; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mars 08, 2012

Just the Facts?: 400 Million Year Old Machine? -- Dad on Ice -- Woman's Reaction to Bigfoot Sighting

Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia

In the remote Kamchatka peninsula, 200 km from Tigil, University of St. Petersburg archaeologists discovered a strange fossil. The authenticity of the find has been certified. According archaeologist Yuri Golubev, occurs that, in this case the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, at least - unusual, able to change history (or pre-history).

It is not the first time that is an artifact, an ancient object, something like this is found in that region. But, surprisingly conserved, this specific artifact is - at first glance, inlaid in rock (which is understandable since the peninsula is home to numerous volcanoes). Subjected to analysis, the conjunct showed to be made of metal parts that seem to form a mechanism, a gear which may be of a type of watch or computer. The astonishing is that all the pieces were dated in 400 million! of anos.Yury Gobulev commented:

We got a call from the prefec of Tigil. He told us that hikers that were walking in place, found these remains in rock. We went to the place indicated, and initially we not understand what we saw. There were - hundreds of toothed cylinders which appeared to be parts of a machine.

They were in perfect state of conservation, as if they were frozen in a short period of time. It was necessary control the area, because soon the curious began to appear in large numbers. Other scientists, Americans geologists, defined the piece as an amazing and mysterious artifact.

Nobody could believe that 400 million years ago could have existed on Earth even a man [even more a machine]. At that time, the forms of vida were very simple, but the finding, [simply] - clearly suggests the existence of intelligent beings capable of such technology. Certainly, such beings would had come from other planets. It is possible that a spaceship can had was damaged [or there was an accident] and it was abandoned in place.

It was found also that the parts have reached to the fossilization state in a period of time historically and geologically short. Possibly, the "machine" fell into a swamp. Despite the findings, cautious, scientists prefer to consider that the evidences are not definitive - yet. And Gobulev ponders: Refuse the existence of technology [even in past as indented] is a serious mistake because evolution is not linear.

NOTE: posted this for the 'bizarre' factor...Lon


Bat invasion in northern Australian town prompt disease warning

A town in northern Australia has been invaded by more than 250,000 bats, prompting warnings of a potentially fatal disease related to rabies.

The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) warned residents in Katherine to stay away from the fruit bats, which could carry the Australian Bat Lyssavirus.

The disease can be transmitted to people if they are bitten or scratched.

Authorities have closed down the main sports ground in the town 300 km south of Darwin in the Northern Territory.

The colony of fruit bats - little red flying foxes - arrived in the town late last month. In recent days numbers have begun to fall but large numbers continue to roost on the outskirts of town, reports the BBC's Phil Mercer.

The bats could be attracted to the area by native flora, or driven to the area because of habitat destruction or changing climatic conditions, John Burke, a senior wildlife ranger, told the BBC.

''Obviously in the town area there's a lot of exotic plant species that are fruiting and flowering throughout the year,'' he said. ''So it's more like a drive-through, I suppose, a drive-through take-away.''

CDC Director Vicki Krause told Australian media that the virus was carried in bat saliva.

Some victims have died but that is rare, our correspondent adds, and a vaccination is available.

If bitten, people should wash the wound thoroughly and seek medical attention as soon as possible, Dr Krause said. Vaccinations were effective if given immediately, she added.

Experts say the presence of so many flying foxes in the Northern Territory town only takes place two or three times each decade. - BBC


Woman falls in love with Statue of Liberty

The iconic Statue of Liberty is adored by millions around the world.

But while most appreciate what it stands for, or are in awe of its design, few would profess their undying love for it.

That is unless you are smitten Amanda Whittaker who says she has fallen head over heels for the famous New York monument.

The 27-year-old shop assistant from Leeds suffers from an unusual condition called objectum sexuality, whereby she falls in love with inanimate objects instead of people.

And speaking in the Sun on Sunday Amanda says she has installed a shrine to the landmark in her home to show her love for it and confesses to a passionate love affair with a drum kit in her teens.

She said: 'She is my long-distance lover and I am blown away by how stunning she is.

'Other people might be shocked to think I can have romantic feelings for an object, but I am not the same as them.'

She even says she has thought about tying the knot with 'Libby' as she affectionately calls it but opted not to 'because so many others love her too'.

Amanda says she first fell in love with the monument after a friend posted a picture online of herself with the 151ft copper statue.

She has since visited the statue in person four times, where she admits to caressing it and leaning out of a window to kiss its hair.
And so she can have regular contact with her copper companion she has created a shrine to Libby in her home, with hundreds of miniature statues, and a 6ft replica in her bedroom.

In recent years a number of people suffering with objectum sexuality have hit the headlines with their own unusual relationships.

Erika Eiffel, an object-sexual, married Paris's Eiffel Tower in 2007 while Eklöf Berliner-Mauer is believed to be the first person to go public with the condition, when she announced her love for a Swedish red fence. - dailymail


Daughter Kept Dad's Body On Ice To Collect Social Security

A Louisiana woman apparently kept her father's severed body in an ice chest at her apartment for at least two years as she collected his Social Security check, police said.

At some point, she cut off his hands so that identifying him would be difficult, authorities said, but she never dumped his body as she had planned. The woman and her roommate recently went to police to tell their story after deputies came to the apartment when they wouldn't let maintenance workers inside the home.

"We all go through life and think some things are stranger than fiction," St. Tammany Parish Sheriff Jack Strain Jr. said Wednesday. "And this fits that description."

The woman has not been identified but she told police she is the man's daughter. Police think the 83-year-old man, who also has not been identified, died of natural causes. The coroner is working to verify that part of the women's story.

Instead of reporting the death, the woman left his body on a bed at the apartment in Slidell, a suburb about 30 miles east of New Orleans. As it began to decompose, the woman told police she amputated the hands and placed them in a box in her freezer. She moved the rest of the body to a 160-quart ice chest, where much of it began to turn into liquid.

The man was apparently bed-ridden and rarely seen by neighbors, Strain said, making it easy to conceal his death.

Deputies were asked to check on the apartment after workers trying to fix the air conditioning were rebuffed, Strain said.

"We believe that was probably the first step for making the people living in the apartment concerned about the body they had in the ice chest," Strain said.

The apartment conditions were deplorable, with stifling heat and "beyond what human beings should live in," the sheriff said.

The Social Security check was believed to be the woman's only income, Strain said. She told police she intended to eventually dump the body.

"Time just got away from them and a couple of years went by," Strain said.

No charges have been filed. The woman was taken for a mental evaluation and her roommate checked out and released.

Investigators are waiting on a coroner's report before deciding what to do next.

"Then we'll see if this is a horrible crime or is it a devastating tragedy where that woman felt that was the only course available," Strain said. - THP


Video: Women sees Bigfoot...goes ape shit!

...to the point where she screams and almost drops the camera.

Click for video - Bigfoot in Colorado