; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, juin 25, 2012

The Bagshot Heath Encounter

On September 15, 1985 a lenticular disc with portholes around the rim paced cars at ten o'clock in the evening. David and Susan McMurray were driving home across Bagshot Heath, Surrey, to Famborough, Hampshire, with their two children when they encountered a "huge saucer-like craft about 50ft. long with brilliant lights coming from portholes around the center. Then it suddenly took off." When a second craft began to tail the family's car David stopped, got out and went to investigate. But it too, took off. David experienced telepathic communication with the UFO occupants, and had a possible missing time experience and abduction.


A family had a bizarre close encounter on a day out—with two UFOs.

The first flying saucer put butcher David McMurray and wife Susan in a spin when it hovered in front of their car.

Minutes later a second "spacecraft" flew into view—and now the strange sightings are being probed by experts.

David and Susan were driving home across Bagshot Heath, Surrey, to Famborough, Hampshire, with their two children Paul, 5, and Katie, 18 months.

David, 35, said: "I saw something hovering above the road In front of us. I could not believe my eyes.

"It was a huge saucer-like craft about 50ft. long with brilliant lights coming from portholes around the centre. Then it suddenly took off." When a second craft began to tail the family's car David stopped, got out and went to Investigate. But it too, took off.

David said: "The whole family were weak and trembling for days afterwards."

Susan, 25, a hairdresser, said: "When David tried to start his car the battery was drained." She added: "I saw the two things with my own eyes. It was an incredible experience."

One UFO was also spotted five miles away by salesgirl Lyn Brookes. 24. of Wokingham, Berkshire.

She said: "It hovered in one spot for about five minutes.

"I was really frightened. It was as if it was watching me."

Now David has sketched the strange craft and is sending his drawing to the Ministry of Defence who are to investigate.

UFO expert Omar Fowler, 54. has also seen the drawing and said: "I have no doubt this report is genuine."

Heathrow Airport say none of the strange craft could have been planes.

UFO-watchers believe. the area is a target tor flying saucers. - Bill Davey, Sunday Mirror (London, UK), Sept. 29, 1985

Here is a PDF of 'Follow-up on the Bagshot Heath close encounter: Hypnosis session with David McMurray,' Omar Fowler, Flying Saucer Review, vol. 31 no. 6, 1986. There is important detail about 'the Guardians' within the document.

NOTE: This case has received little attention in ufology which, in my opinion, is unfortunate. The witness seemed very credible and was interviewed by the British MoD. The amount of information suppressed from the public is anyone's guess. David's alleged subsequent contact with 'the Guardians' may have implications for the near future...Lon

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