants was wearing a white tank top, but could not provide any more details about the leprechauns.

A witness at the scene told police a group of men beat him up.

The man was taken to Harborview Medical Center with multiple head injuries and cuts and bruises on his face, back, knuckles and elbows.

Police were unable to find the leprechauns or anyone else involved. - downtownseattle


Enraged father beheads daughter with sword in honour killing

An Indian man is unrepentant after beheading his daughter with a ceremonial sword in a rage over her relationships with men, police say.

The man surrendered at a police station, carrying the head in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other.

Residents of his village in northwestern India expressed shock as they performed the last rites for the 20-year-old woman.

Police said the father, marble miner Oghad Singh, accused his daughter of bringing dishonour to the family and making it hard to find husbands for her two unmarried sisters.

Women wailing in grief lined the dusty road of Dungarji in Rajasthan state as a procession carried Manju Kanwar's remains to her funeral pyre.

As in many north and west Indian villages, the women, including her mother and four sisters, were not allowed to attend the funeral.

A coroner reattached Kanwar's head onto her body for the funeral.

About 100 men, many of them relatives wearing ceremonial Rajput warrior clan turbans, surrounded her muslin-wrapped body, and her brother lit the funeral pyre.

Villagers condemned the father's actions as extreme.

They said the father, his shirt soaked in blood, had carried his daughter's head through the village, describing what he'd done to neighbours.

"He told me that he took the sword out, and when the daughter was all alone in the house he beheaded her with a single stroke and the head fell on the ground," said Narayan Singh, a distant relative.

He said he persuaded Singh to surrender, and took him by motorcycle to a police station.
Police have charged Singh, 46, with murder.

"It was a ghastly sight," officer Ranjit Singh said, describing the father sitting in the station's waiting room holding the head in one hand and the sword in the other.

Police described Kanwar's recent life as difficult and unorthodox for the traditional community of about 1000 just outside the Rajasthani tourist town of Udaipur.

She left her husband from an arranged marriage two years ago and moved back home to live with her parents. She recently began seeing several men, which "disgusted" her father, deputy police superintendent Umesh Ojha said.

When she eloped with one man two weeks ago, her father forced her to return on Sunday and killed her. - smh